DAEMON X MACHINA Is the Latest Free PC Game on Epic Games Store – Wccftech


The latest free PC game available on the Epic Games Store is DAEMON X MACHINA, developed by Marvelous Inc. and published by XSEED Games. Anyone can permanently add it to their library until Thursday, February 3rd at 5 PM when it’ll be replaced by Playtonic’s platformer game Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
DAEMON X MACHINA originally launched on Nintendo Switch over two years ago. At the time, it didn’t exactly excite our reviewer Dave Aubrey, who decided to rate it 5.5 out of 10.
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DAEMON X MACHINA can really look visually stunning and sound amazing. But when playing the game, I just can’t shake a feeling of disappointment. DAEMON X MACHINA can be beautiful and ugly, and only the biggest mech fans will be able to look past the less flattering half of the game’s visage. Great music and a great sense of style can’t mask the fact that this game feels either boring or frustrating to play.
The PC version became available a few months later, in early 2020. It features 4K support, high-resolution textures, and its frame rate can go up to 200 FPS.
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