Use PC Apps on Your Mac Thanks to Parallels Pro – Entrepreneur

                        Signing out of account, Standby...                      <br> Why do you have to choose between operating systems? You don't anymore.<br>When it comes to the <a href='' class='auto-tagged ga-click ent-tags' data-ga-category='autotag-linking' data-ga-label='ent-tags' data-ga-action='/topic/technology'>technology</a> you want to use for your personal or business computer, things don't always work out the way you want. You may work on a PC but a program you want is Mac only, or vice versa.<br>Why do we have to choose between <a href='' class='auto-tagged ga-click ent-tags' data-ga-category='autotag-linking' data-ga-label='ent-tags' data-ga-action='/topic/operating-systems'>operating systems</a> when both macOS and Windows have good things to offer? If you're a Mac user, you don't have to choose. You can just get <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Parallels® Desktop Pro Edition</a>.<br>Parallels is among the top Windows emulators on the market, allowing you to run thousands of Windows apps like Microsoft Office, Internet Explorer, and Access on your Mac. It's fully optimized for the latest Windows 10 updates and can even support graphics-intensive games and CAD programs without compromising performance or forcing a computer reboot. Just activate Parallels on your Mac, and immediately delve into more demanding programming.<br>With Parallels, you can seamlessly move and share content between Mac and Windows with up to 38 percent faster Windows resume time for incredibly responsive collaboration. If you prefer a more straightforward computing experience, coherence mode allows you to hide the Windows desktop and use Windows apps just like <a href="" rel="follow noopener" target="_self">Mac apps</a>. If you're a programmer, you can develop and test across multiple OSs in a virtual machine.<br>Parallels is trusted by more than seven million users and hailed as a truly extraordinary product by the experts. Edward Mendelson at <em>PCMag</em>.com writes, ”Parallels Desktop is the easiest, fastest, and most tightly integrated app for running Windows apps or the Windows desktop in Apple OS X.” <br>Stop picking and choosing when to use your Mac and when to use your PC. You can use them both at the same time with Parallels® Desktop Pro Edition. Get a one-year subscription for 20 percent off $99 <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">at just $79</a> today.<br><em>Prices subject to change.</em><br>44 <a class='text-blue-700 hover:underline ga-click' href='/article/293954' data-ga-category='featuredArticles' data-ga-label='playlist.0' data-ga-action='click'>Profitable Ideas</a> to Make Extra Money on the Side<br>What the Theranos Story Teaches Us About the <a class='text-blue-700 hover:underline ga-click' href='/article/417899' data-ga-category='featuredArticles' data-ga-label='playlist.1' data-ga-action='click'>Dark Side of Personal Branding</a><br>Need a <a class='text-blue-700 hover:underline ga-click' href='/article/201588' data-ga-category='featuredArticles' data-ga-label='playlist.2' data-ga-action='click'>Business Idea</a>? 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