Unofficial Ocarina of Time PC Port ‘Ship of Harkinian’ Now Available – GameRant


The original Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was one of the best games on the N64, if not of all time, and now an unofficial PC port is available.
There will be many older gamers out there who fondly remember 1998's The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, particularly for how much it showed what could be done with the franchise in an open-world setting. Since launching, it's gone down as one of the greatest video games ever created, and not just for the Nintendo 64 where it originated. As a result, fans have been excited about an ongoing project which has sought to bring the classic RPG to PC through reverse-engineering, and now that port has finally been released.
According to a recent report from PC Gamer, 'Ship of Harkinian' is now out, bringing the near quarter of a century old Ocarina of Time to PC. Anyone interested in downloading the port can download it from the developer's Discord channel. Alongside that, a brief video was uploaded to the team's YouTube channel, which runs through some of the features that this unofficial version has. It also makes sure to mention that players will need to have a ROM version of the game in order to play it on PC.
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This latest iteration of the beloved game comes with updated HD graphics, widescreen support, as well as compatibility with both keyboard and controller. It's also said to support modding as well, so it will be interesting to see the ways in which the community will tinker with this port. In fact, modding was already being experimented with before the port was even made publicly available. Recently, the team decided to replace all the Ocarina of Time textures with Toad's face in a somewhat amusing, yet also quite creepy, manner.
The project was made possible by modders reverse-engineering the Ocarina of Time code, which took a couple of years to achieve. Essentially, this means that the PC port has been built from the ground up and does not use assets from the original game, which should hopefully mean that the developer won't receive a letter from Nintendo's legal department.
As if that wasn't enough, there are a bunch of modders working on more than 20 Nintendo 64 ports, which includes such classics as Perfect Dark, Paper Mario, Bomberman 64, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. With there are also being rumors that a remaster of GoldenEye 64 is in development, right now seems to be a good time to be a gamer, with a lot of classic games from a bygone era making their way back into the limelight.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is available on Nintendo 64, GameCube, and 3DS, as well as the Nintendo Switch.
MORE: The 15 Best Nintendo Games Ever Made (According To Metacritic)
Source: PC Gamer, YouTube, Discord
I will freelance write the living heck out of video game articles. See that I don’t. Goal in life: Find a horror game that makes me soil myself.
