Not Tonight 2 dated for PC February 11, consoles "later this year" –


Posted in News
Tagged in: No-More-Robots, Not Tonight 2, PanicBarn
No More Robots has announced that political adventure Not Tonight 2 will arrive on PC on February 11, with consoles to follow later this year.
The game, first announced back in August, is a sequel to the ‘Brexit sim’ released in 2018. This time, however, the action takes place during a roadtrip across a broken United States of America. The game’s set in a politically charged satirical alt-universe with plenty of weirdness. For example, your adventure will see you explore a Mount Rushmore filled with LARPers and a Montana annexed by Canada.
You’re taking on the roles of Malik, Kevin and Mari, who are racing to save their friend Eduardo from being deported. Along the way you’ll take on a variety of mini-games across the game’s many levels. These include injecting steroids into fast-food chicken, clashing with religious cults and working the Texan wall.
Ahead of release, the game will also get an Open Beta on Steam later this week. Players can sign up now through the Steam page, and they’ll get to try a limited version of the game on Friday January 28 before launch a couple of weeks later.
There’s also a new trailer, which you can check out below. Not Tonight 2 arrives on PC on February 11, and will be coming to as-yet-unconfirmed consoles later in the year.

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