LoL Esports: T1 goes undefeated in LCK Spring 2022 overall – AltChar


League of Legends doesn’t produce iconic players every waking moment but when it does, they are out of this world. Among those distinguished individuals stands on that is head and shoulders taller than the rest – Lee «Faker» Sang-hyeok. After winning World Championship more times than anyone else, Faker has reached the longest undefeated streak with T1 when it comes to series results.
After going 18-0 in the regular LCK 2022 Spring season, the team didn’t get defeated in the playoffs either and they won yet another title on April 2, 2022. With those two wins in the play-offs, they tied with the crazy run by Fnatic from 2015 when they also went 18-0 in the regular season and then won two BO5s in the playoffs.
The key difference is that EU LCS 2015 featured single matches in the regular season and BO5s in the playoffs while LCK 2022 had BO3s in the regular season and then BO5s in the playoffs, meaning T1 are the sole record holders for the longest undefeated streak in any series.
T1 defeated Gen G in the finals with the score of 3-1 where the teams initially tied at 1-1 but as soon as the champions dropped that one game, it seemed they transformed into an unstoppable force that just rolled over the opponents, grasping even the smallest mistake by the other team and making the most of it.
It remains to be seen how the Summer split will go for them but T1 currently look like the favourite to win MSI 2022.
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