How do you sprint in Fortnite? – Dot Esports


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The new Tactical Sprint function is the perfect way to traverse the island on foot.
While running has always been a function available to players in Fortnite, now traveling has gotten even faster with the tactical sprint function introduced during Chapter 3, Season 2.
Sprinting is the fastest way of getting around on foot in the game, however, it does come at a cost. While you are sprinting you won’t be able to fire your weapon as it unequips everything until you’re back at a slower pace.
Regardless, this tool will be extremely handy for getting around early in the game before you’ve had time to loot, or later in the game when looking to flee a losing firefight.
Whether you’re a new player or someone returning to the game, this feature will give you a huge upperhand. Here’s everything you need to know about how you can use the new tactical sprint.
Sprinting in Fortnite could not be easier. All you need to do is hold down a single button that does differ from device to device so here is what you’ll need to press depending on your console or PC.
These should be what the new function is bound to as default, however, if they aren’t working for you then you may have a different control scheme setup and should check your settings from the menu.
Also, you can customize which Fortnite button or key is used to Tactical Sprint allowing you to perfectly get things set to suit your battle royale style.
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