Best League of Legends champions in Patch 12.3 – Dot Esports


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A new League of Legends patch every two weeks helps to spice up the meta, chopping and changing champions for the sake of balance.
Every change has the potential to have a significant impact on the state of the game, in both professional play and solo queue. We sifted through League stats site to provide you with a list of the champions with the highest win rates in the current patch.
Here are the best champions in Patch 12.3, according to stats.
In the number one spot, we have Quinn. Her aggressive kit and high mobility allow players to dominate many matchups while also opening countless possibilities to roam to other areas of the map, where she can make a difference in the earlier stages of the game. Quinn currently boasts a 54.38 percent win rate.
Janna top lane with smite is making waves in solo queue. In Patch 12.2, she gained popularity and now it looks like some players are trying something new with her kit. As weird as it sounds, Janna has a 54.26 percent win rate in the top lane. But, if you were aiming to get some wins in the support role, don’t fret. In this role, she has a 53.29 percent win rate, which also places her in the top 10.
Down the line, we’ve found another support champion. This time it’s Blitzcrank. His kit hasn’t changed much since he was added to the game. But the Great Steam Golem is a prime example of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” With a 53.87 percent win rate, Blitzcrank proves that his kit hasn’t gone out of fashion.
You’ll find many support champions on this list in 12.3 Patch—and Pyke is one of them. The Bloodharbor Ripper has cemented himself as one of the most aggressive champs in the game, while also being extremely mobile. With these attributes combined, he can be enormously useful at any stage of the game. On Pyke, you’ll be able to dominate your lane early, making use of your advantages. Right now, he has a 53.74 percent win rate in the mid lane of all places.
Remember when Karthus was a mid-lane champion? The Deathsinger now thrives in the bot lane. His presence in the lane is huge. He doesn’t have any problems clearing waves and surviving to the mid and late game. Karthus currently boasts a 53.62 percent win rate.
Hey, what was it about mages shifting to the bot lane? Here’s another one. Similar to Karthus, Veigar’s abilities make him one of the best carries in the late game, mostly thanks to his Dark Matter (W) and Primordial Burst (R) combo. If used correctly, it can instantly delete a squishy enemy. His Event Horizon (E) is also useful in many situations. He currently has a 53.53 percent win rate.
Jungle has often been called “the most impactful role in the League.” With the potential to make a difference in every lane, it’s no wonder. Right now, Nunu & Willump are the best in this position. The champ has great tools to clear the jungle rapidly and doesn’t have any issues when ganking lanes. In teamfights, Absolute Zero (R) can be a deciding factor, too. It helps to zone the opponents and it deals enormous amounts of damage. The Boy and His Yeti currently have a 53.28 percent win rate.
Rek’Sai is the second-best jungler on this list. Like Nunu & Willump, she can quickly clear jungle camps while also restoring health when moving from one to another. With a few tools to close the gap, the Void Burrower is also great at ganking. As of now, Rek’Sai has a 53.14 win rate.
With a 53.07 percent win rate, Sona is the last support champion featured in this last. And her presence shouldn’t be surprising. She’s frustrating to play against due to her poke and abilities that heal her teammates. On the other hand, her Crescendo (R) can be a crucial tool in teamfights.
Last but not least, we have Fiddlesticks with a 52.94 win rate in the jungle. Fiddlesticks is one of the champs with the fastest clear and high sustain, and his Crowstorm (R) is an extremely powerful ultimate if used at the right moment. She’s a deadly asset in almost every composition.
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