Lost Ark Players Get Free Items From Prime Gaming – ComicBook.com

     By <a class="author" href="/author/TannerDedmon/"><span>Tanner Dedmon</span></a>         <time> - February 9, 2022 01:36 pm EST</time>     <br><em>Lost Ark </em>from <a href="/category/amazon/">Amazon</a> Games and Smilegate <a href="https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/lost-ark-gameplay-trailer-released-amazon-games-mmo/">is out now</a> for those who've purchased the game's Founder's Pack, and for those who want something extra to further them along their journeys, you can claim some free items this week so long as you're an Amazon Prime member. Amazon's <a href="/category/prime-gaming/">Prime Gaming</a> service is giving out a bundle of in-game content through the release of a Battle Item Pack that's already up for grabs. There's more on the way, but the contents of those future packs and their release dates are unknown, for now.<br>Assuming you're one of the ones who's purchased <em>Lost Ark </em>in some way and can now play via early access, you can go ahead and claim the free Prime Gaming loot that's available now. To do so, simply sign into your <a href="https://gaming.amazon.com/loot/lostark" rel="nofollow">Amazon account here</a> and you'll see the first pack available now. Make sure you're signed in and your accounts are connected and in order and you should see the contents available soon. The first Battle Item Pack available around the game's launch includes a Crystalline Aura, an Amethyst Shard Pack, and a Battle Chest Bundle. Future bundles appear to include more chests and Amethysts, though it could be that those images are just placeholders for the time being.<br>Looking for a little pick me up for your battles in <a href="https://twitter.com/playlostark?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@playlostark</a>? We got you. <br><br>Get the &#9876;&#65039; Battle Item Pack &#9876;&#65039; which includes<br><br>&#128302; Crystalline Aura<br>&#128142; Amethyst Shard Pack<br>and more goodies for battle!<a href="https://t.co/5mwZn8xRRH">https://t.co/5mwZn8xRRH</a> <a href="https://t.co/LPvQlneDLD">pic.twitter.com/LPvQlneDLD</a><br>When those will be available remains to be seen, but there are five more to go after this first one based on what's shown on the page. Given that this game is published by <a href="/category/amazon-games/">Amazon Games</a> itself, it's likely that the loot will continue afterwards to incentivize players to keep playing and to remain subscribed to Prime Gaming which, as a reminder, is already included in any Amazon Prime membership.<br>For those who don't yet have the game because you didn't purchase a Founder's Pack, don't fret about missing out on these items. The game itself is scheduled to fully release on February 11th and will be free to play with optional purchases of course included, but if you've already got an active Prime Gaming account, you'll be able to claim these free items whether you paid for <em>Lost Ark </em>or just waited for the free version.<br><em>Lost Ark </em>is now available on the <a href="/category/pc/">PC</a> platform via the purchase of a Founder's Pack with the free version releasing later this week.<br><span class="slidenumber"></span> of <span class="slidetotal"></span><br>Copyright 2022 ComicBook.com. All rights reserved.<br><br><a href="https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/lost-ark-free-items-prime-gaming/">source</a>