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More than two-thirds of Americans play video games, and the pandemic was a forcing factor as we tried to have fun despite lockdowns and avoid in-person gatherings to stay healthy. From stress relief to education, video games can be an escape. But what happens when you’re in the middle of that winning moment and a wifi lag hits? You glitch. You miss an attack. You might even lose.
At Cox Communications, we understand how frustrating that can be. So, how can you lead your team to victory? Reduce the lag that stands in your way of winning. Cox’s Elite Gamer offers intelligent routing to automatically find a faster path for your PC game data, improve gameplay, and reduce the disconnections, ping spikes and jitter that cause you grief. It lowers latency by routing PC game traffic after it leaves Cox’s network via the most efficient internet path to gaming servers for greater stability and up to 32% less lag compared to standard Cox internet.
With more than 1.3 billion PC gamers in the world, enhanced performance is key to your success – and a competitive edge is possible with less latency and an optimized connection while playing. Consider the below tips to enhance your gaming experience.
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1. Optimize your PC for Gaming
An excellent network connection isn’t all that’s needed for a strong in-game experience. Your PC health is just as important. If you haven’t lately, check your hardware for system requirements; ensure your drive is up to date; close background applications and processes; and defrag your hard drive to optimize storage.
2. Review Performance Metrics
It’s important to have insights that sharpen your winning edge. Elite Gamer puts you in control with a dashboard that displays game connection improvements, real-time connection quality, previous game details and more to some of the most popular PC games.
3. Use a Gaming VPN
Consider also using Cox’s Gaming Private Network (GPN) – a gaming virtual private network (VPN) and gaming-exclusive network that can help improve your overall experience, increase connection speeds, bypass internet traffic jams for reduced interruptions, and optimize your connection between your PC and gaming server.
4. Review the Features on Your Next Router
Your router itself can impact your gaming experience. To further help with optimizing network traffic to your PC and reduce lag, consider the following during your next purchase: It should have a high-bandwidth range and ethernet ports for faster speeds and wired capabilities, geo-filtering as an advanced feature to reduce your ping, and dual- or tri-band options to split up network traffic for faster speeds.
5. Maximize Your Entire Home Internet Experience
Beyond Elite Gamer, Cox understands that your overall home internet connection is just as important. The Wifi Pro Tip Masterlist shares the most impactful list of expert advice, tips and tricks to maximize home network performance.
With Cox’ powerful network, gamers can become unstoppable. Cox has invested more than $15 billion in the past 10 years in our network to better serve our customers and bring next-generation gigabit internet speeds to homes. And, today, we continue to invest in our network, which was built to handle peak usage. Elite Gamer and the tips above will help improve your gameplay when every millisecond counts. Cheers to a more predictable connection and many more wins.
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