Football: Some state title games moving to new sites this fall – Press Herald


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Bangor will host the Class C and D 11-man championships on Saturday, Nov. 19, while the Class A and B games will be played at Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland.
As the Maine Principals’ Association’s Football Committee met Tuesday to propose scheduling changes for the fall, several other developments – including a change in sites for some state championships – were announced.
The eight-man football Large and Small School championships will be played Saturday, Nov. 12, tentatively scheduled to be held at Cony High School in Augusta. The Football Committee also approved of doing away with the Friday night championship game, usually held at the University of Maine in Orono.
Instead, all 11-man state finals will be held Saturday, Nov. 19, at two sites. The Class A and B games will be at Fitzpatrick Stadium in Portland with the C and D games scheduled for Cameron Stadium in Bangor. All four games will be held during daylight. In recent years, three state title games have been held at Fitzpatrick, with the final game starting at 6 p.m.
GREELY HIGH in Cumberland has decided to separate from its co-operative 11-man football arrangement with Falmouth High and will instead field its own eight-man program. Greely will play in the Large School South division.
Bucksport also will shift to eight-man football this fall. Also, an Aroostook County eight-man co-operative of Fort Kent, Madawaska, and Wisdom is possible for this fall, pending approval from their school boards, said Fort Kent Athletic Director Josh Nichols.
If the Fort Kent-based program does join this fall, there will be 27 eight-man football teams this fall.
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