Destiny 2's New Guardian Games SMG Could Overthrow Funnelweb For Best Void 3.0 Utility – GameRant


Destiny 2’s new Void SMG coming with Guardian Games 2022 is likely going to be a better Funnelweb for Void 3.0 builds thanks to its Origin Trait.
Destiny 2 is always changing thanks to both the constant balancing efforts on Bungie's part, and the fact that its seasonal model calls for frequent tweaks. The Witch Queen expansion was a great occasion to do this, and while it didn't come with a fifth subclass, Bungie started the process of reworking Light subclasses with the Void 3.0 update. One of the main elements of the gameplay loop for new Void subclasses is that players can mostly chain abilities for additional effects and combos in PvE, with reduced efficacy in PvP.
Because it's easy to generate Void Elemental Wells with Void 3.0, many players ended up using Volatile Flow as a seasonal mod, which makes clearing adds a breeze with fast-firing Void weapons. As such, Destiny 2 players discovered how powerful the Funnelweb SMG is thanks to it being a 900 RPM gun that can roll with good general perks and the new Veist Stinger Origin Trait. However, the recently datamined SMG for 2022's edition of Guardian Games seems like an incredible contender for Funnelweb's niche because of its perk pool and a unique Origin Trait.
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In about a week, the recurrent Guardian Games event for Destiny 2 will launch again, and it will bring plenty of items to farm as well as competition between the game's three classes. The event also has its signature weapon, which has been a popular feature for a while, and this time around it's a Void SMG with great perk combinations for both PvE and PvP. What's interesting about this gun is the new Guardian Games Origin Trait, called Classy Contender, which provides players with class ability energy on final blows.
This new Destiny 2 SMG, called The Title, is likely going to be farmable during the entirety of the event, but players shouldn't be counting on it becoming a craftable weapon. Still, the fact that it can generate class ability energy on any final blow is insanely powerful when combined with Void 3.0 and its gameplay flow because it's all about using abilities as often as possible, cycling through them. This perk grants easy and free energy regeneration on kill. The Guardian Games SMG is also going to be pairing perfectly with Volatile Flow because it deals Void damage, much like Funnelweb.
This overthrows Funnelweb's domain as the best utility and add-clearing Void 3.0 weapon because it only fires a bit slower, but it trades Veist Stinger for Classy Contender, which is likely going to be applied to every kill with no cooldown. Plus, The Title SMG can roll with even better perks than Funnelweb, and it is going to be farmable for three weeks, whereas Funnelweb remains a random drop that players can only get occasionally.
Destiny 2's Guardian Games look promising this year, and with Solar 3.0 being the more plausible rework to come next, combined with the buffs to machine guns, players should also try and get the Heir Apparent Exotic while the event is active. Still, at least until Season 17 launches, The Title SMG is likely going to be one of the hottest weapons in the game, with perks like Stat for All and One for All for PvE and Perpetual Motion combined with Moving Target for PvP.
Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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Andrea became a gamer for life at 7, thanks to a Pokemon Red cartridge and her Game Boy. She knew she wanted to be a writer early on, back when she got a floppy disk and she wrote «My Book» on it. Her Italian lineage means she thrives on pizza and cosmic horror because that’s a typical Italian Sunday. She loves games featuring deep lore, sci-fi elements, and strategic thinking. She is often found playing Destiny 2, for which she also makes guides.
