Yankees will have 21 games only available on Amazon Prime – New York Post

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They will be only available in the Yankees&#8217; local footprint, which is primarily in the New York tri-state region. These are the games that used to be on Ch. 11.<br>This is all part of the sports streaming evolution, which is upon us, as fans are being asked to pay for more services to see their team&#8217;s games.&nbsp;<br>The first local touchpoint this season that is likely to cause a ruckus will be Apple TV+’s new Friday night package, which will have the Mets’ second game of the season on April 8 <a href="https://nypost.com/2022/03/29/max-scherzers-first-mets-start-is-an-apple-tv-exclusive/">when Max Scherzer is expected to make his debut</a> against his old team, the Nationals.&nbsp;<br>MLB Network will be producing the Apple TV+ game, meaning Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling will not be on the call. MLBN is still determining who will be on the mics. (It’s a week away, folks. Let’s go!) The Yankees also have two Apple TV+ games in the first 12 Friday nights.<br>Besides the Apple TV+ agreement, MLB plans to add some weekly Sunday late morning/early afternoon games on NBC’s streaming service, Peacock. That deal is not yet announced, as those games are not expected to begin until May. Hence, there is no schedule yet.<br>Meanwhile, baseball fans still need cable. Regional sports networks, like YES and SNY, have the vast majority of the games. ESPN has exclusive &#8220;Sunday Night Baseball&#8221; games. TBS will have a new Tuesday night schedule, but the games will not be exclusive.<br>The Amazon news may come as a surprise to viewers, but it has been in the offing for years. As <a href="https://nypost.com/2019/06/06/the-powerful-future-of-yankees-broadcasting-is-quietly-taking-shape/">far back as June 2019</a>, The Post reported that Amazon could have Yankees games on its video streaming service. This was after Amazon took an ownership stake, along with Sinclair and the Yankees, in YES.<br>On the Yankees Amazon broadcast, YES announcers like play-by-player Michael Kay and the regular analysts, such as Paul O’Neill, will call the games. So, unlike Apple TV+, the viewing experience will feel familiar.&nbsp;<br>As for fans outside of the Yankees&#8217; tri-state footprint that have the out-of-market package to watch the Yankees through MLB.TV, the expectation is that those fans would still be able to watch these 21 games. <br>Amazon’s sports video strategy has focused on obtaining rights to the most impactful programming. Besides the Yankees, it will premiere its <a href="https://nypost.com/2022/03/23/kirk-herbstreit-revived-his-nfl-dream-in-turbulent-broadcasting-market/">exclusive coverage of NFL &#8220;Thursday Night Football&#8221;</a> in the fall. Internationally, it has made inroads with top soccer games, like the Premier League, and cricket.<br>Amazon Prime has reported having more than 200 million subscribers. Its ubiquity is in large part because of its “free shipping,” which is included in the $139 yearly fee.&nbsp;<br>The company recently raised the price from $119 per year in part by citing its new deal with the NFL, which is for more than $1 billion a season. Now, in the tri-state New York region, Yankees games are being added to service. It will be the only place you will be able to see these Yankees games.&nbsp;<br>There were a few folks ahead of the “something is fishy” <strong>Tom Brady</strong>&#8211;<strong>Bruce Arians</strong> story. The fact that Brady retired, unretired <a href="https://nypost.com/2022/03/30/bruce-arians-replaced-by-todd-bowles-as-buccaneers-coach-in-nfl-bombshell/">and then Arians stepped down</a> is too coincidental – especially with the feeling the two did not get along.&nbsp;One person I saw that was all over it was NFL Network’s <strong>Peter Schrager</strong>. He has been on top of the behind-the-scenes machinations that there was some friction between the two. On Thursday, with <strong>Rachel Bonetta</strong> in the host chair, the “Good Morning Football” crew did a fine job, reporting the facts, but raising their eyebrows. Insiders don’t have to break the news – though that is important – but really giving us more insight is where the money should be.&nbsp;<br>Papa Clicker doesn’t play favorites, so he did have a quibble with New&nbsp;York Post sports columnist <strong>Ian O’Connor</strong>’s <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Coach-Rise-Reign-Mike-Krzyzewski/dp/0358345405?tag=nypost-20&asc_refurl=https://nypost.com/2022/03/31/yankees-will-have-21-games-only-available-on-amazon-prime/&asc_source=web" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener">“Coach K, The Rise and Reign of <strong>Mike Krzyzewski</strong>.” </a>O’Connor’s book is so well done and it is now the authority on Krzyzewski&#8217;s legendary career, but Papa Clicker wanted more than a half page on Lehigh’s 2012 NCAA Tournament upset of Duke. The reason? Papa Clicker, my dad, <strong>Herb Marchand</strong>, is a Lehigh graduate, class of 1966.<br>Despite that minor transgression, “Coach K” is a must-read, earning another high grade. O’Connor’s “Belichick” book – published before O’Connor joined The Post – nearly tied the all-time highest Papa Clicker score with a 4.6 out of 5. For “Coach K,” O’Connor picks up a 4.55 out of 5, which means a very high recommendation.<br><a href="https://nypost.com/podcasts/" data-ga-event="{&quot;category&quot;:&quot;Sports Podcasts&quot;,&quot;action&quot;:&quot;https://nypost.com/podcasts/","label":"ga_current_url"}"><img src="https://axxess.ar/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/podcast_nypsports_ny_post_sports_sidebar_widget_image_520x280_b.jpg?quality=90&strip=all" alt="Sports Podcasts" width="260" height="174" /></a><br>Share Selection<br><br><a href="https://nypost.com/2022/03/31/yankees-will-have-21-games-only-available-on-amazon-prime/">source</a>