Xbox Game Pass Is Adding Two of 2021's Most Controversial Games –

     By <a class="author" href="/author/Tyler_Fischer_/"><span>Tyler Fischer </span></a>         <time> - April 29, 2022 01:56 pm EDT</time>     <br>2021's most controversial game is coming to <a href="/category/xbox/">Xbox</a> Game Pass Ultimate next week, and joining it is apparently going to be another one of 2021's most controversial games. More specifically, new leaks have revealed that come May 5, which is next Thursday, both <em>Battlefield 2042</em> and<em> FIFA 22 </em>could be added to <a href="/category/xbox-game-pass/">Xbox Game Pass</a> Ultimate via EA Play, which means if you're a standard Xbox Game Pass subscriber, you will not have access to these games, but according to those that have played these games, you're not missing out on much.<br>The former is not just the most controversial game of last year, but up there with <em>Cyberpunk 2077</em>, <em>No Man's Sky</em>, <em>Star Wars Battlefront 2</em>, and others as one of the most controversial games of the last generation. It was plagued with bugs and performance issues at launch and missing a ton of basic features and content from previous games. Unfortunately, for <em>Battlefield</em> fans, the game has yet to address all of the issues. Meanwhile, like <em>Battlefield 2042</em>, one quick look at the User Score for F<em>IFA 22 </em>over on Metacritic tells you all you need to know about what fans of the soccer sim series think about the game.&nbsp;<br>Neither game has been confirmed for a May 5 addition, but both are reading as available on various foreign Xbox stores. In the past, when this has happened, said games were added proper not long after. Typically, EA games are added to EA Play roughly six months after their release, so this timing makes sense. <em>Battlefield 2042</em> may be added a bit later than next week, but should be no later than next month.&nbsp;<br>(Rumor) Battlefield 2042 could be coming to Xbox Game Pass soon via EA Play. <br><br>(image via <a href="">@1978iamdesign</a>) <a href=""></a><br>(Update) Looks like FIFA 22 will not be coming to <a href="">#XboxGamePass</a> until next week Thursday, May 5th<br>Xbox Game Pass and Xbox Game Pass Ultimate are available via <a href="/category/pc/">PC</a>, <a href="/category/xbox-one/">Xbox One</a>, Xbox Series S, and <a href="/category/xbox-series-x/">Xbox Series X</a> for $10 and $15 a month, respectively, though if a new rumor is true, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">these price points may not be accurate for much longer</a>.<br><span class="slidenumber"></span> of <span class="slidetotal"></span><br>Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.<br><br><a href="">source</a>