Wordle Game Help: 5-letter words starting with 'MI' – Dot Esports


A list to help with your game.
Wordle may seem like just a play on words, but its simplicity and ease of sharing have made it an internet sensation recently. Wordle was so successful that it was even bought by the New York Times. And along with the success came many variants for players to try.
There are many possible strategies to use in Wordle to try to find out what the secret word of the day is. Some players like to discover where all the vowels are or experiment with as many letters as possible on the first few tries. These ideas can decrease the chances of you hitting the correct word in the first alternative, which would be a great achievement, but no way of playing is without flaws. 
Regardless of your strategy, you can run into difficulties sometimes, like when you can only find the first letters of the word and you’re running out of attempts. If your secret word starts with the letters “MI,” but you don’t know how to proceed, we have the right list to help you not lose your winning streak. Here are some five-letter words starting with “MI,” sorted alphabetically so you’ll have less work to do with filtering your choices by the letters you’ve already eliminated.
All the words on this list are accepted by Wordle and are sure to give you more clues as to which letters are present or not in the word of the day until you get it right. Another good tip to get it right as early as possible is to find which other vowels are present in the word of the day to narrow down your options. Don’t forget to try words you already know first, since Wordle tends to choose more common words as the right answer in most cases. These tips should help you complete your latest Wordle task, but if you’re ever stuck, you can always look for the answer to today’s puzzle (which we update around 12am CT).
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