Trojans clutch racing seals Esports comeback | News, Sports, Jobs – Tama News-Herald – Toledo Chronicle


Apr 29, 2022
Alex Babinat (left) and Jerome Kapayou (right) before their clutch performance in the final set of races.
The South Tama Esports team competed against two of the other top four Mario Kart teams, Nevada and Williamsburg, last Tuesday night.
Juniors Hayden Morris and Roman Hill of South Tama found themselves behind nine points of both Nevada and Williamsburg after the first set of races with the scores sitting at 22, 31, 31.
The hole dug deeper after the second set of races run by Junior Sam Heck and Senior Isaac Shuckahosee resulted in the Trojans remaining in last place at 43 points, Williamsburg evening out in second place at 56 and Nevada pulling away with 69.
If the Trojans wanted to pull themselves out of last place, it was going to take some extreme skill to do so. Luckily, South Tama had help from freshman duo Alex Babinat and Jerome Kapayou.
Out of the four final races in the last set, Babinat raced his way to two first place finishes, with Kapayou getting a first place finish of his own.
The final race saw Babinat and Kapayou both use clever shortcuts and racing to finish first and second to pull off the comeback which secured second place.
Kapayou was named Trojan Team MVP for his performance.
Final Score
Nevada: 101
South Tama: 79
Williamsburg: 72
STC Racers and the finishes:
Hayden Morris (4th, 6th, 4th, 5th)
Roman Hill (6th, 3rd, 5th, 1st)
Sam Heck (5th, 5th, 5th, 3rd)
Isaac Shuckahosee (1st, 6th, 6th, 4th)
Alex Babinat (1st, 3rd, 3rd, 1st)
Jerome Kapayou (4th, 1st, 5th, 2nd)
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