The Gunk coming to PC and Steam, gets new photo mode on Xbox –

                                            Picture&nbsp;this.                  <br>Thunderful's alien infested space caper The Gunk will be coming to PC and Steam, while a new photo mode has been added to Xbox.<br>Following its success on Xbox Games pass, publisher Thunderful is expanding The Gunk's reach even further. While no exact date has been given yet, it has been announced that the game will be making its way to "Steam and other PC platforms" this Spring. <br>Along with The Gunk's move to additional platforms, Thunderful has also revealed a new photo-mode for Xbox users. <br>Citing photo mode as a "much-requested feature", Thunderful states: "players will be given the tools to take and edit stunning shots of The Gunk, allowing the community to share images from the game online".<br>This is not the only new feature that is being added to The Gunk, however. <br>Thunderful has additionally revealed it will be adding new language support to its Xbox version of the game as well. The new languages that will be supported are Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, simplified Chinese and Russian.<br>Both the photo mode and the additional language support will be available for new PC users on The Gunk's upcoming release.<br>In <a href="">Eurogamer's review of The Gunk</a>, Christian Donlan described it as an "elegant and thoughtful game" that has a "moral and ethical sweetness to it from the off".<br><em>Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. 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