The Best Gaming Easter Eggs! – EarlyGame


Happy Easter Egg Hunting!
When Solid Snake meets the Psycho Mantis, something crazy happens. While the mantis is giving her speech, the game scans your memory card for saved Konami games. If there are any, the mantis refers to them, so it looks like she’s really reading your mind (well, your memory card). | © Konami

If you decide to take a break from helping George Washington defeat the Redcoats and hang out at the homestead, find a turkey. Go up to it, feed it and punch in the famous Konami Code (that’s “up up down down left right left right B A,” of course). The turkey will don a cloak and hood just like your Assassin! | © Ubisoft
This gothic masterpiece hides a sneaky hint about its own sequel. Players have to enter the office of the asylum warden, Quincy Sharp, and blow up a wall. What they’ll discover is a hidden chamber with a large blueprint on the wall showing a planned expansion of the asylum to take up a whole city sector – the setting, of course, for the sequel, Batman: Arkham City. The room was so well hidden it was undiscovered for two years until developer Rocksteady gave it away in a preview for the second title. | © Rocksteady

Blood Stained Shrine is one of the three forgotten shrines (Wind Shrines) on Iki Island. At the Shrine location, you will find a riddle in the form of a poem. Solve the riddle to complete the shrine and get the Bloodborne Armor Skin as a reward. You will earn two Bloodborne Themed items: The Yarnham Helm and The Yarnham Vestment, which is a cosmetic for the Kensei Armor made to look like Eileen the crow from the Bloodborne game. | © Sucker Punch

In total, there are three places where you can find special wooden totems of God of War characters in Forbidden West. Not only can you discover the totems of Kratos and Atreus, but also those of the dwarves Brok and Sindri. If you find them all, you’ll also get a unique face paint for Aloy called «Mark of War». | © Sony

That Naughty Dog likes to include Easter Eggs in their own games is no secret anymore. In TLoU2 you can find Nathan’s Drake Ring, known from Uncharted. You can find the Easter Egg with trophy reward in the bank in Seattle. As well as the shotgun of failed bank robbers—and the vault. With a code, you can get to the inside of the vault and also to Nathan Drake’s ring. | © Naughty Dog
There are many references to pop culture and other video games that appear in the Borderlands series, but this one is especially funny. In the game’s Caustic Caverns, you can find a hidden chamber filled with Minecraft creepers in the abandoned mine tunnels. There are also various Minecraft blocks that can be smashed and bring loot. | © Gearbox Software

Animal Crossing is typically all adorable and happy, but this in-game event is just plain creepy. If you can stay up until 3:33 am on a Saturday (or have no problem time-traveling), there’s a special broadcast where an alien hijacks your TV and emits strange noises. It’s just a weird and ominous thing you wouldn’t come to expect from a cute game about talking animals. | © Nintendo

In the Dead Man Walking level in Crysis 2, take the elevator and go down a corridor. Jump over the red rope by a security camera and flip a switch nearby. Go back to the elevator you came out of and jump over another red rope. There is a second elevator there and the switch next to it is lit. Flip the switch and the elevator doors will open. Inside, a small party starts. | © Crytek
RDR2 is full of surprises, some funny and some very sad. In Saint Denis, in the cemetery, you can find a small dog that howls or sleeps on the grave of his master. And he looks so, so sad 🙁 | © Rockstar

There is also a sad dog Easter Egg in Far Cry: New Dawn. In the game world of the open-world shooter, there is a gravestone that reminds us of our faithful companion Boomer from Far Cry 5. This is because he did not survive the years between the two games. | © Ubisoft

This one is known as the very first Easter Egg: In 1979, in the action-adventure game «Adventure» for the Atari 2600, players could find a hidden item that opened a wall in a certain room together with other objects – revealing the name of programmer Warren Robinett. He had hidden the room out of spite, because it was not supposed to be mentioned in the game’s manual. The bosses didn’t find the secret room, but the players did… | © Warren Robinett, Atari
The developers at DICE are known for hiding some particularly complicated Easter Eggs in their games, such as the giant shark Megalodon in Battlefield 4. And in the shooter Battlefield 1, they brought the Megalodon back. While the Megalodon in Battlefield 4 appeared on the DLC map “Nansha Strike” when players were in a certain spot on the map, the shark in Battlefield 1 appears in the DLC map “Fort de Vaux” from the “They Shall Not Pass” expansion.| © EA DICE
In the Till the Death Do us Part Mission, you can find a small coin, if you find it and shoot on the coin, something strange will happen. Some Guys in their undies appear and applause for u! Ahm Thanks.. | © IO Interactive

When you have to use the sniper rifle during part D of the «Kate» chapter, shoot the engine of the target truck as it comes around the corner, then hit the white spot directly in the middle of the orange sign on the building behind it. You’ll be rewarded by seeing a gigantic rat bounding around the corner and scurrying down the street. Hilarious, for such a serious game. | © EA

You can find various portraits of the characters from the Mario series in Princess Zelda’s Courtyard. These include a portrait of Mario, Luigi, Joshi, Peach, and Bowser. | © Nintendo
Another Hitman Easter Egg, because the Game is full of them and this is too funny, not to post it. Do you know the story of the Potato Jesus? Well, The picture on the wall shows quite clearly a reference to a fresco, which was called «Potato Jesus». This name was given to an almost 90-year-old Spanish image of Jesus, whose restoration turned out not so great… Another interesting fact, Hitman 1 also had this painting as an Easter Egg. | © IO Interactive
In first-person games, it’s often difficult to imagine what your own character looks like. A lot of first-person game developers get a kick out of teasing what your character’s face might look like without ever revealing their mug, and the same can be said about the original BioShock. That said, you can see surveillance photos of Jack’s face shortly after you enter Andrew Ryan’s office. | © 2k Games

As I’ve said before, Naughty Dog is a master at including little Easter Eggs from their own games. But with this paper reporting on a strange fungus, they’ve probably made gaming history. Or the biggest Leak. There’s a long story behind it, but the short version is that Naughty Dog put this reference in Uncharted 3 when it believed The Last of Us would be announced before Nathan Drake’s adventure. | © Naughty Dog

And a real classic for the end. Most of you should know the John Romero Easter Egg, but it’s so good. John Romero is the lead dev of this game. Defeating him is the only way to really win Doom.“To win the game, you must kill me, John Romero.” | © ID Software, Activision
If, when you think of Easter eggs, you don’t just think of holidays and lamb, then we have the perfect gallery for you here. There are little Easter eggs hidden in almost every game, but finding them without help is no easy task. Yet, when you do find one, the joy is that much sweeter. We’ve put together a list of the best, coolest, saddest, and funniest Easter Eggs for you. Enjoy!
Be careful, there might be spoilers for you!
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If, when you think of Easter eggs, you don’t just think of holidays and lamb, then we have the perfect gallery for you here. There are little Easter eggs hidden in almost every game, but finding them without help is no easy task. Yet, when you do find one, the joy is that much sweeter. We’ve put together a list of the best, coolest, saddest, and funniest Easter Eggs for you. Enjoy!
Be careful, there might be spoilers for you!
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