Novibet Gaming/Betting Renews Nuvei Deal, Gets Easier Apply Pay… – Casino.Org News

     Posted on: April 26, 2022, 11:50h.&nbsp;     <br>         Last updated on: April 26, 2022, 03:10h.     <div class="post-info-panel">         <div class="post-info-panel__author-holder js-open-close">                         <div class="post-info-panel__author-logo">                 <img alt='Erik Gibbs' src='' class='avatar avatar-50 photo' height='50' width='50' />            </div>             <div class="post-info-panel__author-content">                 <div class="post-info-panel__author-info">                     <span class="post-info-panel__author-name">                         <a title="Erik Gibbs"                            href="">                             Erik Gibbs                        </a>                                                 </span>                     <a href="#"                        class="post-info-panel__opener tablet-none js-opener">Read More</a>                                              <div class="post-info-panel__expertise">                             Expertise:                             <span class="post-info-panel__expertise-items">                                                                     <a class="post-info-panel__expertise-link"                                        href=""                                        title="Asia Pacific Gaming">Asia Pacific Gaming</a>,                                    <a class="post-info-panel__expertise-link"                                        href=""                                        title="Gaming Business">Gaming Business</a>,                                    <a class="post-info-panel__expertise-link"                                        href=""                                        title="Global Gaming">Global Gaming</a>.                            </span>                         </div>                                     </div>                 <ul class="social-list">                                     </ul>                             </div>         </div>     </div>      <br>Online sports betting and iGaming platform Novibet is reinforcing its position in the European market. Taking its partnership with payments platform Nuvei to a new level, users can now fund their accounts directly through Apple Pay.<br>There&#8217;s a competition of sorts going on between Apple and Google. Digital payments continue to receive more attention, and the two companies compete for market share. In addition, the gaming industry, in both the <a href="">land-based</a> and online segments, is always looking for ways to make financial transactions easier for consumers, driving the competition further.<br>Nuvei announced this week that it will expand its platform with Novibet to accept payments as it grows its global footprint. Novibet, which recently announced its interest in <a href="">going public through a SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) merger</a>, expanded its partnership to deliver card processing solutions in Italy, Greece, Ireland, and other countries.<br>Online gaming platform Novibet already has a significant presence in the European market. But like any operator, it wants to gain ground. It will build on its existing relationship with payments processor Nuvei to do that, and users of Apple Pay will be happy. Novibet will facilitate deposits and withdrawals directly through Apple Pay using Nuvei&#8217;s payments solution.<br>Novibet now offers its players the ability to deposit securely and seamlessly using Apple Pay through its single-point integration with Nuvei. Apple Pay payouts will also be available to players. Apple Pay&#8217;s payments solution provides a rapid alternative to complete financial transactions as easily as one or two swipes.<br>Novibet is growing its customer base in Europe. It also expects to launch new markets in the US and Mexico later this year. As a result, Apple Pay connectivity will gain additional prominence in the global gaming space.<br><strong>Seamless deposits and payouts have been growing in significance for the industry for some time and this trend will only continue</strong>,&#8221; said Philip Fayer, CEO and chairman of Nuvei.<br>Konstantinos Andris, the COO of Novibet, stated that Apple Pay is crucial. This allows gamblers to access &#8220;all the relevant payment methods.&#8221; This, he emphasizes, will allow the company to maintain its position in the gaming market.<br>Novibet integrates major data providers to create its own betting platform. It provides its own algorithms, which generate a large betting offer. These include in-play and minute markets, in-house-developed automatic and hybrid cashout options, and quick settlement of wagers.<br><strong>The recent link-up with SPAC Artemis Strategic Investment Corporation is a major coup for Novibet. It will allow it to leverage deep pockets to fuel its expansion across North and Latin America.</strong><br>The merger will also provide it with a wealth of experience. The management team at Artemis includes individuals who previously held executive-level roles at Caesars Entertainment, GameWorks, Maverick Gaming, and Merrill Lynch.<br><span id="email-notes">Your email address will not be published.</span><br><input id="wp-comment-cookies-consent" name="wp-comment-cookies-consent" type="checkbox" value="yes"  required aria-required="true" /><label for="wp-comment-cookies-consent" class="comment-cookies is-cookies">Name, email and comment will be stored in our database.</label><br> <label for="comment">Comment <span class="required">*</span></label>  <textarea id="comment" placeholder="Comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="65525" required="required"></textarea><br><label for="author">Name <span class="required">*</span></label> <input id="author" name="author" type="text" placeholder="Name" value="" size="30" maxlength="245"  required aria-required="true"/><br><label for="email">Email <span class="required">*</span></label> <input id="email" name="email"  placeholder="Email" value="" size="30" maxlength="100" aria-describedby="email-notes"   type="email"  required aria-required="true"/><br><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="Post Comment" /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_post_ID' value='210855' id='comment_post_ID' /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_parent' id='comment_parent' value='0' /> <br><input type="hidden" id="akismet_comment_nonce" name="akismet_comment_nonce" value="fea45ac28a" /><br><input type="hidden" id="ak_js" name="ak_js" value="157"/><br>        is the world’s leading independent online gaming authority, providing trusted online casino                 news, guides, reviews and information since 1995.            <br><img             alt="stats" width="1" height="1" src=""/><br><br><a href="">source</a>