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How to watch MTG New Capenna Early Access streamer event – Dot Esports


Support Magic content creators with the return of the Early Access streamer event.
Wizards of the Coast has quietly brought back the Magic: The Gathering Arena Early Access streamer event for the release of Streets of New Capennna.
Prior to the release of Strixhaven: School of Mages (STX) in April 2021, WotC abruptly canceled the Early Access MTG Arena streamer event. Providing Magic players with a sneak peek at Constructed decks prior to the release of a set while boosting content creator views, the end of the Early Access events upset many in the MTG community. 
With the upcoming release of Streets of New Capenna (SNC), WotC has decided to bring the Early Access streamer event back, taking place all day on April 26. After a full year of no MTG Arena Early Access streamer events, WotC officially announced the event’s return within the MTGA State of the Game
It’s unknown who or how many content creators are participating in the event. Most Magic content creators are sharing that they are participating in the SNC Early Access streamer event via Twitter under the hashtag #MTGCapenna. Fans can also check out the MTG Twitch homepage on April 26 for any streamers participating in the Magic Arena event. 
The SNC Standard-legal set is a three-color focused set, containing five crime boss factions. Unlike recent Magic set releases, tabletop prerelease events began on April 22 prior to the digital release of the set on MTG Arena and Magic Online, which is scheduled to take place on April 28.
The return of the Early Access streamer events for MTG New Capenna is a big deal, allowing fans to once again get hyped for Constructed play by watching their favorite streamers craft decks prior to the set’s official release.  
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