Ghostwire: Tokyo on PC supports upscaling tech DLSS and FSR, features ray-traced reflections, shadows – VG247

   <a href="">     1       </a>   <br><strong>Ghostwire: Tokyo</strong> on PC will support DLSS, FSR, and ray tracing, which is good news for those looking to experience a lovely rain-soaked, neon-lit version of the big city.<br><a href="">As noted by Wccftech</a>, the game supports various upscaling technologies such as Unreal Engine's Temporal Super Resolution, Nvidia DLSS, and AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR). You will want to enable one of these choices in order to enjoy ray-traced reflections and shadows.<br>Various graphics setting are also available allowing you to tweak the ray tracing culling distance, global illumination, shadow maps, subsurface scattering, and texture streaming. Motion blur can be turned off and the game supports an uncapped frame rate and fullscreen mode.<br>Activating HDR mode will update the brightness slider so you can change the maximum luminance and the UI luminance level. Also, Ultrawide displays are supported.<br>Out on March 25, Ghostwire Tokyo is coming to PC and as a timed console exclusive for PS5. In the game, most of Tokyo's citizens have mysteriously vanished and spirits known as Visitors have invaded.<br>During this time as the main character, you start to develop supernatural powers and will fight the spirits. You will also later encounter a group of masked survivors who hold the key to unveiling the mystery behind the events in the city.<br>If you want to find out more on Ghostwire: Tokyo, be sure to <a href="">check out our preview</a> of this "really wierd" game that's a must if you've ever wanted a buddy cop thriller with talking animals. <br>You should also <a href="">give our earlier preview a read</a> especially if you are interested in this mouth-wateringly beautiful game that's drenched in eerie charm.<br>             <a href="/authors/stephany-nunneley">Stephany Nunneley</a>         <br>         News Editor       <br>           Half-blind/half-dyslexic, bad typist, wine enthusiast, humanitarian, intellectual savant, idiot savior, lover of all things nonsensical, animal hoarder and highly sarcastic.         <br>You give us money, we give you an ad-free reading experience, merch discounts, a newsletter every month, and elite status amongst your friends.<br> Please enable JavaScript to see comments.    <br> <a href="" >                Marvel&#39;s Avengers War Table rework coming March 24 </a>          <br>You can also expect added clarity to the systems, missions, and how to begin your journey in the Avengers Initiative.<br> <a href="" >                There is a wall in Elden Ring that will only come down if you hit it 50 times </a>          <br>Keep smacking it and it will reveal a room.<br> <a href="" >                New World roadmap outlines what to expect from now into fall </a>          <br>You can expect new expeditions, weapons, a new zone, and more.<br> <a href="" >                Babylon&#39;s Fall content up to the end of Season 2 is nearly complete, work on Season 3 has started </a>          <br>PlatinumGames says there are no plans to reduce the scale of development on the game.<br>       <a href="">     3       </a>   <br> <a href="" >                Marvel&#39;s Avengers War Table rework coming March 24 </a>          <br>You can also expect added clarity to the systems, missions, and how to begin your journey in the Avengers Initiative.<br> <a href="" >                There is a wall in Elden Ring that will only come down if you hit it 50 times </a>          <br>Keep smacking it and it will reveal a room.<br> <a href="" >                New World roadmap outlines what to expect from now into fall </a>          <br>You can expect new expeditions, weapons, a new zone, and more.<br> <a href="" >                Babylon&#39;s Fall content up to the end of Season 2 is nearly complete, work on Season 3 has started </a>          <br>PlatinumGames says there are no plans to reduce the scale of development on the game.<br>       <a href="">     3       </a>   <br>Buy our t-shirts, yeah<br>They&#39;re far more stylish than your average video game website tat.<br>Copyright © 2022 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company.<br>All rights reserved. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder.<br><br><a href="">source</a>