Gaming terms explained – The Standard


New to gaming? Learn the abbreviations. [File, Standard]
Every field comes with its jargon and specific lingo that will sound foreign to outsiders. So that you don’t look like a foreigner, why not learn yourself some new words as well. Although the terms are many, we have compiled some of the most commonly used.
AFK – Away from Keyboard – This means a player is temporarily unavailable.

AoE – Area of Effect – Spells, abilities, or special talents that work within the radius of a circle rather than on a specific enemy.
Bots – These are the non-human opponents in multiplayer games.  Alternatively, calling another player a "bot" is an insult.

Bullet Sponge – This is an enemy that takes an excessive amount of damage or ammunition to kill.
Clans – Groups of players who play together.
DLC- Downloadable Content – Any extra element you can download separately from the main game.

DPS –  Damage Per Second – A measurement for how much damage a particular weapon or attack outputs.
Emotes – Small emoji-like icons are mostly used in Twitch streamer's chat room.
Feeding – Act of being repeatedly killed by the enemy team, which obviously helps your opponent since your teammate is dead.
FPS – First-person shooter game This refers to a genre where you see the world through your character's eyes, instead of a camera behind them.

Non-Playable character – Refers to any character you don't control in a game. [File, Standard]

Non-Playable character – Refers to any character you don't control in a game. [File, Standard]

Ganking – The act of a high-level or skilled player ganging up on someone else who has no chance of defending themselves.
GG – Good Game – Usually typed or spoken at the end of a match to show sportsmanship.
Grinding – Act of taking repetitive actions in a game to achieve some desired outcome.
HP – Means health points or hit points, measures the life of one’s character. If it drops to zero, then the player drops dead.
HUD – Heads-up Display refers to graphical elements on the screen showing the player information and other details.
K/D- Kill-to-death ratio is a common measure of your performance in online shooters. You'll have a higher K/D with six kills and one death (6.0) than 10 kills and five deaths (2.0), for example.
Lag – A delay between your input and that action happening in the game.
MMORPG – Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. It refers to a game with RPG elements where thousands of players all exist in the same game world simultaneously.
Mod – Modification – any kind of player-made change to a game.
Noob – Refers to someone who is clearly new at a game. It can be used as an insult (such as when someone makes basic mistakes), but it's not necessarily a pejorative. 
NP- Non-Playable character – Refers to any character you don't control in a game
OP-  Overpowered – Used in reference to anything in a game the player feels is too strong. If there's one weapon everyone picks because it's clearly better than all others, it's OP.
PvP – Player versus Player – Refers to games (or modes) where human players compete against each other. This contrasts with PvE (player versus environment or player versus enemy) modes, where you play against computer-controlled opponents instead.
QTE – Quick-time Event – QTEs are segments in games where you have to suddenly press a button or some other input to avoid damage or a game over.

Heads-up Display refers to graphical elements on the screen. [File, Standard]

Heads-up Display refers to graphical elements on the screen. [File, Standard]
RNG-RNG stands for 'random number generator'. This refers to elements in games that aren't the same every time you play.
RPG – Role-playing Game – This is a broad genre. But it generally means a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting.
Sandbox – Sandbox game refers to a title that's extremely open-ended and thus allows the player to do whatever they like.
Smurf – This is when a skilled player makes a secondary account to play against lower-ranked players.
Tac – Short form of ‘tactical shotgun’ or ‘tactical machine gun’.
Whisper –  Private messages can be exchanged between users.
XP/EXP- These are the short forms for experience points. They are a common measure of one’s progress in a game.

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