10 Best Switch Arcade Compilation Games, According To Metacritic – Screen Rant


From simple arcade spaceship shooters to tough tournament fighters, gamers have more than a few options to get a blast from the past.
«Classic» games earn that distinction for a reason. Titles like Super Mario, Tetris, Pac-Manand more retain their popularity decade after decade because of their likable, and somewhat addictive, formulas and presentation. While they might not have the cutting-edge graphics and visuals as their modern descendants, their timeless qualities keep them around even on modern consoles.
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The Nintendo Switch has more than its fair share of incredible retro games and throwbacks, and the eShop has plenty of gaming compilations to satisfy that need. From simple arcade spaceship shooters to tough tournament fighters, gamers have more than a few options to get a blast from the past.
To say that spaceship games weren’t a genre all their own in the ’80s would be an outright lie. Out of the eight different arcade games included in this Konami collection, six of them fall into the ship-shooter category. Although Haunted Castle and Typhoon are great diversions, the collection as a whole isn’t the most diverse.
That all being said, Konami does have a particular knack for binge-worthy side-scrolling shooters, with Life Force and Twin Bee being notable examples. While not the most appealing to some, these games do have an audience.
This compilation of vintage games from Atari is ideal for those looking to see how far the gaming industry has come over the decades. Although there are 150 games included in this package, quantity does not always equal quality.
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Games like Centipede, Asteroids, and Tempest are definitely hits, but games like Tic-Tac-Toe, Chess, and Slot Machine aren’t the most invigorating. Great for gaming historians, but not the best deal for casual fans.
If gamers are looking for a more familiar collection of arcade classics to enjoy, the Namco Museum comes packed with all the essential ’80s games.
Along with staples of the arcade like Dig-Dug, Pac-Man and so on, the collection also comes equipped with a few lesser-known titles like Galaga ’88, Tank Force, and Splatterhouse to add a few surprise flavors into the mix. Simply put, it’s a solid addition to any retro fan’s collection.
Before they gave fans the likes of World of WarcraftBlizzard created a number of different games that swept arcades and home consoles alike. While games like Black Thorn, Rock N Roll Racing, and the Lost Vikings series aren’t as popular as some of their peers, they are all currently available for a new generation on this compilation.
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What makes this collection worth investing in, apart from Blizzard’s pedigree for games, is the variety the selection offers. From action-packed adventure titles to puzzle platformers, there’s a little bit of everything for gamers to sink their teeth into.
Though perhaps not as familiar to some as Namco or Blizzard, SNK had a whole host of arcade cabinet and table titles way back when. Now, retro gamers can experience 40 of their best and brightest in one compilation. Even the pickiest of players will struggle to find something that won’t occupy them for a time.
A selection of 40 titles leaves gamers with a little bit of everything to choose from. Platforming games, beat-em-ups, shooters, and even a few RPGs are all ready to play in all their 16-bit game glory. And no cabinets are required.
There are few more time-honored arcade traditions than beating the living daylights out of a legion of 16-bit bad guys for coins and high scores, and few publishers nailed the art form better than Capcom. Fortunately for Switch owners, the studio’s Beat ‘Em Up Bundle is here to satisfy.
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From the essentials like Final Fight and King of Dragons to the more eccentric titles like Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit, there’s a beat ‘em up title to fit every occasion. While the formula might be a bit repetitive, there’s a reason players fall into the addictive pattern.
«Sega does what Ninten-don’t» as the saying goes, and the Genesis was the system that locked horns with the gaming giant in the ’90s. This collection of vintage games acts as a time capsule as it polishes and emulates many iconic games from Nintendo’s biggest competition at the time.
Players will find a great deal more than Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage in this compilation, as the collection features over 50 games that debuted on the Genesis. If the Green Hill Zone is getting too stale, they can experiment with titles like the Golden Axe series, Columns, or more unusual fare like Dynamite Heady or Decap Attack. 
If there’s one game that immortalizes the idea of «git gud» it’s Contra. This infamous run-and-gun series from Konami has been the bane and bliss for many gamers, and now they can enjoy a full display of one of the most difficult arcade games in the history of the industry.
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Consisting of ten original Contra titles, bullets will rain down like hailstones as players try to maneuver their way through various levels of alien-blasting action. It’ll definitely take more than the iconic Konami Code to make it out of this series unscathed.
With such a prominent love for Metroidvanias on the Switch these days, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to revisit one of the founding fathers of the genre, especially when Konami has released more than the core series. Castlevania marked a turning point for the action-platformer genre, and this collection has some prized gems.
Along with the first three titles in the series, the game also boasts the inclusion of the titles seen on the original Gameboy, as well as the coveted Castlevania: Bloodlines. With plenty of powerups and monsters to mash, gamers can expect a brilliant palate of the Belmont legacy.
No trip to the arcade would be complete without a little one-on-one brawling. Tournament fighters have been a part of arcades and gaming culture for years, and there are few as famous as the Street Fighter series. Not only does the franchise have its fair share of sequels, but a number of rereleases and newer versions to make the games bigger and better than ever.
From the core entries to the various Alpha, Turbo, and Ultra variations, there are definitely more than a few different ways for World Warriors to duke it out. With a selection of 12 different iterations of the formula, it’s impossible not to.
NEXT: 10 Best Free Action Games On Nintendo Switch
Zach Gass is a writer from East Tennessee with a love for all things Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel. When not writing for Screen Rant, Zach is an active member of his community theatre, enjoys a variety of authors including Neil Gaiman, C.S. Lewis, and J.R.R. Tolkein, and is a proud and active retro-gamer.
