10 3DS Retail Games That Might Be Cheaper To Buy Digitally While You Can – Nintendo Life


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Comparing digital to skyrocketing physical prices
Some 3DS games are super cheap to buy physically, which makes sense considering the success of the system. There are others, however, which have seen their secondhand prices shoot up in recent years. It’s easy enough to find copies of big-selling first-party titles at acceptable prices (even if that means playing near-enough original RRP for your Pokémons), but other games have really shot up in price in a relatively short space of time.
We’ve covered quite thoroughly the digital-only games we think are worth picking up before the 3DS, DSi and Wii U stores close up shop forever in March 2023, but we thought it was worth taking a brief look at the prices of retail games versus their digital counterparts. While it might seem counter-intuitive for lovers of physical media to resort to digital downloads — especially from a store which is soon closing its digital doors — physical prices will only increase once the digital version is no longer available. Pleasantly, it seems that Nintendo has reprinted various retail releases, so you should be able to find the most popular games for a while yet. Still, the clock is ticking, especially for the not-Kirbys and the not-Zeldas.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place, if it’s a choice between never playing a game or grabbing a digital copy, that’s no choice at all for us. If you’ve been waiting to find any of the titles below in pre-owned cartridge form for a reasonable price, we’d say it’s at least worth comparing prices with the digital version before that option is gone forever.
Below we’ve rounded up 10 games that you might want to consider purchasing from the 3DS eShop while you can. We’ve included both the eShop price and an approximate average of the physical cart was taken from pricecharting.com.
Note. We’ve given the prices of PAL region copies in GBP and US versions in USD, both Complete-In-Box. Some of these titles vary in rarity depending on region, with the physical version being cheaper than digital in one region but not the other, so please take the physical prices only as a rough guide.
Also, some of these games are on sale at the time of writing — we’ve made a note of which ones in their respective entries.
Originally released on PS2, this 3DS yet another brilliant instalment in the legendary series. Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King showcases its trademark style with great music, a memorable roster of characters and all the quality-of-life improvements you’d expect with a more modern remake of an RPG classic. Incredibly, this was the first game in the mainline series to launch in PAL regions, and it was also the first to ditch the ‘Warrior’ from the North American version.
Unlike some other games in the franchise, its sprightly pace makes it an excellent choice for new players, too. 200-hour grinds are all well and good, but how are you going to fit in all these other gems?
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An island-hopping adventure spanning space and time originally released on PlayStation, Dragon Quest VII is a JRPG masterpiece. If you played the original, this 3DS version is as perfect a remake as you could ask for, with beautiful 3D graphics, a smartly streamlined opening, and lots of welcome quality-of-life updates. This journey through Estard showcases great writing, a fun class system, lovely animations and a stellar soundtrack which make for a fully engrossing adventure throughout. It’s a massive game, but don’t let that scare you off; with short story-style pacing and a huge variety of settings, speech patterns, and scenarios, it feels less like an epic tome and more like a shelf-ful of storybooks stuffed into a little 3DS cart. This game is an absolute pleasure, and a must-play for RPG fans.
There’s also the excellent Japan-only 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI to consider if you’ve got a JP console…
Okay, Price Charting disagrees in this case, but we’re going to override it. Following the announcement of Metroid Dread, which sparked renewed interest in this game, finding a copy for under 50 notes became next to impossible, with prices going much higher online.
And it’s easy to see why. The Game Boy sequel to the original Metroid on NES was remarkable back in the day, but if there was ever a perfect candidate for a remake in Nintendo’s back catalogue, that was the one. MercurySteam did a fabulous job updating Metroid II’s mechanics for the 21st century, giving a whole new audience the chance to experience an important chapter in the series’ story. Handy additions like the map were joined with a new melee attack which introduced a delicate balance of risk versus reward and the result was one of the best games on the system.
Time is of the essence with this one, not because physical copies will be like hen’s teeth, but rather access to the Revelation DLC will disappear with the 3DS eShop, so if you want to buy that you’ll have to jump in ASAP.
Fire Emblem may have found itself in a strange spot after the success of Awakening, but Intelligent Systems found a way forward. Actually, two ways — Fire Emblem Fates did a remarkable job delivering what newcomers and long-time players both could possibly want out of this series. Fans of Awakening will dig Birthright‘s continuation of that style of gameplay, and Conquest‘s strategic demands should go over well with series veterans and those looking for more bite from their games.
Each of these games is unique enough to stand on its own accord as an impressive achievement and a whole lot of fun. The writing is sharp and witty, and gameplay is as accessible or as hardcore as you could want it to be. While the story can feel like it’s dragging at times, it’s tough to hold too many grudges against padding since the core loop is so much fun. Extensive campaigns, online multiplayer, and spit-shine polish combined to make for some of the most well-rounded Fire Emblem experiences to date.
A console blessed with an abundance of games, 3DS has done particularly well in the RPG department. This example offers top-shelf dungeon-crawling, a deep battle system that sees you fighting and collecting demons across the elemental spectrum and an excellently written story, not to mention the soundtrack. With so many games and so little time, there’s no shame in Easy mode, either, but Shin Megami Tensei IV is a game to savour for fans or newcomers alike.
Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward spins a fantastic yarn, tackling various topics with maturity, intelligence and even a little humour. Its smart puzzles can be a little fiddly, but if you have any interest in story in games whatsoever and can deal with its murderous subject matter, this is a must play that will keep you engaged for dozens of hours.
Kid Icarus: Uprising is one of the most attractive, exhilarating, entertaining and outrageously fun titles on 3DS. Uprising provides a substantial amount of content, its own brand of adrenaline pumping set pieces and wonderful humour. Arguably awkward controls aside, it sweeps you along at breakneck speed, and is a must-have title for that very reason.
The turn-based series’ debut on 3DS delivered a wonderful feeling of adventure on the handheld. It offers classic, grindy combat in a world of colour that belies the dreariness conjured by the term ‘dungeon-crawler’, and its focus on character classes and team-building means it’s refreshingly light on the tropey narrative arcs you might expect from a game with this subtitle. If you’re after an old-school first person explorer game with a great soundtrack and some modern concessions to convenience and accessibility, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan fits the bill nicely.
Incidentally, Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan is just $7.99 at the moment, too.
Monster Hunter Stories is an excellent adventure that channels the colourful world of Capcom’s storied series into a joyous JRPG that saw a sequel come to Switch. It suffers from performance issues on non-New 3DS hardware, but it’s still full of personality, beautifully presented and fun to play, with combat that’s easy to grasp but engaging throughout. Longtime MonHun fans will appreciate Stories as a thoughtfully-made spin-off, but the gameplay template and tone are so different that you don’t need to be familiar with — or even enjoy! — mainline Monster Hunter to have a great time here. Regardless of whether you’ve been hunting Hornetaurs since the beginning or couldn’t tell a Felyne from a Fatalis, Stories is yet another charming 3DS RPG that’s well worth your time.
After such sterling work remaking Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask for the system, developer Grezzo showed that it had the chops for original ideas, too. A colourful action-RPG that manages to carve its own space in a crowded genre, Secret of Mana director Koichi Ishii’s fingerprints are all over this game. If you’ve played Zelda to death and some of the other RPGs on 3DS seem a little portentous or gloomy, Ever Oasis could be just what you’re looking for.
That’s 10 recommendations we think are worth investigating in digital form, but it’s worth considering the Nintendo Select line of first-party titles which sell for 15.99GBP / 19.99USD.
While these include various million-sellers and absolutely aren’t difficult to find cheap in physical form, buying them digitally means you won’t have to look at copies of classics like Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, Super Mario 3D Land, or Zelda: A Link Between Worlds with that ghastly ‘budget line’ box art. Which is a win.
And let’s face it, Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the sort of daily game that is handy to own in digital form, right?
Those are our picks, but let us know below if you think we’ve missed some gems — there are certainly plenty to choose from.
Oh, and before you say it — no, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater isn’t available digitally, unfortunately. Off to ebay with yer!
Further reading:
About Gavin Lane
Gavin Lane
Gavin loves a bit of couch co-op, especially when he gets to delegate roles, bark instructions and give much-appreciated performance feedback at the end. He lives in Spain (the plain-y bit where the rain mainly falls) and his love for Banjo-Kazooie borders on the unhealthy.
Comments (66)
I once saw Dragon Quest VIII used in-box at a local independent shop for $20. I didn’t get it at the time, because "eh, I got lots of games to play, I’m here for a pre-order anyway."
…I regret that decision.
‘While you can’. Nintendo really do make some stupid decisions sometimes.
Good thing I bought both Dragon Quest games, they’ll only get more expensive.
Kid Icarus and Metroid are definitely on my list before it’s too late.
Can anyone vouch for Ever Oasis? I played a demo and liked it okay, but progression seemed a tad slow.
Every Atlus game is terrifyingly expensive physically now. Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology especially, that game goes for upwards of £80 from what I’ve seen.
Thanks for the heads up! This will help me know what to prioritize. Now we need a similar list for the wii u, and the two virtual consoles
I thought there wasn’t a European physical version of Shin Megami Tensei 4.
@dustinprewitt I mean, there are definitely "other methods" for old NES, Super NES, GBA, etc virtual console games. "Methods" that are getting easier and more accessible every day.
I wish I could find a 3DS. I miss the old thing ?
Add to that Persona Q2. I grabbed my physical copy on release figuring it’d be expensive in the near future, and here we are. It’s also super discounted at the moment on the US shop.
The only physical 3DS copy I have is Xenoblade Chronicles. It’s the worst version of that game, but it was the first place I had played it. Personally I see no need to build up a 3DS collection. The dual screen technology will probably never be duplicated, so once my 3DS eventually wears out that’ll be the end of my interest in the platform.
@Broosh Ever Oasis was okay. I enjoyed it and credit it with trying to do something different, but the gameplay loop was a bit tiring by the end. NL gave it a 9. For me it probably wouldn’t be higher than an 8.
feel like i remember xenoblade chronicles 3D being particulaely difficult to get, but i dont know if that equates to pricey
(personally, it’s the best version of the game)
Thank you for this article! For those don’t know, you the 3DS will accept micro SD cards larger than the 32gb stated by Nintendo, but beyond that you have to reformat them into FAT32 to make them compatible.
I’ve actually owned or downloaded ALL the games mentioned at one time. I traded in all my physical copies when I bought my switch. Shame about the SD card limit even if there is a workaround
I would likely add the AlphaDream games. Those sold so poorly that I feel like the prices will eventually shoot way up. You make a similar case for Metroid: Samus Returns. I have been working to get these recently with more haste!
For US folks, I’d recommend Lukie Games to get used 3DS games (and other retro stuff lol). They usually have decently fair prices and everything I’ve ordered from them works. I got Fire Emblem Awakening for around $40 and FE Fates Conquest for around $36 from them and they were both in great condition.
@Thomystic I recently changed my Micro SD card out for a 128gb. That way i can be ready as I drop more and more games on to it. Right now is a perfect time to get some of the Atlus games on sale as they are 50% or more off. I think there is something special when it comes to playing games on their intended hardware. So preserving the games whether its digitally or physically.
I plan on spending a good bit before the store closes for good. Going to wait a until last minute however in case they do a sale.
So far I know I’m getting luigi’s mansion 1 + 2, fire emblem birthright/revelations and shin megami tensei iv + apocalypse.
I’m also considering kid icarus (looks cool but I’m not sure how comfortable that’ll be with the new 3ds xl), ever oasis (got the demo ready) and monster Hunter stories (enjoyed the demo)
@Tandy255 That’s what I had feared, so it’ll sit firmly as a ‘maybe’ for me. Thanks for the info!
I’d imagine the port of the first Luigi’s Mansion is going to be a future rare game.
I did a couple years ago buy a Japanese physical copy, with only a handful to choose from on ebay. (and that was after noticing the correct title is "Luigi Mansion".)
@moodycat I didn’t bother buying that one since I have the DS original.
I would add Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney to that list, it’s skyrocketing as well.
@Broosh I should add that some here do want a Switch port of Ever Oasis. If it ever comes to Switch, it should remain at 3DS pricing levels.
@CharlieGirl which are not entirely relevant if they cannot be openly described, discussed or recommended without negative consequences….
@dustinprewitt "It is permitted to constructively discuss the use of flash carts, emulators and homebrew software when in the context of emulating previous generation(s) hardware."
The second the 3DS (and Wii U) eShop stops selling games, it becomes "previous generation" hardware. Something to keep in mind.
I know this is not 3DS game but I’m surprised Paper Mario Color Splash new is still cheap. I bought extra copies back in the day because I figured it was released right before Wii U was discontinued so it should become rare. Was hoping to trade it for a different rare game after it becomes out of print but oddly 5 and half years later a brand new copy is still $40.
It’s a bit funny that the UK prices are mostly in line with the eShop, then there’s the US prices being as much as triple the cost in some cases.
I would add Fantasy Life to the list. It’s a great game.
Had the opportunity to pick up samus returns for $20 like 3 years ago, decided to wait and missed out since its been $40 or more since, but since my 3ds is homebrewed i was able to copy my friends copy to mine to play before i play Dread…. Yes I support emulation… These games will be available to play in some form… I’m all for game preservation and emulation to keep classics alive since game companies do a pretty crappy job of it. Nintendo fears it will eat into their profits…psh… I’ve paid for botw twice once one switch and once on wiiu so i can play a far superior version on my PC, the best 3ds games will live on, unfortunately some will be lost forever but I’m not about to overspend on wiiu and 3ds games for them to finally re-release games on switch…(looking at you metroid prime trilogy)
Recently I purchased Super Mario 3D Land for $11.99 US, Zelda, Link Between Worlds for $13, NES Remix for $10, and a few others.
As long as you are cool with not owning the case or manual, you can find a score for $15 or less, usually shipped as well on eBay.
I would also add Rhythm Thief and the Emperor’s Treasure to this list. Often very cheap on the eshop, but the cartridge is pretty rare. While it’s also available on smart phones, I prefer the stylus controls on 3DS.
Edit: looks like it’s no longer on smart phones, or at least not iPhone. All the more reason to pick up this gem on the eshop!
Searching the physical prices for the games I’d be interested in from this list makes me SO glad I picked these up when they were more widely available (mostly pre-pandemic). I went on a gradual collection spree after Nintendo stopped supporting the 3DS with first party releases. I’d add Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy and the Phoenix Wright/Layton crossover to the list too.
Unfortunately, there are a small handful of retail games where digital isn’t an option. I’ve just recently become interested in the Tales series, and unfortunately Tales of the Abyss on 3DS never had a digital eShop release. It’s charting between $55-$65 USD (tax sometimes included) for a used loose copy and much higher CIB or new.
@MH4 Seconded. Most of Lukie Games’s prices are fair, and I have yet to have a bad experience with them.
(I still recommend shopping around both locally and online)
@Scooby-Doo there definitely isn’t, so it shouldn’t really be included. I’m with you on this one.
Got ever oasis on a clearance sale a couple of years ago for a fiver. No regrets ?
@k8sMum I was literally here to point out the same thing. Shocked this wasn’t on this list especially with Ever Oasis being included.
Digital is pointless without backups. Does this website have a guide that shows how to manually backup all your purchases, for the day that we won’t be able to re-download? Thank you.
Jesus lads just yaarrrrr them already.
Only ones I might get are Kirby: Planet Robobot, Metroid: Samus Returns and Tomodachi Life but physical versions will have priority if I can find them.
Unfortunately, the only 3DS games offered in my area are nothing but Pokémon and shovelware despite the fact a lot of systems offered here are modded and chipped, hardly any unmodded system.
To make a list like this and not include Yo Kai Watch Blasters or YKW 3 is doing a disservice to your readers.
Shin Megami Tensei IV was digital only in Europe/ UK.
Nano Assault has been rising in price recently and Pricecharting currently lists it at $60 for a complete copy… meanwhile, the digital version was on sale recently for like 3 bucks.
Em-u-late! Em-u-late!
I’m annoyed that Zero Time Dilemma was removed from the European eShop. Surprised that Virtues Last Reward still is available.
I just finished Ever Oasis last week. It is a wonderful game! Sort of a mix of Zelda and Monster Hunter and some light town building. It’s light at the beginning, overwhelming in the middle, and a little grindy at the end, but fun throughout. I put in over 40 hours and wish I could erase my memory and do it again!
You guys didn’t even mention that Fire Emblem Fates Special Edition that contains all 3 games in one cartridge, went from being unreasonably expensive to eye-watering-ly expensive after the news of the 3DS eshop closure.
Removed – current gen piracy/emulation
@somebread The Wii and 3DS versions of Xenoblade both dropped in price pretty significantly after the Switch remaster was released. It went from being infamously expensive to being the only game in the series that isn’t expensive in terms of physical copies.
Anyone seen A MULE LATEly? I only found my sPY RAT at some sILLY GALlery. It had a funny painting of a COP PEEING. I went DOWN LOADs of stairs but the other halF REALLY wasn’t that interesting. I did feel that there was a hidden message somewhere.
Just purchased radiant historia, stella glow and 7th dragon code vfo for cheap on the eshop, hope they’ll do more sales like these before they close up for good
@B_BIackNinja_N We are on exactly the same wavelength. I also just went up to 128 and am also plopping my whole April gaming budget into Atlus 3DS games. Cheers, my man.
@Jeff2sayshi yah I hear you. Yokai Watch 3 was the one that got away.
Went to order it Amazon two days after it came out and it was already sold out. Then when it came back in stock a month later it was listed at $99.99!
??The only Games I have that is on this List is:
??Ever Oasis
Love this Game.
I would rather a SEQUEL than a remake (a la ‘Miitopia’) with some QOL changes, such as NOT having to go back to Town as you don’t have the right person for the Dungeon you are tackling.
I had ‘Samus Returns’ but didn’t like it and sold it for £17.
I re-have ‘MGS: Snake Eater’; I initially bought it CIB form CEx for £15, sold it on E-Bay for the same price, INSTANTLY regretted it and bought it for £30 ?????
@CharlieGirl I spent $11.99 on Dragon Quest VIII at Target, but skipped buying Dragon Quest VII for $19.99 at Walmart.
@Stnkygrngo Yeesh, I purchased plenty of new 3DS games for that price or less. I wouldn’t pay that much for card only games.
I’m kicking myself for not buying the only copy of Yo Kai Watch Blasters at my local Best Buy for $37.99. It’s super expensive now. Yet Yo Kai Watch 1 is still $5.00 at Five Below.
My Dragon Quest VIII copy is still in its wrapping just because I still haven’t managed to put it ahead of my backlog.
Fire Emblem is the game that really sticks out to me. I have a Conquest cart, which is "valuable" and will likely only ever become more valuable (still kicking myself for giving away, not even selling my copy of Fire Emblem Wii) — but only for collectors.
It’s essentially worthless for anyone actually interested in playing the game, right? As it’s only 1/3rd.
Just completely wild.
I managed to snag the Special Edition of Fire Emblem Fates when it came out… it has Conquest, Birthright, and revelations all on one physical card!
Wish I could get a physical copy of Ever Oasis, but seems like kidneys are cheaper these days.
I was lucky to recently find a pre-owned copy of Kid Icarus Uprising (cards and everything included) for just $35. Wasn’t going to miss out on that!
One of my kids bought Kirby Star Allies digital without even knowing what he was doing so I made the decision to go all digital this generation, i dont think I’ll ever go back to buy fisical copies of games anymore (even thou i still do it from time to time) the convenience of having all my games with me at all times its such a great feeling.
@Shambo this is pure genius
Not sure why you included the physical GBP price for SMT IV given there is no PAL physical version
Just for those who are unaware, some of the PAL copy prices being quoted are for European copies of the game, not UK copies. I’m sure the game still plays in English which is the most important thing, but the box and any manuals will not be in English. E.g. that copy of Monster Hunter Stories you link to on Amazon is not a UK copy, they go for much more money.
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