With an aim to deliver a peaceful and relaxing gaming experience for gamers, Irish Spring, a Colgate-Palmolive subsidiary, has unveiled a one-of-its-kind gaming shower. Yeah, you read that right! Dubbed the “Irish Spring Nice-Smelling Gaming Shower”, it is the world’s first product that aims to radically wash away the gaming sector’s dirt. Check out the details right below.
Irish Spring Unveils World’s First Gaming Shower
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Thus, the need for a gaming shower pod. <figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-rich is-provider-twitter wp-block-embed-twitter"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-width="550" data-dnt="true"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">. <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/TheBoiSantana?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@TheBoiSantana</a> just got to experience the 1st ever Irish Spring Gaming Shower Pod. Stay tuned for more… ??? <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SmellFromANiceSmellingPlace?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SmellFromANiceSmellingPlace</a> <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://t.co/YGf4b2kKhl">pic.twitter.com/YGf4b2kKhl</a>— Irish Spring (@IrishSpring) <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/IrishSpring/status/1511068356975099910?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 4, 2022</a></blockquote><script async type="text/rtscript" src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </div></figure> <br>. <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/TheBoiSantana?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@TheBoiSantana</a> just got to experience the 1st ever Irish Spring Gaming Shower Pod. Stay tuned for more… ??? <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/SmellFromANiceSmellingPlace?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#SmellFromANiceSmellingPlace</a> <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://t.co/YGf4b2kKhl">pic.twitter.com/YGf4b2kKhl</a>— Irish Spring (@IrishSpring) <a rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://twitter.com/IrishSpring/status/1511068356975099910?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">April 4, 2022</a><br><em>“Irish Spring is building off the momentum from its Big Game debut of the magical, nice-smelling world of Irish Spring by creating the first-of-its-kind Irish Spring Nice-Smelling Gaming Shower,”</em> Emily Fong Mitchell, the General Manager of Personal Care for the North American region at Colgate-Palmolive, said in a statement. <br>So, to help gamers take a fresh and relaxing bath without needing to halt their gaming grind, Irish Sping has developed the Nice-Smelling Gaming Shower. It is a majestic gaming setup that <strong>comes with a transparent, dome-shaped plexiglass exterior</strong>.<br>There is a classic gaming chair integrated within a dome-shaped structure. Underneath the chair, there is a pool of water that submerges half of the gaming chair. Above the dome, <strong>there is a wide, three-monitor setup hanging from a scorpion-tail-like structure</strong> (a-la <a href="https://beebom.com/acer-predator-thronos-gaming-chair/">Acer Predator Thronos Air</a>). So, players can simply sit, relax, and enjoy a nice bath in the Nice-Smelling Gaming Shower while gaming with their controllers. <div class="wp-block-image"><figure class="aligncenter size-large"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="640" height="358" src="https://axxess.ar/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Irish-Spring-Gaming-Shower-ss-3.jpg?w=640" alt="This First-Ever Gaming Shower Lets You Take a Fresh Bath While Enjoying Your Favorite Game" class="wp-image-408646" srcset="https://beebom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Irish-Spring-Gaming-Shower-ss-3.jpg?quality=75&strip=all 640w, https://beebom.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Irish-Spring-Gaming-Shower-ss-3.jpg?resize=300%2C168&quality=75&strip=all 300w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px" /></figure></div> <br>Irish Spring has partnered with the popular professional gamer and streamer FaZe Santana to unveil the gaming shower. The company will <strong>reveal the gaming experience in its innovative gaming shower in an official in-depth video</strong> on April 29, which is the National Sense of Smell Day. <br>So, what do you think about the world’s first gaming shower? Would like to take a dip in it while playing your favorite game? Let us know in the comments below, and stay tuned for more such interesting stories. <div class="beebom-ad post-bottom-ad text-center"><ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:336px;height:280px;min-height:250px;" data-ad-client="ca-pub-3116514436264198" data-ad-slot="6554000060"></ins></div> <!-- Article Updated Contents --> <footer class="entry-footer remove-on-pwa"> <div class="tags-links"> <span class="tags-title">TAGS</span> <a href="https://beebom.com/tag/gaming-shower/" rel="tag">gaming shower</a> </div> <a href="#comments" class="scroll-to-comment-link">Leave a comment</a> </footer><!-- .entry-footer --> <br><br><br><br><label for="comment">Your Comment</label> <textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="65525" placeholder="Comment:" required="required"></textarea><br><label for="author">Your Name</label> <input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="" size="30" maxlength="245" required='required' placeholder="Name:*"/><br><label for="email">Your Email <span class="required">*</span></label> <input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="" size="30" maxlength="100" required='required' placeholder="Email:*"/><br><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" class="submit" value="Post Comment" /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_post_ID' value='408639' id='comment_post_ID' /> <input type='hidden' name='comment_parent' id='comment_parent' value='0' /> <br><input type="hidden" id="akismet_comment_nonce" name="akismet_comment_nonce" value="88315325b0" /><br><label>Δ<textarea name="ak_hp_textarea" cols="45" rows="8" maxlength="100"></textarea></label><input type="hidden" id="ak_js_1" name="ak_js" value="234"/><script>document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );</script><br><br><a href="https://beebom.com/gaming-shower-pod-now-exists-not-kidding/">source</a>