Xbox Game Pass Is Losing 6 Big Games Soon –

     By <a class="author" href="/author/MooreMan12/"><span>Logan Moore</span></a>         <time> - February 4, 2022 06:05 pm EST</time>     <br>Xbox Game Pass is about to lose six notable games quite soon. Earlier this week, it was <a href="">revealed</a>&nbsp;that a number of new titles are soon set to come to the <a href="/category/xbox/">Xbox</a> subscription platform in the coming weeks. However, as we have come to expect with Game Pass, big games are often leaving just as frequently as they are arriving. And while the service definitely gains new titles at a higher rate than it loses them, some of the games that are soon departing are very high profile.&nbsp;<br>Detailed on the Xbox <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">website</a>&nbsp;recently, it was said that six games in total are soon going to be leaving <a href="/category/xbox-game-pass/">Xbox Game Pass</a>. All of these games in question happen to be available across the PC and console iterations of the service, which means that these losses will impact virtually all subscribers. In addition, most of the games come from AAA publishers, which means they're a bit more notable than many other titles that are part of Game Pass.<br>Here are the six games in question that will all be departing from Xbox Game Pass on February 15th:&nbsp;<br>Of course, if you're upset to see any of these titles leaving Xbox Game Pass in the near future, you could always opt to purchase them outright to add to your personal game library. One of the most understated things about Xbox Game Pass is that it gives you a 20% discount on any titles that currently are part of Game Pass. So if you want to get any of these six games for a lower price than you normally would, you can buy them for 20% off from now until the 15th.&nbsp;<br>How do you feel about seeing these six games in question leaving Xbox Game Pass in a little under two weeks? Are you going to try to complete any of them before they depart from the service? Let me know your own thoughts about this news either down in the comments or hit me up on Twitter at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@MooreMan12</a>.<br><span class="slidenumber"></span> of <span class="slidetotal"></span><br>Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.<br><br><a href="">source</a>