Wordle 335 answer for May 20: One for the gaming fans! Check Wordle hints, clues and solution – HT Tech

   Copyright © HT Media Limited <br>       All rights reserved.    <br><strong>Wordle 335 answer for May 20:</strong> Today’s Wordle comes with two good news. First, it has a reference for the gaming community that will put a smile on every person who has a soft spot for video games. And second and most important, the word is not that difficult to guess. But while we can be sure about the first news, the second one is relative ona lot of factors. Sometimes, you just make an unlucky guess that takes you down the rabbit hole of wrong guesses till all your attempts are gone. After all, there are only six attempts to find a word and easier words do tend to pose more trouble for players. But, we will make sure that you reach the easter egg at the end of the puzzle. Just check our Wordle hints and clues to easily reach your target. And if that still feels inadequate, scroll to the bottom to find the solution.<br>Today’s Wordle is not conventionally challenging, as we have already mentioned above. It does not have any uncommon letter or a double letter confusion. It is a common word that most of us are familiar with and the letter arrangement is also pretty basic. So, why do you need to worry? Simply because of multiple variables. Easy words are easy because there are a lot of words that follow the same pattern or letter sequencing. If you end up finding just three clues and tried to guess words, you can fall into an infinite loop of wrong words and lose the game. So, let us check today’s Wordle clues.<br>1. Today’s word begins with G.<br>2. The word has two vowels.<br>3. The word ends with R.<br>4. The vowels are A and E.<br>5. Biggest hint – Read the headline again<br>Those are going to be all the hints that you will need. It’s an easy journey from here on. Just try and give the puzzle your best attempt to see the secret easter egg. But if you need further assistance, just scroll to the bottom.<br>SPOILER ALERT! Do not read any further if you are not looking for the answer to today’s Wordle.<br>This is your last chance to turn back or you may spoil the answer for today’s puzzle.<br>Today’s word is GAMER. It means, “a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games”. Did the secret word put a smile on your face? Make sure to check this space again tomorrow for more Wordle hints and clues.<br>Follow HT Tech for the latest <a href="https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news"> tech news </a> and <a href="https://tech.hindustantimes.com/mobile/reviews">reviews </a>, also keep up with us                         on <a href="https://twitter.com/HTTech/">Twitter</a>, <a href="https://www.facebook.com/hindustantimestech/">Facebook</a>, and <a href="https://www.instagram.com/hindustantimestech/">Instagram</a>. For our latest videos,                         subscribe to our <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUmhg3QldZiYoO9mKGpumBA">YouTube channel</a>.                     <br>71653017116261<br><br><a href="https://tech.hindustantimes.com/how-to/wordle-335-answer-for-may-20-one-for-the-gaming-fans-check-wordle-hints-clues-and-solution-71653017116261.html">source</a>