Why did Lost Ark get delayed? – Dot Esports


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Hours will feel like years.
Even if a game is at its final stage of development, a huge influx of players can change everything on launch day. Despite its fine early access period, Lost Ark’s official launch was delayed by a few hours today, the developers announced on Twitter.
Players trying to log into the game may be greeted by unavailable servers at the moment. The main reason behind the delay seems to be a deployment issue regarding the servers.
Unfortunately, due to deployment issues, launch is delayed. We hope to have this resolved in a matter of hours.

Your patience is appreciated and we’ll update you soon.
The team hasn’t commented on when exactly the game will be available but said the issue was expected to get fixed “in a matter of hours.” Considering this is a server-related issue, the best thing players can do will be to wait for the developers as they work on a fix.
If you’re looking to be one of the first players to get into Lost Ark once the servers get fixed, you can keep an eye on the developer’s official Twitter account since they’ll be keeping fans updated with current and future outages that may occur.
While it may seem inconvenient, finding a release that goes smoothly in the gaming world is relatively hard. Issues like these mainly arise due to the unexpectedly high number of players looking to try out the game during its first day. Once the initial launch hype settles down, Lost Ark will likely become more stable since the devs should then have a decent idea of the game’s permanent player base.
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