Where to find all Sacred Tears in Elden Ring – Dot Esports


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Sacred Tears are one of the main upgrade items found within Elden Ring. The items are used to give a player’s Flasks more potency. The more Sacred Tears players collect, the more HP/FP the Flasks will restore upon use. Players can see just how strong their Flasks are by looking at their icon on the action bar in the bottom-left of the screen and seeing what number is next to them.
Naturally, Sacred Tears are among the most sought-after items in the Lands Between. Having a more potent Healing Flask can provide players with the extra boost they need to get past a certain boss or simply make their life easier in Elden Ring.
Sacred Tears are only collectible at Churches of Marika across the map. There are 12 of these churches that players can visit. Here is each church’s location on the Elden Ring map.
The first Church of Marika that players will likely stumble across is the Third Church of Marika. This is located on the road from Limgrave to Caelid, just northeast of the Minor Erdtree.
This Church of Marika is located in the Weeping Peninsula. Players can find the Ailing Village Site of Grace and go a few dozen meters southeast to find the church and Sacred Tear.
Also located in Weeping Peninsula, this church is northwest of the Callu Baptismal Church and the Minor Erdtree. Following the road due north from the Minor Erdtree is the best way to find the church.
The final church in Limgrave is located on the far western side of Weeping Peninsula. Players can head due west from the Minor Erdtree to reach the church.
The first church in Liurnia is located just outside of Stormveil Castle on the western side. If players walk out of Stormveil Castle and immediately look to the left, they’ll find the first Sacred Tear in Liurnia.
Starting from the East Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace in Liurnia, players can walk directly northwest to find Bellum Church. This Site of Grace is accessible from within the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Players can enter the Academy through the main gate and then walk to the right to exit through another blue barrier and end up at this location.
This particular church is tricky to reach. Players need to start from the Grand Lift of Dectus and work their way southeast and up the hill. The road to the church is full of new enemies using Madness to kill players, so hiding behind rocks and sprinting is the best way to get around them. Once you’re up the hill, turn northwest to find the Church of Inhibition.
From the Altus Junction Highway Site of Grace, players can walk directly north to find the Second Church of Marika. The church is located just below a rocky cliff.
This church is also found just near the Altus Junction Highway Site of Grace. But this time, players will need to do more navigating to find the Sacred Tear. Players can fast travel to the Rampartside Path Site of Grace and get on the main road just north of that location. Then, they can take the road west and cross the terrain to find the Stormcaller Church on the southwestern side of the plateau they’re on.
The only Caelid church is fairly easy to access. Players can find it in the center of the region, just off the main road that leads south and then back up north.
The first Mountaintops of Giants church is located just before the bridge that takes players to the Fire Giant. Heading north from the starting spawn in the region, players will need to go all the way around and then back down south to reach the church and one of the final Sacred Tears.
The likely final church of Elden Ring is located at the very southern point of the frozen lake in the Mountaintops of Giants. On the frozen lake, players can just head due south, past the dragon, and they’ll eventually reach the church.
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