Video: 7 Nintendo Switch Games Exclusive To Japan That We Really Want Localised – Nintendo Life


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Yo-Kai Watch 4, Dragon Quest X and more!
As much as we love the Nintendo Switch, one downside is the fact so many great games still are still exclusive to Japan. With this in mind, our American-based video producer Zion Grassl has rounded up a bunch of games that we would love to see localised.
There are all sorts of games from Yo-Kai Watch 4, Dragon Quest X to Buddy Mission: Bond. Below is a quick list of the games we think should be given a chance here in the west. You can get the full rundown in the video above.
What do you think of this list? Any other games you would like to see localised? Leave a comment down below.
About Liam Doolan
Liam Doolan
When he’s not paying off a loan to Tom Nook, Liam likes to report on the latest Nintendo news and admire his library of video games. His favourite Nintendo character used to be a guitar-playing dog, but nowadays he prefers to hang out with Judd the cat.
Comments (53)
Please bring Yo-Kai Watch 4 and Dragon Quest X to the west.
Dragon quest 10 and yo kai watch 4 are the two I want the most, pretty sure they were half way through localisation on yo kai watch 4 as well. Also they Brought the first to kai watch to the switch as well in Japan
Yokai Watch 4 has a nice fan translation that unfortunately only goes to chapter 2
I just recently started playing my first Dragon Quest game (I started with the first). I would love more to come to Switch so I can work through them.
DQX (at least the offline version), Yokai Watch 4 and Megaton Musashi MUST come over to the West.
Nintendo, buy Level 5 already!
@Farts_Ahoy Your message is the only one in this thread so far which does not mention Dragon Quest.
Can you maybe change that? You’re breaking the streak…
I’m surprised nobody’s brought up Mother 3 yet. I honestly thought that was the whole point of this list.
Not to mention classics like Baroque and Ar Nosurge which had western localisations on older consoles but still don’t have them on Switch.
Japan SNES NSO got FE3 and FE4 so it would be nice if those got localized.
I’m so happy that everyone else wants yo-kai watch 4 to be localized! (Heck just bring back the entire franchise over here since people want more Pokémon like games)
Yes seems like we need an operation rainfall #2.
As I’d like to see dragon quest X especially whe; the chance of getting dragon quest 12 on the switch is probably not going to happen.
Yokai watch 4 was supposed to happen but was cancelled when level-5 announced they aren’t localizing their games in English anymore and won’t outsource them either.
I wonder what happened to Yokai watch. They really tried to make it the next Pokemon, with huge push in advertisement and promotions and now they pretend it doesn’t exist,
I mean, I don’t care about the series. But I find funny how they suddenly dropped. Maybe western audiences doesn’t care about japanese mythologies enough to jump into a another Pokeclone?
The Crayon Shin-Chan game looks really good so it would be a shame if it never released in the west. It may be a niche game, but the localisation of Doraemon: Story of Seasons has given me hope that my favourite Japanese characters to finally arrive on western shores.
All are great mentions, but I really feel DQ X offline has the best chance.
DQ X i always see here but I don’t blame anyone here asking for it.
It really should be localized.
I’m still waiting for Yo-Kai Watch 4. I was super excited when it said that it was coming state side, but I’ve lost a lot of hope sense then. Hope it can still come eventually
Nice to see so many mentions of DQX Online. Although having downloaded the free client , played on Switch with Google translate then on PC with some amazing translation apps fans made.. the game is fun but is definitely showing it’s age. The offline version being a separate game seems like a good opportunity for Square Enix to please western fans without running servers etc for an online game that would likely have a limited audience.
A Shin Chan release with the Funimation cast would be amazing.
Where’s the cartoon Konami baseball game!!!!
Haven’t watched the video yet, but based on the pictures alone, Metal Dogs needs to come to the West, like yesterday.
…They already localized a Shin-Chan game, why can’t they do this one? >:c
Seems like it would be way more fun than the one we did get, which was basically a mobile runner game.
After Dragon Quest 10, I’d love to see Dragon Quest Heroes 1 + 2 come over here with more acceptable frame rates.
Peoples forgot with Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y – Waiwai Gakuen Seikatsu ?
For peoples who want to get Yokai Watch 4, think again.
In Yokai Watch 4, there is NO Evolution and Fusion so most of Yokai with their evolution or fusion from previous games didn’t present on Yokai Watch 4.
Dragon Quest X, the full-on MMO! I want a good MMO on Switch, and the Dragon Quest IP is perfect.
@anoyonmus Yeah, but it will be the OFFLINE Version. They’ll just drop «Offline» from the title, because, as evidenced by titles like Dragon Quest of the Stars, NOBODY’S willing to commit to an MMORPG Dragon Quest as much as they would on Final Fantasy XIV Online. Besides, Americans prefer FInal Fantasy over Dragon Quest, any day!
I mean, where Dragon Quest sticks to the same old-fashioned setting and battle formula, Final Fantasy changes with the seasons, and we got settings as old as Cornelia or the Kingdom Baron, or Victorian-styled settings like FFVI, or Modern Final Fantasy settings like the world of the Gardens (FFVIII), Midgar (FFVII), and Eos (FFXV)! And where Dragon Quest has the same-old turn-based battle system, Final Fantasy kept evolving with the times, from Turn-based to Active Timed Battle, to Action-oriented Battles ala Kingdom Hearts! And most glaring of all, where the Hero was welcomed with «HOES MAD,» SEPHIROTH was welcomed with «NO FREAKIN’ WAAAAAAY!!!»
In other words, it’s the general public that says it best: FInal Fantasy is BETTER than Dragon Quest! Now, stay where you belong, in my memories!
@DK-Fan I think they just milked that series dry. Too many games, anime, manga, merch etc in too short a period burnt people out. Not surprising considering it was (and remains) their only mega hit. Bit like Activision with Guitar Hero back in the day.
Yokai Watch was always a bit too Japanese to be anything above a cult fave in the west but fair play they did try but it never got anywhere. I mean I bought the first 2 games over here brand new for £4.00 each, that is a sign of a flop.
@Anti-Matter As someone who likes Yokai Watch, I can safely say I have no interest in the human spin-off. It basically got rid of what made the series great in my eyes. 4 may be a step down from the other games in the series, but at least it continues the stuff that made the series what it was in the first place.
I like Yokai Watch Jam for some reason as I like the design of Jinpei transformation form as Kengo Benimaru, Wild Boy, Blue Moon, NOA Walker, etc. I have watched some episodes of Yokai Watch Jam anime from YouTube.
Also, it has Chibi form in the game, they looked cute in Chibi form.
I would like to play that Baseball game that has the "Rayman / Kirby style characters" in it. Looks like it would be fun.
Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu was the name.
Surprised yokai watch 4 never came to the west.
Where is momotaro dentetsu?
I would like to play Illmatic Envelope Swamp, aka Illvelo
Any of them have an English translation?
Definitely Yo-Kai Watch 4, Dragon Quest X (offline), and Megaton Musashi in my book. Unfortunately, YW4 is the least likely out of the bunch now that Level-5 isn’t interested in publishing outside of Japan.
YK4 & DQ X offline is what I really want. However, I really don’t see them coming and time soon. Seems odd that they have not come already to the Switch in the West which is selling like hotcakes.
There were approximately 279 Yokai Watch games localised for the 3DS yet we can’t get even one Yokai game localised for the Switch. There are so many JRPG and visual novels on the eshop that have been localised that I’ve never heard of that won’t sell that I can’t understand this at all
Yo Kai Watch 4 was being localised for the West and there has been no news on that being cancelled
@KBuckley27 Level-5 shut down their North American operations. That’s pretty much a cancellation.
Any Culdcept game on Switch (japan)?
Man…I still don’t understand why localization is still an afterthought to some developers/publishers. There’s clearly a level of demand for all these games, and there’s already more than enough modern-day examples and AAA publishers who have localized games. Even Koei Tecmo, as slow as they are with a full one-year wait for an international release, still takes localization into consideration.
@Bearzilla823 MLB power pros? There is a version on the Wii (actually 2). It is fun. I would buy a switch version
I wanna get Tabe-o-ja, but then I look at the characters and it creeps me out a little.
I’m still certain Dragon Quest X Offline will get an international release in the future. While Square Enix explicitly shot down the online version coming to the west in the anniversary stream, they didn’t say anything about the Offline version not coming to the west just a few minutes afterwards. There’s no reason for it to not get localized, it’ll just come after the Japanese release since it still needs to be translated.
Id really love for yggdra union, which is a port of a PSP game which already had an english version… Highrashi When They Cry, Air (key/visualarts), jinrui no minasama e, Kochira hahanaru hoshi yori, etc!
Lost hope for Yo-Kai 4 a while ago, but Buddy Mission Bond and that Crayon Shin-Chan NEED a English release (especially Shin-Chan, haven’t heard much English content since that dumb mobile game or the adult swim dub).
@Abeedo i would be all for it since the original series on the Playstation was like a human Animal Crossing.
However, i think the rule is every classic manga character gets only one game localized and Shin-Chan already has that awful endless runner game on the eshop.
@Bearzilla823 yes! u have the DS version which is nice, but never had the rpg elements.. waiting for it since many years..
@darkswabber : Ouch. What a strange business decision. It would have been naïve of them if they expected huge success when the market is perhaps oversaturated with Pokémon, which almost has a monopoly on the monster collection/partner niche. Digimon was only a moderate success at best, and never had quite the same pop culture impact, but nevertheless has an audience 20+ years on.
It’s odd that they wouldn’t at least officially translate them to English for digital-exclusive release or for the broader Southeast Asian market (which could then be imported by Western fans without bearing the brunt of marketing/manufacturing costs for a modest audience). They wouldn’t even have to bother localising them by sanitising the subject matter or reconstituting references to peculiar cultural norms either.
Considering that the Yo-kai Watch games were regularly issued retail releases for the 3DS in a market as minuscule as Australia, I find it bizarre that they’ve decided to jump ship. It’s not as if Level-5 is this massively successful behemoth with bigger fish to fry.
Fortunately, there aren’t too many Japanese exclusives that I yearn for.
Kuukiyomi grabbed my attention on the eShop, and it launched with Japanese support only, which was a bummer; so I was quite pleased when it was later added and released in the West, and with a three-pack physical release in Japan (that I intend to import the next time I place an order at Play-Asia).
I’d love to see Neko Tomo receive an English (and physical) release. Its predecessor, released in Europe/Australia as Teddy Together was cute and reminded me of those AI chat bots from the 90s and early 2000s. My only criticism of it though was that horrible voice. I was able to make some really cute voices for Tomodachi Life, which uses a similar, if not identical, text-to-speech mechanism, and I’m baffled that they made Teddy sound so unnervingly creepy (which takes some time to get used to).
Capcom also released two instalments in the visual novel series Towaware no Palm that I would have grabbed if English was included. They weirdly marketed them using highly sexualised artwork, but the gameplay itself looked melancholic, and was accompanied by a similarly evocative soundtrack. In fact, I imported the OST of the second game (I couldn’t get a copy of the first). A strange genre and series to have at the top of my wishlist to be sure, but I suspect that the sum of the game’s parts will form a satisfying experience (and this coming from somebody who usually doesn’t care for stories in games). Plus, I’m a bit of a sucker for dating/romance games, and I don’t particularly care whether I’m playing as the guy or girl, but everything else released on Switch so far doesn’t look appealing at all.
Every romance visual novel that gets published by Entergram and gets a physical release at PlayAsia but never gets an English localization. Also the new Quintessential Quintuplets visual novel. That show is extremely popular in the West so I expected better from MAGES because alot of their stuff gets an English option so I’m very disappointed with them over this transgression. Plenty of otome visual novels gets an English localization and even physical releases in the West. What about us straight men? When do we start getting more Bishoujo visual novels out here? And I don’t mean the low quality $10 ones on the eShop, I mean more high quality stuff similar to Aokana, Clannad, If My Heart Had Wings, World End Syndrome, The Grisaia Trilogy, Island an so forth. Give us more epic stuff like that out here!
@shinesprites Yggdra Union is my number 1 pick. Maybe a bit of a waste, since it’s already out on a Nintendo system, but I’d love to play it again on Switch.
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