The Penkesu, created by Penk Chen, is a handheld PC no larger than its keyboard, made as minimal as possible with standard-size low-profile keycaps. Best of all, you can make one yourself from parts, most of them easily available, though 3D-printing is needed for the case itself.
powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W, a 7.9 inch widescreen display (400 x 1280 resolution), and a 48-keys ortholinear mechanical keyboard.
If that grid keyboard layout is just not going to do it for you, Vortex makes a relatively inexpensive 40% model with a standard staggered layout, though you’ll surely have to remodel the case some.
When a father in France noticed his teenagers had an «addiction» to the Internet, he used a signal jammer to cut them off between midnight and 3:00 AM. This would ensure they didn’t sneak online when they should be sleeping. Little did he know his parenting tactic, which went on for days, also shut down… READ THE REST
Damien Guard’s ZX Origins is a suprisingly expansive collection of 8×8 pixel typefaces inspired by (or recreating) those from classic ~80’s arcade and computer games. Each comes with an auto-generated—and slightly otherworldly—set of image previews depicting the font in classic games or systems. Exemplary are an effort to recreate Eurostile/Microgramma within the 8×8 box and… READ THE REST
Cignpost is a government-approved Covid testing firm in the UK. In fine print «buried in online documentation» it discloses plans to sell customers’ DNA to third parties. It got caught. When buying tests, customers were asked to tick a box agreeing to a 4,876 [word] privacy policy which links to a separate document outlining the… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. You may have managed to get by in your professional life, knowing a few essential shortcuts and concepts necessary for using popular computer programs, like Microsoft Excel. But beyond that, you… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. In 2012, podcasting was a novelty to most. If anything, it was an offshoot of talk radio that not many understood or thought would last. Ten years later, it’s hard to… READ THE REST
We thank our sponsor for making this content possible; it is not written by the editorial staff nor does it necessarily reflect its views. Whether you’re into app development or game creation, Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a slew of on-demand programs, including database storage, content creation tools, and so much more. And if you don’t have… READ THE REST
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