Sweepstakes business owner previously warned by officials is charged with over 50 criminal offenses for illegal gaming – Lexington Dispatch


The owner of a sweepstakes business in Lexington who was warned by law enforcement that he could be facing criminal charges for operating an illegal electronic gaming facility was arrested on Wednesday after a raid on the business on Winston Road. 
Corey Denard Albright of Winston-Salem, the owner of 52 Office Express located at 1744 N.C. Highway 8, is facing over 50 different charges related to operating an illegal gambling operation, including felony continuing to operate a criminal enterprise. 
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The Davidson County Sheriff’s Department conducted a raid on the sweepstakes business in Lexington on Wednesday and found several illegal electronic machines. According to the state statute, law enforcement is allowed to confiscate any machines found in violation. 
Albright has been charged, among other things, with felony continuing criminal enterprise, which is described as a continuing series of violations which are “in concert with five or more other persons with respect to whom the person occupies a position of organizer, supervisor or any other position of management, and from which the person obtains substantial income or resources to operating an illegal video game enterprise”, according the arrest report provided by the Davidson County Magistrates office. 
According to a representative from the Sheriff’s Office, these charges were specific to Albright, as the owner of the business, who had 5 or more employees who were conducting illegal gaming activities and profiting from those activities. There are currently no charges against the employees. 
Albright has also been charged with nine counts of felony illegal bingo, three counts of felony operating 5 or more electronic game promotion; 14 misdemeanor charges for operating/possession of a slot machine; 14 misdemeanor charges for operating illegal video gaming machines (fish tables); 13 counts of misdemeanor manufacturing/selling slot machines and one count of misdemeanor gambling. 
He was given a $75,000 secured bond and an initial court date of March 22.
The business has been cited for these offenses in connection with investigative reports on Oct. 6, Jan. 19, Jan. 24 and Jan. 26. 
More:Davidson County Sheriff’s Office cracks down on 34 local sweepstakes businesses
In December, the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office served notice to 34 sweepstakes gaming businesses, including the one owned by Albright, that they would be criminally charged if they continue to pay out cash prizes.   
A letter signed by Davidson County Sheriff Richie Simmons and Davidson County District Attorney Garry Frank noted that the sheriff’s office would begin charging for violations of the ban on electronic sweepstakes machines, video gaming machines, and slot machines under North Carolina General Statue 14-306. 
After receiving these notices, all but nine of these electronic gaming parlors have closed.  Five sweepstakes businesses in Lexington, three in Thomasville and one in Wallburg filed an injunction with the Davidson County court to remain open but it was dismissed by the courts in December. 
 According to North Carolina General Statue14-306, any machine (including fish games and other like devices) that awards points or credits that are redeemable for cash in any amount are prohibited.  
“Any person who owns or is involved in the operation of prohibited machines may be subject to criminal penalties, including managers or employees,» noted the letter. These penalties range from misdemeanor charges to felony charges for repeated infractions.
Related story:Two arrested for sweepstakes robbery   
According to Simmons the year-long investigation into these sweepstakes business determined that several of these businesses were giving out cash for wins and allegedly rigged games to decrease chances of winning. 
In 2019, the City of Lexington issued a moratorium on new permits for businesses operating table-mounted video games that pay out rewards, usually cash, for accumulating points by “catching” electronic fish. As a result, the city updated its land ordinance to reflect state laws concerning prohibiting electronic gaming businesses that illegally have cash disbursements. 
General news reporter Sharon Myers can be reached at sharon.myers@the-dispatch.com. Follow her on Twitter @LexDispatchSM.
