PlayStation VR2 and PlayStation VR2 Sense controller: the next generation of VR gaming on PS5 – PlayStation.Blog


Horizon Call of the Mountain from Guerrilla and Firesprite revealed for PS VR2
Happy New Year everyone.
It is my great pleasure to start off 2022 with news on our next generation virtual reality system for the PS5 console, starting with the official name: PlayStation VR2, and our new VR controller, PlayStation VR2 Sense controller.
PlayStation VR2 takes VR gaming to a whole new level, enabling a greater sense of presence and allowing players to escape into game worlds like never before. With the headset on and controllers in hand, players will feel a heightened range of sensations unlike any other – thanks to the creativity of the game worlds being built by our world class developers, and the latest technology incorporated into the hardware.
Building upon our innovations from PS5, PlayStation VR2 adds a true next-gen experience with high-fidelity visuals, new sensory features, and enhanced tracking – along with a simplified single-cord setup. 
All of these advancements in PlayStation VR2, combined with the haptic feedback and adaptive triggers from the PS VR2 Sense controllers, enable players to feel and interact with games in a much more visceral way. PS VR2 will also have a simple setup process — with a single cable connected directly to PS5, you can immediately jump into the VR experience.
Today we are also pleased to reveal that one of the biggest exclusive franchises on PlayStation will be coming to PS VR2 – Horizon Call of the Mountain from Guerrilla and Firesprite. This original game is being built specifically for PS VR2 and will open the doors for players to go deeper into the world of Horizon.
I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s exciting updates. Just remember, this is only a taste of things to come, and I can’t wait to share more details with you about PS VR2. In the meantime, below is the list of official specifications.

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Will this be backwards compatible with PSVR1 games?
This is the question!
the most important question!
Great question! I hope so!!!
Sure hope so! I’ve got quite a few games but never got the original PS VR.
It has to!
Yep, that’s the number one question I have too.
almost definitely not. it’s too different to offer full backwards compatibility, between the tracking and the new inputs. maybe a few games will offer updates, but i doubt even that. it’s more likely that some games will get native ports for PS5 & VR2, at best.
I believe it definitely will. I read a past post where they said it’s actually gonna improve on older brother titles which will be awesome I assume also because I currently play my psvr on ps5 so I wouldn’t see why it wouldn’t
Good question
The question we all have! PS VR2 is sounding amazing, and it would be a shame if those PS+ VR games we’ve been getting over the years perform poorly on it. I didn’t get PS VR so there are other titles I would actually buy if they take advantage of this new tech.
I think they’re still working out how that can be done. Can they use the new equipment to map what the camera would see or do we need to have the camera still to play VR1 games, etc.
Though it’d be great to know now so I can start working on my VR backlog.
De ce que j’ai pu lire , à priori nom. Du moins pas directement, en effet rien que pour les VR2 sense cela sera difficile adapté le gameplay des anciens jeux aux nouvelles manettes. Mais rien n’empêchera les développeurs de faire des remaster de leurs meilleurs jeux.
Mais vaut mieux attendre une réponse de Playstation
Oh lets hope there will be a way…. Beatsaber got expensive real quick.
This is crucial for me.
Got a ton of games that I am waiting to play on the new system
I’d’ definitlely buy this if it’s backward, and will have a better experience on old games
Of course, why shouldn’t it be? VR is just a device like a TV. The console is a device that renders backward compatible games, and that obviously works. In the end, Sony won’t abandon the base of hundreds of VR games. These games will probably work in higher resolution, and people will buy them like crazy in the PS store when PSVR2 comes out.
I think that is priority for this new PSVR2 set!!! Because all VR hits games are from last generation of the consoles…
Jim Ryan said before 6-7 months that they must prioritize the new (next gen) PSVR set for PS5 full backward compatibility with PS4/PS4Pro…
But only thing that bother me is prise and supplies… Hm…
The PSVR 2 has a new tracking system so I doubt it will be compatible with PSVR 1 games
It should be eitherwise I’m not support this one Sony greedy game company pfft
The answer to this question is the difference between a day 1 buy and a I’ll buy it at some point in the future when the price comes down and more games are available. Personally I think they would be crazy not to support all PSVR games after making the PS5 bc with PS4 games. At the end of the day they run on PS5 now and this is just a different display technology for it, like getting a new TV…
Backward compatibility would be a huge win, and I really hope Sony put in the time and effort to make it happen, instead of just selling us remakes/remasters of PSVR games. There are definitely challenges, since the tracking and controllers are different, but those are solvable. Honestly tracking shouldn’t be much of an issue, as most PSVR games just get positional data from the system itself. They usually aren’t doing the image processing for the camera based tracking, they’re just getting the output. It doesn’t matter much HOW you get the 3D positional data, just that it’s in a format that the game can recognize.
As for the controller differences, it shouldn’t be too hard for Sony to add something to the PS5’s software that allows the Sense controllers to emulate PS Moves.
TLDR: Backward compatibility is 100% possible, but it will take a bit of effort.
Someone else said this… But I could have sworn Sony already said they’re trying for backwards compatibility. Just can’t find the article.
I’m looking forward to this as a fan of the first one, but I do wish it would be wireless or for there to be a wireless version in the future.
I seriously hope so because I’m reslly enjoying No Man’s Sky in VR on the ps5 and the only things that would make it better is better resolution and newer VR controllers.
Why wouldn’t it. It won’t be forward compatible: PSVR2 won’t work on PSVR, but certainly, it uses the same console: PS5.
Sony has said that the PSVR 2 will be backwards compatible with PSVR 1 games.
it probably is. They did it with ps4 and ps5 so it has to be.
, when you think about the the technology in the headset is it going to cost….. £250, £400, £600….?. And even if they do it with a bundle with the PlayStation 5 then it will be £1,000….. ?
I want to sell my PSVR so that is my hope too!
Sounds amazing.
If it is I’ll probably get one
It should in my opinion and just have the sense controllers come out first
I hope PlayStation is doing everything possible to make PSVR1 games work on the new headset.
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When I get a ps5 its gonna be easier to set it up coz the ps4 vr has SO MANY CABLES
waooo it blow my mind!!
Hopefully it’s not all white or available in midnight black or at least sell me replaceable panels.
Once it sits on your head, who cares what colour it is. ?
I don’t care about color ar all. Of course that will be in white/black colors with the shape of all PS5 gadgets… ? ? ?
Here’s one of those things that will spend $60 just for a color. But, I can tell just by the way you word it, that you are smart with someone’s money. ?
I just hope it isn’t heavy
Undoubtedly. They’ll likely run better, too.
I really like the idea of the VR headset to make the system more portable since I travel a lot.
??? What about a giant PS5 and headset is travel friendly
@MonkeyUdders Im betting he means cinematic mode. You dont have to take your TV with you to guarantee a solid setup. A lot of hotels and resorts have lesser TV’s than a lot of gamers have. I regretted not stuffing my 65 inch in the car with me when I went on xmas vacation. Though part of that was how high up the TV there was wall mounted, so uncomfortable stairing up as you game.
I will have this
Damn, those specs look good!
Hope the improve the messy cable situation too.
Only one cable that connects to the PS5 directly.
that one cable should be really long then, I never had the first psvr, but this one I will definitely get.
As long as it’s not proprietary, and I’m guessing at this point it will likely be USB-C, you will be able to add extensions to make it as long as you need it to be.
You really think a playstation VR will do 4k at 120hz? That would be the same as thinking your ps5 will do all games in 8k – ain’t happening & you people are gullible. You should know playstation spends a lot of money on marketing that borderline on false advertisements. They’ve also designed their controllers for failure. How do you like your stick drift?
If you really like the short experiences that vr is, then why would you waste your time with a baby’s VR? Go PC or continue sucking your thumbs.
Not only that.
If you think that 2 ps5 games in 16 months is not enough, what will you think of the supremely slow trickle of short experiences (bite-sized) arriving to psvr?
@alkalinetp Who said it will do all games at native 4K and at 120hz??? You sound like the morons that said Xbonex was going to be a native 4K console, when Microsoft only ever said “4k”
You clearly have a deeply disturbed and hateful little mind. Why are you even here on a PlayStation VR blog post? You’re an Xbot and have never played VR before. Just keep your clueless nonsense to yourself.
And if you deflect and say you are a PC mustard race user, then don’t ever talk about Xbox ever again and every one of its inferior games that are available day one on PC, hypocrite.
I enjoy a good mustard.
They have, the PSVR 2 will only have 1 cable and no processor unit which is the black box.
like clock work.
Damn, Jisat, been looking all over for you, man.
They should be patient and figure how to make it communicate with PS5 wirelessly and just push out the sense controllers first.
Yes!! Price and release date please, can’t wait!
I think that price will be the lowest than the price of the PSVR1 set at launch… Probably they’ll reduce the price by $100 compared to the PSVR1 set, but they’re working harder and largely on PSVR exclusive games at the same time launch with PSVR2 set, to make more money for the reduced price of hardware, because the new set won’t be as sought as a first set, because we all know it’s a specific thing of gaming hardware and it’s just not for all gamers. Well, in that case, I think the offer will satisfy demand within two to three months.
My estimate is: €400 for the next gen PSVR set (without PS5 camera, or PS4 camera or any games, also this package will be significantly smaller than first PSVR bundle set)…
Buying this piece of PS gaming hardware Day One…
My guess is that the price range will be between $399.99 to $599.99.
I think Holiday 2022/1stQ 2023 and £500 minimum. (If you can find one). I got lucky with the PS5, hope I’m as lucky with this too.
Yeah, you just remember me that this will be another scalpers hell…
@alkalinetp Go play VR on your Xbox and game pass instead lol.
Andy – nah, I’ll just have some mustard. ?
I hate that you’re probably right.
So far i dig all of this I’m pretty sure I will be buying this. Although the cord thing still bugs me, i think it’s still a million times better than the current corded mess but VR having all that movement i will still hate getting tangled up
Actually the cable situation is basically fixed as the PSVR 2 will only have one cable and no processor unit which is the black box.
I’ve been doing VR on PC and been getting more and more lukewarm about it over the years. These features get me excited though! And I welcome the idea of it being on my PS5 instead of having to deal with ten layers of programs and plugins on PC. I’ll try not to get too excited until we have a price tag though.
10 layers?
You just open steam and play a game as usual. WTH.
Yah, you might want to stick with the kiddy vr since you don’t know what you are doing with the real gamer devices.
Don’t care what it costs, what it looks like, I’m getting it. Original PS VR was a game-changer in the VR world, hope we see VR Astrobot2, VR Moss2, and more 🙂
Right there with you. If i could get in line now, I would. Hopefully not as hard to get as the console. I can’t wait.
right there with you. I love the original psvr.
Using my Quest 2 for the past year gave me a lot of appreciation for headset-based controller tracking. I would like to hear about their solution for play space parameters, since that was a big positive for the Oculus headset as well; being able to create your own boundaries and work with it, big or small.
And a personal wish, though I know it’s very unlikely– is that this headset would be PC-compatible as well. I think that would dramatically increase sales, and the longevity of the product’s life span. It’s a long shot, but now that it’s a single-cable USB-C connection, I can’t imagine it being an out-of-reach goal.
Either way, very excited and looking forward to more info!
Good points! I hope someone on the development team had the same ideas you did.
actually the usb-c connection means it has higher chances of being compatible with pcs, since new graphics cards are starting to have usb-c ports alongside displayport and hdmi since 4 years ago, dont know if usb-c on other pieces ( aka motherboard and frontal add-ons like usb hubs) can work, especially without integrated graphics
PC-compatibility is a waste. That platform already has options for VR, and PSVR2 games will be PS5-only. There is no market for this headset outside of the PS5.
i was thinking about getting a quest2 to play Half-Life: Alyx so i hope this is compatible with PC as well then i dont need to get both headsets.
The issue with PC compatibility is that Sony will probably (HOPEFULLY!) be selling PSVR 2 at a loss when it launches, and making up the money on game sales. If PC gamers just buy PSVR 2 to use with PC, they won’t be buying PSVR 2 software, and Sony won’t be making any money.
Still, I could see it getting PC support once the hardware itself becomes profitable. I think at least one of the PS5 models is already profitable, so PC support might roll out about a year after it launches.
There will be a way to make it work on PC. You could use the original PSVR on PC shortly after release too.
Grey – ps has a greed agenda with jim ryan. Extremely unlikey this will be sold unprofitable. mini 4k screens and 120hz is nothing new, and with the cost of higher resolution screens always decreasing – and at bulk – the cost won’t be as high as some are assuming. The screen on my oneplus 8t is 120hz, and I paid $550 (new) over a year ago. I’m betting that the vr2 system will be priced at $400.
Let’s Goodwood boys!!!
Now give me the price and release date. Been waiting for this ever since I upgraded to PS5!
Can’t wait to get it ! ?
Still contains tripping hazard..
Why hardly play my PS VR cord gets in way…
Well, if it had a battery it would be a neckbreaker hazzard. And pricier.
Only thing that’s left is showing more games exclusives and the price point sweetspot is $500 dollars for all that tech I wouldn’t be surprised if it cost nearly a grand.
Market fail at $500+, it should launch at $299 or $399 max. 2016 a playstation 4 cost $499 & the PSVR cost $399 a hundred less than the console did. So since the digital ps5 is $399, that’s how I get $299 as the sweet spot.
1st of all PS4 was launched with a $399 price tag not, $499
You still you can get it for $299? Dream I kiddo, no VR headset comes anywhere close to PSVR 2 in terms of specs and you think it will be $299? ?
Although $399 is a perfect price point for this Product, but I wouldn’t surprise if it’s $499….
@omegazio I think you’re right about the price. I’d love it if somehow Sony could get it down to $400, but I doubt they could.
And anyone thinking it’ll be $300 is dreaming. That’s not a specific shot at JuggaloRazzam, there are a lot of people who think this. PSVR 2 is going to be leaps and bounds better than Quest 2 (at least when it comes to component quality), and that comes with costs. Higher res OLEDs are more expensive than lower res LCDs for example, and it has a ton of features that the Q2 doesn’t have.
On top of that, even the Quest 2 wouldn’t cost $300 if it wasn’t for FB selling its user’s data to advertisers. So yeah, $300 isn’t a realistic price for PSVR 2.
My body is ready, I want this NOW!! Where can I preorder? Please don’t ruin the launch… allow real gamers to purchase before everyone else scalps these.
I hope it is backwards compatible because I never got a PSVR1 and I would love to play the back catalog! I am so excited for this and ready for preorders to open up!!!
I doubt it will be compatible with PSVR1, & in the unlikely event that it is – you would probably need to buy a psvr1 camera & mover controls…. I hope i’m wrong. I hope it lets me play my PSVR titles & upscales them to higher resolution
Hopefully it’s not backwards compatible so it will take advantage of next-gen and who cares what color it is. Been waiting for this to release
Imagine thinking backward compatibility affected anything other than added value.
I’m curious how it being backward compatible would prevent PSVR 2 from taking advantage of next-gen. It IS next gen. To be clear, backward compatible means being able to play PSVR 1 games on a PSVR 2 using a PS5. It doesn’t mean being able to use a PSVR 2 with a PS4. THAT would never happen.
But just like the PS5 being able to play PS4 games doesn’t compromise the PS5, PSVR 2 being able to play PSVR 1 games wouldn’t compromise the PSVR 2.
Can’t wait!!!
There are 2 things that PS-VR2 needs to do to make it a hit.
1. Have Backwards compatibility with PS-VR1
2. Be on PS5 AND PC.
I know I wont get this if its only for PS5 because VR systems are to expensive to buy 2 separate systems right now.
Go home kiddo, why would Sony would even allow it for PC?
@ Clutch_Sam007
Same reason the Dual Sense is supported by most platforms (android, apple OSes, Windows…)?
@Clutch_Sam007 stop drinking boomer, Sony is moving all it’s software and hardware on PC.
I hope you’re right about point 1 especially. I don’t really care about PC compatibility since I don’t have a gaming PC, but it would be nice for other people. However I don’t think it’d happen at launch. PSVR 2 will probably be sold at a loss, so having PC support would hurt Sony. However once the hardware becomes profitable (probably a year or so after launch) I could see Sony supporting PC compatibility and even porting some of their PSVR 2 games to PC. It’s still a long shot though.
Could I use it for VR games on Steam?
This is a headset for consoles just like their last one. PS5-only.
My guess is that it’ll work with Steam as well as any other web-based VR program. There IS a web browser built into the PS5.
What about PSVR1 games on PSVR2?
I am stunned… when can i preorder!
Been loving Psvr1, just picked up Windlands 2, a fantastic game! and extra excited for Zenith!
Oh man PSVR2. Btw, the controllers are called ORBS. orbs orbs…
good question, would the new controllers work with the previous VR headset? main reason i stopped using the original was the controllers just not being great for VR gaming (no control sticks… really who’s idea was that?) considering how much the PS5 was/still is theres no way il be upgrading any time to the VR2, but if the controllers work on the VR1… that would be sweet.
No, the new controllers wouldn’t work with PSVR 1. They’re tracked using a different system, so it wouldn’t be possible. PSVR 1 tracks its controllers using the big glowing ball of light on the Moves, which is seen by a TV mounted camera. PSVR 2 tracks its controllers using cameras on the headset which see much smaller (probably infrared) lights on the Sense controllers. The PSVR 1 cameras wouldn’t be able to see the new controller well enough to track them.
I agree that the PS Move controllers aren’t great for VR, but they actually weren’t designed for VR! They came out on the Playstation 3 to compete with the Nintendo Wii controllers. So yeah, they’re a bit outdated at this point!
Hopefully the PSVR 2 is backward compatible, so that if you do upgrade someday, you could play your old PSVR games on PSVR 2 with better tracking and controls!
PSVR is the headset that got me into VR. Excited for this!
I reckon the scalpers are prepping their bots for this one and getting set to fleece you once again with zero help from Sony.
I double scalpers will scoop these up as they are a niche product that won’t have huge demand. Oh i’m sure the 1st launch batch might get scooped up – but after that no problem.
I have the PSVR 1 and if this is backwards compatible for those games I might be trying to figure out a way to trade it in for the PSVR 2
This is gonna be amazing especially being able to play older vr games on the new technology
Holy perfection, this is pretty much everthing I hope it was. PSVR1 Controls should be possible to have easily emulate that experience right? I’d be happy with atleast a healthy selection of games get updates which I expect naturally anyways. Lets go Sony, Glad I didnt buy that Quest 2 holiday season
You mean PSVR 1 controllers being compatible with PSVR 2 for backward compatibility? Maybe… It would make things a bit easier on Sony and game developers for sure. It wouldn’t work with the DualShock 4, but might work with the Moves, and you could maybe use the DualSense instead of DS4.
I hope you can play the old games with the new controllers too, but I’d be fine with keeping the Moves around. I just don’t want to have to keep my PSVR 1 headset, camera, and breakout box hooked up to play my PSVR 1 games!
A Happy New Year is exactly what 2022 is if it’s the year of PlayStation VR2!
I fell in love with VR with an Oculus DK2, and had a huge amount of fun on PS VR, Oculus Quest 2, and on PC VR with my HP Reverb G2.
Right back when I tried the DK2 I was convinced this was the future, and have been looking forward to the technology getting support from an experienced game company with a good budget. PS VR started well with Resident Evil 7, and the most hours I’ve played in VR have easily been with Firewall Zero Hour, but the hardware was always an add-on and afterthought, despite working very well under the circumstances.
I think PS VR2 is the first time we’re really going to see what I hoped we’d one day get when I first got inside that Oculus devkit.
Quest 2 is committed to the medium, but is limited in the kinds of games it can deliver.
PlayStation could start a whole new 90’s era golden age in a medium that has been largely exploratory and experimental until now, and absolutely lead the way with all their major IPs coming to it in a big way, fully in at the deep end, no feet on the floor and going for it.
I hope that’s the energy and direction Sony take PS VR2 in now.
The hardware specifications are more than good enough to really go at it in a big way.
No more experiences and modest tech demos. No more tastes of things. Full commitment now would not only cement VR but have Sony lead the way.
Next up we need Gran Turismo 7 fully playable in VR. No separate tech demo mode. The full game, as a hybrid release.
Let’s GO
Well put! I completely agree!
When it comes to getting full games on PSVR 2, I think that’s Sony’s plan. Most of these specs already leaked from an August developer summit, and apparently at that event Sony said their strategy was to focus on hybrid games (games that are playable flat and in VR), with the VR mode feeling like it was built from the ground up for VR. So sort of like Star Wars Squadrons (or better).
I think a second pillar of Sony’s PSVR 2 strategy is to make spinoff games like Horizon: Call of the Mountain. They can use assets from their big flat-screen games to make a VR game with a much smaller budget than it would normally cost.
In my opinion, the games have been the biggest thing holding back VR as a market. VR developers have done an admirable job, but the market isn’t big enough (yet) to justify spending as much as a AAA flat-screen game, so we’ve been mostly stuck with more limited experiences. Sony’s strategy would allow them to bring AAA quality full games to VR for a cost that would make it worthwhile considering the size of the market, and that will grow the VR market.
I could not be more EXCITED!
Finally some good news.
Please let me know where I can send my money Sony!
I bought a PS5 at launch in hopes of PSVR2. Literally can’t wait. It’s going to be amazing!!
Also, can’t wait to have real AAA next gen VR for the gamers. Also glad it won’t feel like a beta! (Not talking about PSVR 1 by the way heh) Been hoping for this for years!!! Thanks guys!!!
Let’s gooooooo!!!!
Please release a vr-headset without cable.
You can ask for that in 2022
Best regards
The King of Daniwutz
Quality is more important than not having a one cable.
You would need to charge every 3 hours so it wouldnt make any difference.
I can ask for it to be free but I don’t think they’re going to do it ?
If they made the power a separate battery pack that could be changed with a second fully charged unit, and ditched the wire!
There, I just created a market for a $70 add-on for every unit sold.
@LAZOR-BLADEZ I’ve been saying the same thing for a while! I think having a USB-C connected module that has a Wifi 6 receiver and battery pack (or hot-swappable batteries!) would make a ton of sense. Put it in a pocket or clip it to your belt/clothing, and you’re good to go! Then maybe Sony could release PSVR 2 Pro with the wireless integrated.
I think the biggest hurdle is bandwidth. Having a reliable 10GB/s connection wirelessly would be a challenge. Still, I hope Sony does this. Even if it meant a bit of a downgrade in visuals (lower resolution, maybe?). I’d mostly only want wireless for exercise games, and those don’t have to look incredible.
Hurry up I want one
Sounds amazing!
My wish is for adjustable focus/lens so people like me without contact lens can play without wearing glasses!
,,Lens separation? – Adjustable”
Cant wait, I hope it will release somewhere this year.
I never got around to getting the first one but PSVR2 is going to be awesome. Can’t wait!
????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??????
??? ???? ?
Rogue Squadron VR in Death Star trench coming too?
Hopefully not heavy like the first one…
This is going to be awesome! I hope they do a signup for invitations to preorder just like they did for the PS5.
This is going to blow Meta Quest out of the Water or anyother PC VRs with a exclusives lunch line up no one ever saw this big ?
kinda disappointed they didn’t just split the DS in half for their controllers. It honestly would have given them an edge exclusive wise to have 4 face buttons.
Also if they went the standalone headset route, that can connect to your Playstation or PC they could have been real competition for the VR market. Being as tied to the PS5 as it is when its gonna cost another 500-600, and with the PS5 being near impossible to get its gonna hurt the sales in a big way.
The controllers look perfect. If they want to sell units it should be compatible with PC too. Sony really need to step up on PS5 production because really engaged PS players like me would be PSVR2 early adopters if only we could get hold of a PS5.
The PC space already has a handful of high-end options between Oculus, HTC, and Valve, and with these companies putting out new hardware every couple of years PSVR2 would fall behind very quickly. Sony won’t make a new headset until their next console, so PS5 is the only real market for this in the long run. VR is already a niche genre, so competition is the last thing Sony needs.
There’s also the first-party VR games that will only be on PS5, so that kills the appeal of the headset if you don’t have their console.
@MrHeisenbird it doesn’t really matter if it gets outperformed later by VR Headsets that are more established on PC… making it PC compatible would always make it much more sellable since it’s probably going to be many peoples first VR headset. Most people won’t be going around wanting 2 different devices and it could be a decent upgrade to the people who already have something older on PC that could make them think about going for the PSVR 2
I think they WILL be real competition for the VR market. Standalone doesn’t make much sense for PSVR 2 to be honest. It would drive up the cost even further (processors and RAM aren’t free), as well as requiring a lot more R&D, and it would also split the market of PSVR 2 games between ones that can be played standalone, and ones that require a PS5 to run.
As for PC connection, I could see it happening eventually, but not at launch. PSVR 2 will probably sell at a loss for the first year or so. Once the hardware is profitable, it might get official PC support.
Sales of PSVR 2 will probably be hampered by PS5 supply issues for a while, but not forever. Hopefully PS5’s will be a lot easier to come by when PSVR 2 launches.
Do you have to be tethered to the PS5 via the USB port C to play or is it 100% wireless?
Am I understanding how the tracking works, no more facing a camera and TV / monitor?
I loved the visual of the original but all the wires, extra box and camera set up was too cumbersome to overcome for enjoyment.
It’s going to be plugged in over USB Type-C. From the 4 cameras in the spec sheet it makes me think they’ll go with Inside-out tracking like on the Meta Quest and Windows Mixed Reality.
It’s not wireless, it’s got a single wire that plugs directly into the PS5 (the USB-C port on the front).
And yes, the tracking is inside-out, meaning the cameras are in the headset, so you don’t have to be facing any particular direction.
So while wireless might’ve been nice, at least it will be a hell of a lot more convenient than PSVR 1!
“biggest exclusive franchises on PlayStation” – calling this as such is false advertising at best and deliberately misleading at worst.
How is it not one of the biggest?
Ya quiero preordenarlo¡¡¡¡¡….poseo el primer psvr y es una maravilla, ya veo lo que se viene con esta version.
Horizon 1 sold millions. It was massively popular. Horizon Forbidden West has probably already done well on pre-orders alone. Like it or not, it’s one of Sony’s big franchises. And that’s what they said “one of the biggest exclusive franchises on Playstation.” So I’m struggling to see what you’re taking issue with here.
They come out with one game so far; all-of-a-sudden they’re the biggest? People do seem to overhype horizon. I’d rather overhype GoW. It has been around since ps2 and PSP. I have all the games still.
Or gran turismo. I still remember how awesome it was when that came out on ps1 & then gt2 came out, and I never did.
@GreyMatterShades- I guess that I can kind of see what he means. While HORIZON sold a bunch of copies, it’s not a long-running franchise; like CALL OF DUTY or SPLINTER CELL.
When can I pre-order? I don’t want to miss this.
I really wanted to want to get the original VR, but the fact that they tried to use the ancient move controllers as the input mechanism really put me off. PSVR2 gets me really excited as it is a much more compelling package. There are some great games on the original unit that I hope are playable on the new one like Astro Bot and Moss.
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