PlayStation Plus: Free Games We May Get for April 2022 –

     By <a class="author" href="/author/Tyler_Fischer_/"><span>Tyler Fischer </span></a>         <time> - March 26, 2022 04:50 pm EDT</time>     <br>This coming week, <a href="/category/playstation-plus/">PlayStation Plus</a> subscribers will find out the free PS4 and PS5 games they will be getting for the month of April 2022. Like most months, the month's lineup will likely leak before it's revealed, but before that happens we have relayed word of three games we think could end up being included. And we think it's going to be a great month for PS Plus subscribers, chiefly because of the inclusion of one single game.&nbsp;<br>Last April,<em> MLB The Show 21</em> brought the series to Xbox. <a href="/category/playstation-generic/">PlayStation</a> didn't just lose an exclusive series though. As you may remember, <em>MLB The Show 21</em> was available via Xbox Game Pass on day one of its release. It was a bad look for PlayStation, which got blasted for not doing this with PlayStation Plus. Surely PlayStation won't make this mistake twice. That said, it's possible then it will make this happen not with PlayStation Plus, but PlayStation Now, or <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">the rumored PlayStation Spartacus</a>. Whatever the case, the month's free PS Plus games are set to release the day <em>MLB The Show 22</em> releases. This could be a coincidence, but we don't think so.<br>On the PS4 front, <em>Enter the Gungeon</em> is poised to celebrate its five-year anniversary the day April's PS Plus games go live, and what better way to celebrate this if you're developer Dodge Roll and publisher Devolver Digital than by giving away the game via the subscription service, which in turn may entice subscribers to buy its newer spin-off, <em>Exit the Gungeon</em>. Meanwhile, on the PlayStation side of things, this should be an easy and cheap deal to make, which it will need after losing so many day-one sales via <em>MLB The Show</em> 22's inclusion.<br>The other PS4 game in our prediction is <em>The Forest</em>, a game that's massive success has flown under the radar of many. It's consistently one of the best-selling PS4 games. It's been on PS4 for four years, which suggests it's probably squeezed most of the orange there, however, its continual charting may suggest otherwise. In other words, this may not the cheapest deal for PlayStation, but with its long-awaited sequel releasing this October (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">and originally supposed to release the following month in May</a>) there may be an opportunity to get the deal done for cheaper than normal.&nbsp;<br>Below, you can check out a trailer for each game:<br>As always, feel free to share your thoughts and hot-takes in the comments section or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@Tyler_Fischer_</a> and let me know over there. What do you think of this list of potential free PS Plus games?<br><span class="slidenumber"></span> of <span class="slidetotal"></span><br>Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.<br><br><a href="">source</a>