No More Heroes 3 coming to PC, PlayStation, and Xbox this fall – Polygon


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A stylish time in Santa Destroy
No More Heroes 3 is being ported to PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. Publisher XSEED Games announced the product on Friday; the port is expected to be released in fall 2022 with “improved HD visuals, framerates, and faster loading times.”
No More Heroes is an infamously over the top franchise, constantly re-inventing itself and creating new stakes; someone can pick up No More Heroes 3 and play it without having to get into the other mainline games. Players take control of Travis Touchdown, an Otaku hero who won a beam katana at an auction and became a master assassin. Travis has to then fight off an alien invasion to protect his hometown (and the rest of Earth) from intergalactic warlord Prince FU.
Our favorite otaku assassin returns! Travis Touchdown has been forced out of retirement to defend not only Santa Destroy, but Earth itself! Bring on the beam katana and take on Travis’ toughest challenge yet in #NoMoreHeroes3, coming this fall to PS4, PS5, Xbox, and PC!
Polygon’s review of No More Heroes 3 says it’s “a fascinating and off-kilter game” and despite some mechanical issues, it’s “so stuffed with these fantastic touches that it’s a joy just taking in its vibes.”
A physical No More Heroes 3 Day 1 edition, for consoles, will be released in Fall 2022 and will include an artbook, CD, and biker license plate. More information on the digital release will be announced later.

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