Is Final Fantasy 16 Coming to PC and Xbox? – Cultured Vultures


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Final Fantasy XVI has faced many delays during its production. A high bar is set for the eagerly anticipated action RPG as the entire Final Fantasy franchise has quite the following. But is this PS5 game also coming to PC and Xbox?
FFXVI was first unveiled to gamers during a PS5 Showcase in September 2020. Since then, fans have received small tidbits about the game with very little information about its release.
There is no set release date for FFXVI on the PS5, let alone the possibility of the game making its way to other systems, including Xbox Series X & S, Xbox One and PC. Fans are hopeful for a 2022 release for Final Fantasy XVI, so here’s everything you need to know.
Final Fantasy fans can discover everything there is to know about the setting and characters of FFXVI on the game’s website. It’s set in Valisthea, a world that is “studded with Mothercrystals”. Powerful nations formed around each Mothercrystal, due to their magicks.
The spread of the Blight threatens the destruction of the dominions and endangers Valisthea’s peace. The main characters so far are Clive Rosfield, Joshua Rosfield, and Jill Warrick.
Fans hope that FFXVI will deliver a more interesting open world, a better combat system, and a more focused storyline than its predecessor, Final Fantasy XV.
With the highly anticipated wait for FFXVI hopefully coming to an end soon, Xbox users may be wondering if they will get a chance to play the game too. Final Fantasy XVI will be a PS5 console exclusive, since Square Enix has a history of exclusivity with PlayStation. There’s no mention of it being a timed exclusive, but there’s a high chance that it will be.
No release date for FFXVI on PS5 has been confirmed. There is also no information about whether or not the game is coming to other platforms, like PC or Xbox. It doesn’t look like it will be coming to PS4, either.
During a PlayStation Showcase in September 2021, a possible nod was given to June 16, 2022 as the game’s launch date. Around the :38 mark, while a character is running through a subway station, we can briefly see a sign in the background that reads “Valisthea 06.16”. The setting for FFXVI is Valisthea, which has led to many fans theorizing that this implies a June 16, 2022 launch for the game.
In a Square Enix livestream for NieR Re[in]carnation on May 6th, 2022, FFXVI’s producer, Naoki Yoshida, provided an update for FF fans, stating a new trailer is ready. This means that the next trailer may be part of an upcoming PlayStation Showcase.
Yoshida goes on to say that the project is in its final stretch. While this sounds optimistic, it doesn’t give us a concrete idea of when FFXVI will be released. While a 2022 release is possible, a spring 2023 release is currently just as likely.
With all of this speculation on when FFXVI will be released for PS5, there’s no telling when it will be released for Xbox or PC. FFXVI will be a PS5 console exclusive, but it’s unclear if this will be a permanent or timed exclusive. There will be around a year to wait from the game’s PlayStation release before PC and Xbox users can play it, if it’s a timed exclusive. Therefore, the earliest PC and Xbox players can expect to play FFXVI is 2023, though most likely 2024.
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