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Hyubsama is off the platform.
Twitch streamer Hyubsama has been indefinitely banned off of the streaming platform. Hyubsama’s ban comes just days after he harassed fellow streamer crazy_japanese, though it’s unclear if this was the incident that resulted in the indefinite suspension.
This is Hyubsama’s first ban from the platform, though the South Korean streamer has been involved in multiple controversies throughout his streaming career. Beginning his Twitch channel in 2019, Hyubsama gained his initial popularity shortly after, showing his daily life in Japan with countless clips hitting the front page of the Livestream Fails subreddit.
? Twitch Partner "hyubsama" (@hyubsama) has been banned! ? #ban #firstban #partner #twitchpartner ?
During a Jan. 23 stream, the Twitch streamer met crazy_japanese in a Tokyo bar. Several now-deleted clips from the VOD showed that Hyubsama repeatedly attempted to touch crazy_japanse despite her efforts to stop him. After crazy_japanese left the bar, Hyubsama continued to chase her outside of the bar and onto the street.
After stopping, crazy_japanese warned the drunken Hyubsama that he’ll get banned and told the streamer to go home. Though the streamer did eventually leave the situation, much of the interaction was already caught on footage and not deleted until several days later.
Four days later, Hyubsama was banned from Twitch, as announced by the StreamerBans Twitter account. Twitter user CommanderRoot confirmed that the South Korean streamer faces an indefinite ban, with his previously acquired Twitch partnership being revoked.
Hyubsama has yet to respond to the ban on Twitter or any of his other social media channels and it’s unknown if he’ll return to the platform.
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