How to craft Recurrent Impact in Destiny 2 – Dot Esports


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That one’s gonna take a bit.
Apparently, the Cabal really like machine guns. Players could already obtain Heir Apparent in the Guardian Games, but Season of the Risen added two more Cabal machine guns to the pool: the Grand Overture Exotic and the Recurrent Impact as a Legendary.
Recurrent Impact is a craftable weapon, meaning players can unlock its Pattern and head to the Enclave to craft a copy of it for their own. This will allow them to mix-and-match perks and parts, finding the perfect combination for their playstyle—provided they level it up first, that is.
Crafting this weapon is a simple, yet time-consuming process. Like other weapons, you’ll need to find its Pattern first, and that can take a while even if the RNG is on your side. Here’s how you can craft it.
The main step in crafting Recurrent Impact is finding its Pattern, but that’s also the tricky part. You’ll need to complete five Deepsight Resonance objectives with the weapon before you can craft it. Though all Patterns unlock through completing a number of Deepsight Resonance objectives, Recurrent Impact seems to require more objectives than most.
This means grinding Recurrent Impact may be fairly time-consuming. Players will have to luck into five drops of the weapon that have Deepsight Resonance, meaning they’re in for a slight grind. The weapon drops mostly from the PsiOps Battlegrounds seasonal playlist, so if you want to stock up on Psychogenic Intel. Spending 500 of it lets you open a Runic Chest at the end of PsiOps Battlegrounds, which will drop some seasonal gear.
Related: How to get Psychogenic Intel in Destiny 2
The process can be long and depends on luck. Not only will you need to get a Recurrent Impact from the Runic Chest, but it will also have to roll with a Deepsight Resonance objective.
Another option might be focusing Umbral Engrams on the War Table to specifically target Recurrent Impact and mitigate the RNG a bit. Doing that can spend your Risen Umbral Energy, but the resource drops from PsiOps Battlegrounds completions anyway.
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