How to check your VALORANT Flashback stats for 2021 – Dot Esports


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Here are your yearly VALORANT stats.
It’s that time of the year again when Riot Games tells VALORANT players how they performed in the game through detailed annual statistics. 
The VALORANT Flashback stats include a wide range of detailed information about your KDA, damage done, matches won, and headshots. The information is detailed, but Flashback doesn’t tell you how many times you totally hit that headshot, how many ranked matches you lost because someone picked Yoru, or how often you died because the Sage revived you in front of the whole enemy team.
This information helps players understand their playstyle and compare their statistics with other players around the world. Players need to check their mail ID to find their Valorant Flashback stats under the Promotion tab.
If you haven’t received your yearly VALORANT statistics, you need to log in to the Riot Games website. Once you’re logged, go to Account Management, open the Communication Preferences tab, and ensure that Communication from Riot Games is checked. Otherwise, you won’t receive these emails from the developers.
It is the second year that Riot Games has sent these statistics to the players, and this year’s Flashback has even more stats than 2021. Some statistics compare this year’s numbers and showcase the growth that you’ve had as a player. Aside from the usual stats, there are miscellaneous stats like deaths to spike, overtime matches played, and number of aces earned.
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