"Gaming industry is rampant with sexism, prejudice and homophobia": League of Legends pro Biofrost speaks up about issues in esports – Sportskeeda


The esports scene of League of Legends is still something that is growing on a daily basis. As a result, it is filled with both good and bad people in every possible section.
It seems that professional League of Legends player Biofrost had similar experiences in the industry as he opened up about his own sexuality and how certain people have made him feel in a way where he was afraid to speak up about it. Biofrost claimed that:
This is definitely disheartening to read, but what Bifrost revealed about the issues in the industry has been known for while. A significant portion of esports has active sexism, racism, homophobia and prejudice. While change is coming, the process is still quite slow.
Homophobia is something that has existed within League of Legends for a long time now. There have been players in the past as well who have been targeted because of their sexual preferences. The problem, as it seems, is much more deeply rooted than what appears at first glance.
As Biofrost pointed out in his Tweet, him being homosexual has led to homophobic remarks from the very age of 8. Back when he was not even in esports, he had to listen to things like:
Biofrost claimed that this often forced him to become self-conscious and that resulted in further bullying. Eventually, when he moved to esports, he got even more concerned about himself as now he was on a bigger platform where he could become a target for powerful people.
In fact, he claimed that he has faced such issues quite a lot. However, he tried to keep his sexuality a secret as much as possible to prevent himself from going unemployed.
Biofrost also spoke about how the esports industry is filled with this issue and it is time to teach others on how to maintain workplace dignity. It is time to educate people about this issue and ensure that younger players who are coming up in League of Legends or other esports do not have to suffer as he did.
It takes a lot of courage and strength to speak up about something so personal, but Biofrost felt it was needed since community awareness is essential. Finally, he also thanked his parents and friends who have supported him throughout his journey and helped him remain strong amidst the harassment he has faced.

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