ESports Coming to Magee High School –


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The Simpson County School Board met for a special called meeting Thursday, January 27, 2022.
The board approved the following consent Agenda:
ESports is a newly offered extracurricular program through Mississippi High School Activities Associations. Magee High School has students and a coach that have shown interest in the program and would like to start participation.
(ESports turns online gaming into a spectator sport. It mimics the experience of watching a professional sporting event, except instead of watching a physical event, spectators watch video gamers compete against each other.)
Dr. Holloway advised the new consolidated school would see a paradigm shift in teaching. The new Consolidated High School is founded on the three A’s:  Academics, Arts, and Athletics. Students will test and meet the needs of their chosen pathway:  Entrepreneurs, Employ, Enlist, or Enroll. Students will have the opportunity to graduate with an Associates Degree at the same time of High School Graduation. According to Holloway, students will be prepared to begin college careers. Other students will be prepared for the technical world of study or be prepared for the work industry.
Community and Steering Committees have been developed.  Full details of consolidation with visuals, goals, and plans with be presented to the public in the coming days.
A Resolution of intent was approved by the board for a bond issue showing the need to borrow money for a Consolidated High School.
The board then approved an Election Resolution for a bond issue and date of March 29, 2022. The approximately cost of the project with bond proceeds is $39,000,000.
Members and officers of the Simpson County Economic Development Foundation met before the board to offer a Resolution in support of the bond issue and a Consolidated High School for Simpson County.  SCEDF President Christian Carrico presented School Board President Danny Cowart with the Resolution.

The board entered executive session to discuss Superintendent evaluation. The board exited executive session and advised a one school year extension was given to Dr. Holloway and pay increase to meet evaluation results after one year of service.
With no further business meeting was adjourned.
(Pictured SCDF President Christian Carrico presents Resolution to Board President Danny Cowart) is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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