Digital Foundry Gives Its Assessment Of Cloud Gaming On Switch – Nintendo Life


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The Nintendo Switch has a lot of strengths, but there’s no getting around the fact that at nearly five years old the hardware is struggling to keep up with some third-party multiplatform games. That’s no surprise, but there have now been a number of attempts to sell major releases to Nintendo fans as Cloud Versions.
Our reviews of cloud versions have had varied perspectives, as the positive of seeing high profile games on Switch is occasionally undermined by a disappointing streaming experience. Digital Foundry was prompted to review the offerings to date by the controversial Kingdom Hearts releases, which are high-priced and in some cases games that could arguably run on the hardware natively. The price is often a major sticking point for access to these streaming services; they are services, to be clear, you purchase a license to play for as long as the servers are still active.
It’s a tricky issue and there are plenty of things to consider. For one thing, in some cases Cloud games on Switch would have no feasible chance of running natively, so it gives an option to those that only play on Nintendo’s system. Cloud gaming can vary per platform too, with the server-side technology being hugely important. There are other streaming services that arguably offer a far superior option to these Switch titles.
It’s an interesting video, in any case, so be sure to check it out and let us know what you think in the comments.
About Thomas Whitehead
Thomas Whitehead
Tom has been involved in the games industry for a decade, mostly writing about it or struggling to sell Indie games. Loves reading, writing, hunting Capcom’s fiercest monsters and watching baseball.
Comments (107)
It’s bad, end of story.
Cloud Gaming, and the adoption of NFT technology by companies like SquareEnix and Ubisoft, are a nightmare-case scenario for consumer ownership.
To paraphrase Prince, "I’ve seen the future and it will be. I’ve seen the future and it doesn’t work."
People who think that cloud games are "ports" are delusional
While I understand there is some desire out there to have access to games that wouldn’t run natively on the Switch, I personally would not pay full price for access to a cloud game as in the case of KH. That’s just wrong. A fair monthly fee to access a library of modern titles would be a different story ????
It’s bad no matter what ANYONE says it’s bad!
Playing cloud games on the switch is like only being able to make phone calls if your on WiFi (not on a service plan I mean ONLY hooked to a WiFi router)
It goes against EVERYTHING!!! Plus KH 1.5 AND 2.5 are old games so they can run perfectly fine on the switch so there’s no excuse for them to be forced to be cloud titles except that their lazy. DO NOT SUPPORT CLOUD TITLES!!! You don’t even get to keep the games your just purchasing a license to play it and once the servers go down you flat out just wasted your money. Do not support any cloud games so they will get the message that we don’t want cloud games on the switch. edit HOLY MOLY 29 LIKES!!!
I did not see that coming O_O
EWWW, cloud gaming, no way!
And this is why Sora never went to find Cloud in KH3.
angry Donald Duck noises
I tried KH on Switch through the demo and it was an utterly unenjoyable experience, even casting aside the fact that it could barely be called a demo to begin with. I was already steering clear of cloud games overall but this experience solidified this, I will never do cloud gaming, ever. Ever. EVER.
And yes my internet is fine, that’s absolutely not the issue. But even if it was, that would be even more of an incentive to just not support cloud gaming.
I see a lot of people complaining about cloud gaming here but this is my opinion.
I don’t hate cloud gaming. I actually do like it. I have tried out google stadia and it works amazingly well for me. I enjoyed my time on it. So I am NOT opposed to cloud gaming at all. I want to encourage people to try out cloud gaming services like Stadia, Luna, Xcloud and many more
Unfortunately the cloud gaming on Switch is where I have to draw the line. From what I have seen, it does NOT WORK well on hardware like Switch where the wi fi is kinda crappy. All the games that are cloud on Switch are understandable though except Kingdom Hearts but we already know the story to that. Not only that but cloud gaming on Switch defeats the purpose of the Switch. To play wherever and whenever you want on the go. Cloud gaming requires constant connection and on a portable console, it’s just not ideal because you can’t play it in places that have low to zero wi fi in some places.
So am I opposed to cloud gaming? No I am not. I do like the idea of it.
Am I opposed to cloud gaming on SWITCH THOUGH? Yes, yes I am
I would rather have the developers not put the game on Switch if they are going the cloud option
It’s not worth it, the end.
I agree with anoyonmus on that cloud gaming defeats the point of Switch: playing on the go and resuming instantly in a game. Selling the access for a full price of a game is ridiculous.
Also, I’ve recently played demos of the first two games (Control and Guardians), and it felt strange to me that they both had a complex weapons and fighting systems, and lots of random creatures to shoot at. What’s the point, and why can’t I enjoy the story without killing hundreds of living creatures behind every corner?
So yeah, downloadable indies on Switch >>> cloud-based AAA on Switch.
I guess Cloud couldn’t catch a break in the end.
Cloud gaming is fine if its done like XCloud what is tied in with Gamepass but no way am i buying Cloud games.
@Zverik facts my friend. And thanks for agreeing with what I said
The old Kingdom Hearts could EASILY run WAY better natively. I dislike how multiplayer became mostly online, but I hate how they try to normalise playing single player games online…
@BloodNinja The ability to resell a thing makes it good? I don’t want to imagine the implications of that mentality.
@CharlieGirl What exactly don’t you like about it? As things currently stand we have no way of reselling digital copies of games. With NFT technology we could do that. We could use the technology to lend people digital games like you would a physical copy. It makes the proof of ownership so much easier.
And cloud gaming works, it DOES work. Maybe not so much on the switch but if Nintendo designed a console with it in mind it would work wonders. I’ve been able to play games I never otherwise would unless I spent the money on an xbox. I played Psychonauts 2 on my macbook with a Nintendo pro controller. It was amazing. I’d have completely missed out on the chance to play that game if it wasn’t for cloud gaming.
And don’t misappropriate Prince quotes just because you don’t understand the technology.
If you can get Tomb Raider running on the GBA, you can get any modern game running on switch. Just requires effort, ingenuity, and care, all things big publishers don’t value or understand. Cloud gaming is cheapskate cop out, nothing more.
@noobish_hat cloud gaming is more than that. In a world where we do have a constantly reliable connection. When we have 5G and the like. It will be a wonder. Games take up no storage, they don’t require big bulky devices, and you can run them at the highest quality settings at 60fps. The input latency isn’t even as bad as playing with an HDMI cable without game mode on. And people actually still play like that. Like yeah these games could be on the system but I’d rather not download a 50GB game when I could just stream it.
@PcTV No need to imagine. You can already do resell physical goods and nobody bats an eye. It gives the customer more flexibility with what they can do with a product, and that’s great. I bought a car and then later in life, sold it. I wish I could do that with the 50-60 Steam games I bought that I haven’t touched in years, or with the digital games I stopped playing on my Switch.
I was going to give the Kingdom Hearts demos a go, mostly to test my current setup and see how it would deal with cloud gaming, but after reading about the length of them I decided not to.
Sorry, but as great as the Switch arguably is, its wifi capabilities is one of its biggest compromises. I really hope the Switch successor has better wifi.
@noobish_hat Cloud gaming is a convenience of the future. Some people don’t want to maintain high-end, expensive computer systems just to be able to play games. What you lose in ownership, you gain in convenience. It’s not a good or a bad thing, just simple tradeoffs. You want ownership? You’ll have to spend more money on hardware. You want convenience? Well, you can play your games on anything, but you don’t own them. Which way you choose to go will be determined by your values, and your income lol.
The popularity of things like Hulu, YouTube, and NetFlix proves that there are people out there who dig the convenience streaming brings, and they aren’t concerned as much with ownership. The people that are concerned with ownership are the ones with huge digital and physical libraries. They’re just different services to cater to different lifestyles; one isn’t better or worse than the other.
Oh another reason not to want a cloud game. Or a cloud only console.
Cloud versions aren’t ports. Worse yet, they give publishers an excuse to cheap out on Switch versions of their games and will probably disincentive future ports on more powerful hardware.
I wouldn’t mind playing the Kingdom Hearts games over the cloud on the Switch, but the fact that they’re charging $40-$50 for each of them (or $90 for a bundle) is crazy. If they ever go on sale, then maybe. I have a backlog of excellent RPGs I can play now, and they’re not cloud versions.
Give it a couple of years and they will shut down the server and your left with a thumbnail that cost £60
Edit, erased.
@SuperZeldaFun I was referring to the future. As was who I was replying to. I’m aware the current Nintendo console doesn’t have 5G capability
@Scapetti I apologize, that makes sense, I shouldn’t have replied at all then; all the best!
Cloud gaming will remain a pipe dream as long as the necessary infrastructure isn’t bottom line worldwide and as long as their availability is still so volatile.
And i get it, server space costs money, running the things 24/7 costs money. You don’t want to host software on there for decades.
But you know what? I pick up my golden NES Zelda cartridge from time to time and play it on my original NES from back then. And as long as cloud gaming isn’t as timeless as physical media, it won’t find a hugely dedicated audience.
If the game can’t be ported properly, then don’t make a lazy cloud version.
What I find interesting is that one of the main criticisms of cloud gaming is that you can’t play everywhere… I feel I should remind people that back in the day you needed access to a TV to play your games. Imagine criticising mobile phones because not everywhere has network coverage…
Couldn’t think of an car analogy for the bizarre point you’re trying to make?
@SalvorHardin Huh?
Imagine buying a car and the dealership gets to decide when you’ve driven enough.
That’s cloud gaming.
Cloud gaming in and of itself is not a bad thing. I tried it out with Stadia and could see the appeal. If you don’t want to fork out the money for a console and want something that is easy to plug and play, cloud gaming has some incentive for that reason. I also tried Control on Switch and it played fine. I noticed at times lag, but it never was game breaking.
Having said that, I do find it to be a very lazy cop-out when games that can run natively on the Switch are only brought over via the Cloud. That’s the case with Kingdom Hearts. There is no reason this isn’t running natively on the Switch, with perhaps the lone exception being the third title, which is a little more graphically intensive. Part of the appeal of the Switch is the play anytime, anywhere aspect, and Cloud gaming completely defeats that purpose.
Also, just my own personal opinion, but Kingdom Hearts is the most overrated video game series. Once the appeal of Disney and Final Fantasy characters together in a game wears off, you are left with a button mashing mess and a convoluted story line. I just never liked the games all that much.
@Scapetti You don’t ‘own’ it in either case. You are paying to use it. The NFT route just fools you into a sense of ownership that doesn’t really exist. @CharlieGirl understands perfectly well why this is anti-consumer.
Wasn’t like part of the reason they did cloud gaming for this was the awful amount of space these games take up? Like KH3 is 40 gigs I think. People already freakout and scream about the half cart half download thing the Switch already does. On top of the idea of it’s not on a cart at all people will scream about that. Square shouldn’t really have bothered at all with this.
If the switch cloud version is the only way for you to play these games, might I suggest saving the money you would spend on full priced cloud versions and just get a series s or a used ps4. Vast libraries for both, for the same price as a few of the cloud games. Or not, you’re your own person.
a servce no switch owner wanted they must have seen the runaway success of stadia and thought here we go
from what i gather the bigger issue people have is with the 1.5 and 2.5 collection which seems to be based on the ps4 double pack rather than the ps3 releases.
i feel in theory while i couldnt really see KH3 running on the switch i imagine that kh1 and 2 would be possible, again in theory
however a lot of the time it feels like whether or not the amount of time/resources required to optimize the game is worth it ends up being a deciding factor for publishers. (which is why i imagine you end up seeing a few poorly optimized sub 30fps messes)
as mentioned before i still hope nintendos next system keeps the "switching" aspect (along with being backwards compatible) since i love the idea but the hardware is definitely showing its age, not expecting a full on steam deck portable pc experience but even closing the power gap a little would open potential for more games being viable in the future, especially since its still the "cross gen" period when it comes to playstation and xbox
@Gitface that’s wrong
@CharlieGirl Is that the song used for the Keaton/Burton Batman movie!? I Love it!
Streaming games CAN be and often is bad.
Howevwr there are two exceptions to that rule: Geforce Now and Shadow.PC.
I own a shadow pc. 30 dollars a month for a gaming PC that costs less than building my own rig. It runs all my games on my crappy pc and phone even. Eventually I will save up for a PC but for now the service for 360 dollars is cheaper than trying to build a 2k pc right now.
I no like cloud gaming. Cloud gaming bad. Cloud gaming is rain cloud on good game parade.
In all seriousness, I will not be supporting this. Ever. Not on Switch, not on other consoles. I won’t be leasing my games, thank you.
@Primarina I have Shadow too! I never find other users in the wild haha. I also play with Stadia and GE Force Now. Stadia is a weird lil platform, and has all the concerning questions about ownership that are valid for this market. But you are 100% correct regarding Shadow and GFN as those are games you own, just running on servers you rent access to. I also have Game Pass, which yes lacks ownership but it’s more or less a Netflix approach and I prefer it to GameFly. I don’t have a problem with cloud gaming. You’d think I’d be the exact market for what Nintendo is doing here.
It just doesn’t see play to the Switch’s strengths, and all reports show the connections are less than optimal. Meanwhile on Stadia I played Cyberpunk 2077 and had almost none of the performance issues console players notably reported.
If the Switch 2 integrates 5G capabilities, then cloud streaming could become much more seamless and feasible. The short time I had with the KH3 demo was definitely frustrating with the frame rate cuts and streaming staggers, but still enjoyable enough, given Kingdom Hearts’ already floaty gameplay.
I would never buy the other KH games on the cloud, but playing KH3 on my Switch in handheld mode is certainly tempting. On the flip side, the idea of playing KH3 handheld is not tempting enough to buy a Steam Deck + KH3’s current price on Steam.
Me to Square: thanks! I hate it!
Cloud gaming on switch sucks ?
Should have broken em up and ported them separately.
How many times have we heard the term "gaming industry"?
Industry it is. Some companiens have become more "industrial" than others.
@BloodNinja Because no one ever sold or resold digital goods before NFTs existed. Right.
@anoyonmus yeah, if they offered it as an option on switch, that could give players ray tracing, or just quality in general the system isn’t capable of running itself, that would be fine. When they release switch games on the cloud with no other option, that’s not a good idea, IMO, & i wouldn’t do it if it was my company. All money isn’t good money. If they want to keep doing it & don’t care about upset customers, then go for it.
I hope people in UK still have options for a refund, because a short demo of a particular hand picked section of a game, isn’t always representative of the entire game. If they don’t offer refunds like with other games there, then they shouldn’t be able to treat these as equal to release in other formats, IMO. But, it’s their money. If they want to waste it, go ahead; but treat customers fairly, at least, & understand why many people don’t like these releases, at least.
I couldn’t believe the games were 720p and some games offered performance/quality modes. The PCs those games are running from should be able to run all those games max settings at 1080p 60fps, no problem at all – otherwise what is the point of paying for cloud gaming.
ubitus is cheaping out in some important areas. As DF said, nvidia geforce now would be a better cloud experience.
I wouldn’t pay to own nothing. Once those servers are off, they steal access to your purchased game forever
I’ve tried all of the cloud based demos on switch via (admittedly very good fibre optic) wired connection and found them to run pretty decent. I’m not hung up on having to own a physical cart, although I have about 20 or so. I really love having a collection on sd if I’m honest. My problem with it is the ridiculous prices. As I’ve said, I don’t mind not owning, hell, I’d happily rent a game for a few quid for a month, were that an option, but the full rrp for essentially nothing is totally unacceptable
I tried the control demo when it came out and it was surprisingly responsive on my 25mbps upload internet. My problem with the Switch cloud gaming is that the publishers are charging full price for each # years old game. MS and Stadia got this right by making them subscription based. If Nintendo’s idiotic NSO Expansion could include all of the cloud games, I would’ve dished out the extra $20.
@PcTV Another extremist. I never said that digital reselling doesn’t or hasn’t happened. I’m aware of Steam key resellers, for example, or people selling accounts on eBay. It’s certainly platform dependent. Since we are moving closer to all-digital, that will become more and more a reality, instead of something not so common or shady. Admittedly though, buying unused Steam keys technically isn’t reselling, and you can only use the key once.
@twztid13 yeah
@PcTV can you tell me an example of someone reselling a digital game after playing it? If what you were referring to was reselling unused game codes on CDKeys, g2a, etc, that’s not the same thing.
Every cloud gaming platform I’ve tried has had unacceptable levels of lag: OnLive, Xcloud, Switch demo of Control, Sony’s offering with PS2 games. They were all unplayable and had terrible image quality.
If this is the future, I’m happy to stay in the past and play all of the old consoles and their games.
@mikegamer They are ports to custom machines running them on servers.
Stadia Cloud doesn’t run on standard PC either.
Is it a Switch port? Not at all. Switch Cloud can be played on any console, media device, TV etc.
@CharlieGirl I guess you never heard of Game Pass.
It’s a low cost sub where you rent 100’s of games at the same time, saving you 1000$ +/- yearly on game purchases.
They can be be played natively on Xbox and PC, and streamed to TV, Phones, Tablet etc.
@BulkSlash why would that be the future? I remember when 3D gaming started and I thought it looked so ugly compared to the SNES. It felt like a huge step backwards… but now look at where we are! Cloud gaming is new technology in its infancy. It has a ways to go but it will get there. Internet speeds have been getting faster and faster
@ChromaticDracula We already live in an era of digital leasing, though. All our digital games are one server shutdown away from being gone forever (unless you proactively are making backups like you should be!) Cloud gaming is just another convenience for people that don’t care too much about games ownership. Similar to how people use Netflix that don’t necessarily care to own large quantities of movies. It’s just different tradeoffs for different people.
@Savage_Joe I can’t, but neither can I tell you one for NFTs.
Steam and others allow you to resell stuff you get in-game or even sell your own creations, the exact same thing NFTs want do but without the NFT part, and way before they were created.
It’d be awesome to be able to resell your digital games at some point, but I don’t see how NFTs being necessary for that transaction at all.
«From what I have seen, it does NOT WORK well on hardware like Switch where the wi fi is kinda crappy.»
NVIDIA Shield TV from year 2015 streams 4K/60 better than on Switch with same processor.
The bottleneck is the Switch software and server performance, not the Switch hardware.
You can stream better than Switch on weaker hardware. Like i said, it’s software and server issues.
I have the best conditions possible for Cloud on Switch.
520/520 Fiber line and Wired LAN.
Even then Control and Hitman 3 streaming sucks.
I only tried the demos, but the stream is the same.
Even if stream were proper, the games is still not worth 60$ each.
Hitman 3 + Control costs 120$ on Switch.
Both games is in Game Pass. If you pay 1$ you can complete both games within 30 days on Game Pass.
That 1$ also includes 100’s of other games. 2nd month costs 12$ which is the normal price. Still 1000 times the value of Switch Cloud.
Just shows how wrong price cloud on Switch is.
@BloodNinja Uhm… extremist? I don’t even support those game key sites, the origin of those keys tends to be… questionable.
You do know people sell things other than games, right? Like books, in-game goods, music, etc. With no need of NFTs.
Completely DRM-free in most cases too.
Game Streaming barely have any hardware requirements and the requirements is way less than Switch hardware.
The problem is that Nintendo have terrible cloud system on their servers on top of ***** streaming app on Switch.
@PcTV I’ve been saying that all along, you’re just jumping around at this point.
@Ventilator I know of the Game Pass service, yes. I said what I said.
@Lord Knowing Nintendo, not even cloud stream games would carry over to a new Nintendo console. Nintendo is too greedy for that.
@CharlieGirl Knowing of it is one thing, but how it works vs money is a different thing.
Why do companies even try Cloud anymore?
@Ventilator “NVIDIA Shield TV from year 2015 streams 4K/60 better than on Switch with same processor.“ “The bottleneck is the Switch software and server performance, not the Switch hardware.“
The hardware is also responsible for all of that. The switch’s Tegra chip is severely underclocked compared to the Shield TV (1ghz cpu vs 1.75ghz cpu, 390gflops vs 1TF gpu). Believe it or not, it’s the cpu that determines how fast the other components, like bandwidth speed (which is the most important for streaming and data transfer) and internet speed will go. Try to stream on an intel i3 vs an i7 with all the other components being the same and you will notice the difference immediately. Since the Switch is a cut down Shield TV, of course the other components will be affected, including streaming performance.
“The problem is that Nintendo have terrible cloud system on their servers on top of ***** streaming app on Switch.” Nintendo has 0 cloud streaming servers. This is all done from a third party company’s servers and app.
@blindsquarel It can be very good in practice. If not on current games/platforms, in the future it will definitely be solid, almost indistinguishable to local hardware.
The problem with cloud gaming is ownership. Like, if you are worried about «owning» your Steam games, imagine cloud games, which don’t even run on your hardware. I really don’t like it.
I like the fact that I can still play my NES games on my original NES (or well, a Toploader that I am using these days), just the way they were meant to be played, and no licensing issues or other «happenings» are ever going to change this.
Digital Foundry doing a video on Switch streaming. It’s like a nexus of all things useless.
The duck’s face expression says it all.
@CharlieGirl Nice Batman reference ?
LOL… really… Digital Foundry is actually considering Cloud Version games now? What a waste of time!!
Well, in any case, I will never consider Cloud Gaming. I rather stop playing games altoghter.
Remember Cloud requires you to have your own ISP subscription to even access cloud. NO ISP NO internet to Cloud that’s a FACT – Cloud advocates forget conveniently to tell people. Internet isn’t free and people should know this. I have yet to hear of a single place that you can connect to your own ISP for FREE in NA. Sure people talk WiFi but someone has to pay for it so you can get WiFi access-assuming they give you the login to access their WiFi. So alot of people talk just get Cloud but don’t tell there’s another cost before you can get Cloud access.
@Drommajin you didn’t watch the video, and it shows. They played the Switch cloud games and didn’t like them. But unless the switch’s hardware improve, this tendency will continue
@Savage_Joe I dunno if I expressed myself correctly but I meant to say Cloud Games shouldn’t even be considered. Of course they didn’t liked them. Also, if this is a tendency even on the “basic” Switch hardware, I rather quit gaming.
Cloud gaming will ultimately fail as it doesn’t reach as wide an audience as physical and digital native ports.
Seems like I’m in the minority. I like the cloud gaming option.
Say HELL NO to Cloud gaming.
Honestly, theres plenty to play anyway, my backlog is ridiculous. If they csnt be bothered to release a couple of ps2 titles so be it, ill put my money somewhere else. Cloud gaming should be cheaper or just not exist, maybe a hire fee to use for a week or so but otherwise forget aboit it.
I wonder how many people saying "omg you wasted your money once servers go down!!!1" are the same people who will throw $20+ at the movies? It’s the exact same thing.
Cloud gaming would be okay if it’s optional like if we had the option to also buy it to own and play natively. Having it as the only way to play is just lazy and greedy at the same time and I will never support it.
reason why sora shouldnt even have a spot in smash since square is being so dam cheap with kingdom heart games for switch cloud gaming is just dam lazy period.
I hate streaming games idea.
You are not owning the games, you just rent the games and the games will be disappeared once the server get closed.
Lol, I’m all for supporting SE, but don’t buy into crappy cloud games.
Where I live, the internet service is mostly rubbish (even on a good day).. I get the internet dropping out often. I also only get a small allowance for the internet each month (the prices are crazy expensive in my area), so have to watch what I do online. My area is not ready (or prepared) for Cloud gaming at this point in time.
Then there is the portability issue, what is the use of having the game on a handheld if you need an internet connection to play? Once you step out of the house, who is to say that you will even have an internet connection? Most probably you will not be able to play this game on the go.
Then there is the pricing and ownership issue, if we are paying full price for these games, who knows how long we will be able to play them for anyway (before they are no longer available to us / online). Not paying (especially if it is full price) for a game that could simply be taken away from us at any moment.
There’s no reason to not make a decent port of any of those games. And I tired of the "power" excuse. They have even done worse ports in PS and Xbox machines in the past but we Nintendo users doesn’t deserve their time nor money. We deserve the common denominator because how dare not bend the knee to MS or Sony and admire their beauty.
Switch is one of Nintendo’s most succesful console in year and yet we don’t get a decent port of those games because reasons? But the freaking failure that is the Xbox brand keeps being treated like a king even when it has never been first place in like 20 years!?
To hell with them!
Let’s be serious, cloud gaming should come with a physical « dongle » to put in the game slot to validate ownership
And be ressellable.
Otherwise, suck it
Cloud gaming is for dopes
@Scapetti I get your points other than the latency issue. Having game mode off often goes past the 100ms point so even half that would be too much for most non-casual gamers who prefer low latency. But for casuals such as yourself it’s a great solution as you say.
@andykara2003 I mean I guess with the more post processing TVs kept adding the situation got worse. But at the beginning of HD TVs people didn’t even know what game mode was and it also probably didn’t even exist on TVs at the time. I was kind of referring to then rather than how it is now. The input latency with cloud gaming is actually pretty decent. As I said, I was able to play Psychonauts 2 which has platforming sections. Platforming is some of the hardest to deal with when it comes to input latency and I didn’t even notice an issue. It’s not perfect but it’s a lot better than you’d expect
@andykara2003 also, I’d like to consider myself hardcore casual haha. I’m a hardcore gamer, been playing since the NES and have played almost every Nintendo game. But I don’t freak out about PC master race and playing with high refresh rate monitors and the like, so in that regard I’m «casual».
Edit: I do play with game mode on of course, I was just trying to make a comparison
Cloud versions of PS2/PS3 remasters is just plain lazy on Square’s part. We know the Switch is capable of running them! Won’t be buying £90 cloud versions of games you can’t play when u want and can be pulled at anytime. Very poor show Square, and I really wanted to play these games!
Cloud gaming is horse sh** PERIOD!
@Scapetti Love your attitude – you’re absolutely right. Everyone (including me) obsesses too much over this stuff sometimes. I expect I could have a great time with Stadia etc.
@andykara2003 geforce now performs the best and has a lot of customisation. It used to be the best one. But unfortunately the game selection has been reduced massively. Last I checked it has most of the ubisoft library though and plenty of indies. It used to be that you could play your entire steam library but that was only when the service was in beta. Admittedly I haven’t checked it in a while but last I checked I was kinda disappointed. Plus it only lets you play games you already own so it’s kinda dumb that it doesn’t let you play everything now. It does let you use the service for free though for two hours at a time so that’s a big plus.
Xbox cloud is what I use now, as it has the better selection of games (Gears of War, Halo, Doom, Psychonauts etc.) but it doesn’t perform as well. And there’s no customisation. (Geforce now lets you choose resolution and framerate depending on your internet connection for a silky smooth experience). There’s no free option but you don’t have to buy the games so you get a LOT for your money.
Stadia has a really poor selection of games so I didn’t even bother with that one
Where’s Stadia now????
@Ventilator That’s only half true, considering you still had to download them, those multiple downloading of games whether they are $1 or free could still rack up charges as they could easily eat through your internet data very quickly thus raking in a lot of charges. The only way you will get value is if you love mobile, retro, or indie games that doesn’t devour your data that fast. If all you’re playing is triple A titles, the service charges you save from Game Pass will go towards your monthly internet bills. It gets even worst if you play cloud gaming too as the longer you game on the cloud, the more internet data you use. Cap over and you get charge more.
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Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is ‘Exhilarating’ And At Times ‘Surprisingly Difficult’ According To Japanese Media
The early signs are promising
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is Already Being Streamed Online, And It's Not Even Out Yet
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Is Already Being Streamed Online, And It’s Not Even Out Yet
Not again!
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Release Date Details And How To Get It Early
Pokémon Legends: Arceus Release Date Details And How To Get It Early
You don’t have to be a Night Rowlet
30 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games To Look Forward To In 2022
30 Upcoming Nintendo Switch Games To Look Forward To In 2022
Our most anticipated games of 2022
Video 9 Exciting New Games Coming To Nintendo Switch In February 2022
News Pokémon Legends: Arceus’ NYC Launch Was Unusually Subdued, But That’s Fine
News Puzzle-Platformer Pompom Announced For Switch
Feature Game Boy’s Perfect Pixel Art And Our Obsession With Reclaiming It

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