Crazy Warzone exploit completely removes recoil for PC controller players – Dexerto


Published: 19/Feb/2022 18:01
Warzone creator Rara has uncovered a cheating exploit that completely removes recoil when using a controller on PC.
Warzone exploits and cheats have been a fairly common thread since the popular battle royale’s release. In fact, the game was once plagued with hackers – whether wallhacks, aimbot or the use of macros – evident in nearly every lobby.
However, Warzone’s integration with 2021’s Call of Duty: Vanguard brought the highly-anticipated RICOCHET anti-cheat system. But, while it may have solved a lot of cheating issues that caused many players to lose interest in Warzone, exploits still exist.
In a February 19 video, Warzone creator Rara shared an exploit that can give you no recoil when using DS4 – a widely used application that gives no latency when using a controller on a PC.
While many use DS4 for low-latency input purposes, the popular software has other features that can give players no recoil when using the right settings, as demonstrated in Rara’s video.
“So you may be wondering are streamers cheating? I don’t know. Most likely no, but I don’t know,” Rara explained. “The problem is, is that I don’t think any of us know!”
He continued: “Don’t start going into streamers’ chats and ask if they use DS4, and if they do, don’t assume they must be cheating because that’s not 100% a fact. I didn’t know this was in the program, and I’ve been using it for 2 years now.”

Rara added that he’s showcasing the exploit in hopes that it’s patched – and to see which creators and pro players have been abusing it. “I want the developers to see this because it needs to be fixed. But, they need to also understand that the game is in such a bad place that I lowkey want to load this up. Who knows if pro players are using it? We have no idea!
“Sure if it gets patched they’ll go back to controlling their own recoil like I do every day,” said Rara. “But, does that change the fact they got to where they are doing this? My point is, it needs to be fixed and I want to see people suffer. I want to see who are the big guys that get outed for it.”
Raven and Activision are yet to respond to the news’ emergence, but we hope to see RICOCHET prove adaptable enough to identify and ban those who have been abusing this particular exploit.
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