Code Coven and Facebook Gaming's Game Developer Program will guide under-represented talent – Pocket Gamer.Biz


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Code Coven is partnering with Facebook Gaming for the second consecutive year to support under-represented talent via the Game Developer Program.
This support for early-stage developers will be in the form of structured guidance, mentorship, and finances via stipends in order to see games developed in the programme from concept to completion. Under-represented groups with a desire to learn to code are the desired audience.
Code Coven recently appeared at GDC and joined a panel discussing the enhanced responsibility of the gaming industry following the pandemic.
Code Coven and Facebook Gaming will both be providing guidance through the course, as will partners and mentors. Participants will develop a toolbox of resources, network, learn cooperative perspectives, and more.
Code Coven founder and CEO Tara Mustapha commented: «We’re thrilled to be partnering with Facebook Gaming for the second time. The course enables those from marginalised communities to enter and be embraced within the gaming industry. We look forward to supporting our new set of cohorts to learn from some of the best and brightest in the industry.»
The Introduction to Game Making course, another of Code Coven’s initiatives, was recently expanded thanks to a $100,000 grant from Unity’s charitable fund; it will run four courses this year. Meanwhile, the Game Developer Program is running from 13 June to 26 August 2022, with applications now open and accessible here.
Mobile app marketing platform Liftoff has plans to launch its new «Women in Mobile» initiative to connect and support women in one week’s time.
Aaron is the Staff Writer at and has long enjoyed a good turn-based strategy game. He has spent many more hours playing Fire Emblem Heroes than he cares to admit.
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