Best Zeri build in League of Legends – Dot Esports


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«Ugh, might’ve rushed that one. It’s okay, I’ll do better.»
Zeri is the 158th champion in League of Legends. This time, Riot Games served a new AD carry, the first one since Samira’s debut in September 2020.
The Spark of Zaun has an intriguing trick that relies on movement speed, attack speed, and naturally, attack damage. The developers designed a champion that’s highly mobile, and her abilities allow players to take different paths when wondering what to build.
Here is one of the best builds for Zeri in season 12.
Lethal Tempo: When it comes to marksmen that rely on attack speed, there’s no better precision rune than Lethal Tempo. With its help, you can gain additional AS, which will help you squeeze in more attacks in early skirmishes and make you a deadly weapon in the later parts of the game.
Presence of Mind: Zeri’s kit doesn’t depend only on auto attacks. Her skills have a short cooldown and can reset the overcharge, which is activated by her ultimate ability. Therefore, you’ll need any additional mana you can get, and Presence of Mind serves as a great tool to restore it.
Legend: Bloodline: While you will be focusing on attack speed and attack damage in your items, no marksmen should despise extra lifesteal. Legend: Bloodline is an excellent way to provide yourself with some.
Coup de Grace: Zeri is an extremely mobile champ, but like every AD carry, you’ll occasionally face the enemy’s frontline. Shredding through tanks is way easier with Coup de Grace, which will also aid you in quickly eliminating the more squishy heroes.
Taste of Blood: When it comes to Taste of Blood, the case is the same as it was in Legend: Bloodline. You heal when you damage enemy champions, and you will be aiming to damage them a lot while doing your best to survive.
Ravenous Hunter: Zeri players often want to maximize lifesteal and survivability in runes, so Ravenous Hunter seems like a great final piece to your build.
Bonuses: +10 percent Attack Speed, +9 Adaptive Force, +6 Armor
We start the item build with the most standard way for AD carries: Doran’s Blade and a Health Potion. The former provides most marksmen with tools needed to get through the first levels of the game, while the latter is essential when you’re in a losing match-up, the enemy jungler shows up, or you just had a bad trade.
This item is heavily favored by many vastly different champions in League. Trinity Force works well for Zeri because besides boosting your most important stats, you also add a little health, ability haste, and ability power. Additionally, the Threefold Strike ability will allow you to stack your movement speed and attack damage even more, which makes Trinity Force a no-brainer to pick on the Spark of Zaun.
Berserker’s Greaves is often a perfect fit for AD carry champions. Though some marksmen would choose other boots in some situations, this scenario doesn’t really apply to Zeri. With her, the more attack speed, the better.
Runnan’s Hurricane is a pivotal choice for ranged champions with high attack speed. Its unique ability allows you to hit multiple targets at once, which will often be crucial in close-range battles or when trying to quickly take care of the upcoming wave. Additionally, the item boosts your critical strike chance by 20 percent, which may turn fights in your favor.
After boosting attack speed, it’s time to focus on the actual damage. Black Cleaver is an excellent choice for that purpose. It gives you 40 points of attack damage while also bolstering your health and ability haste. Additionally, its unique abilities, Carve and Rage, mesh together well with Zeri’s kit.
Titanic Hydra is another example of useful abilities that come from purchased items, and it also works brilliantly on Zeri. Colossus aids you with additional AD equal to two percent of your bonus health, and with Titanic Hydra, Black Cleaver, and Trinity Force, you should have some bonus health under your belt. Cleave, on the other hand, will allow you to wreak havoc—even more so in close quarters—when combined with Runaan’s Hurricane. It’s also a booster to your AD traditionally since it gives you 30 points of that stat.
The final item returns to Zeri’s basics: boosting attack speed, but at the same time, Wit’s End polishes her attack damage and magic resist. The latter might come extremely useful when playing against mages.
At the same time, Wit’s End comes with Frey, a helpful tool to deal a little magic damage and move even faster on Summoner’s Rift. Guardian Angel is a great substitute iuf you’re not comfortable building Wit’s End, if the enemy team doesn’t have AP champs, or if the opponents have many tools to take you out of the fight rapidly.
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