Amazon Is Finally Gaining Traction in Video Gaming – The Motley Fool


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Returns as of 03/04/2022
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Amazon Game Studios is seeing lots of success with its newest game, New World. In this Fool Live segment from «The Gaming Show,» recorded on Feb. 14, Motley Fool contributors Jon Quast and Jose Najarro discuss the potential for New World to be a breakout hit for Amazon. 

Jon Quast: We’ve talked a little bit about Amazon gaming here in the past. Its first game, what was it called? I had it written down here and I can’t find it at the moment, but the first game was OK. It wasn’t really that greatly reviewed, the one from Amazon Studios, but this Lost Ark.
Jose Najarro: New World?
Jon Quast: New World, yes. Thank you, Jose. This new game from Amazon Game Studios, it is doing very well according to data from Steam DB. This is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. A bunch of people going online and you’re role-playing. Number 2 right now is for that genre of games behind PUBG Battlegrounds. Just so that you have some perspective here, PUBG Battlegrounds is way in the lead with 3.3 million as their highest concurrent players, but Lost Ark at 1.3 million and this isn’t a game that is all that old. This is a fairly new game, so interesting to see Amazon finally, maybe gaining a little bit of traction here in video games.
Jose Najarro: Yeah, this one was pretty interesting, like you mentioned, John. It’s second-highest concurrent game on Steam. I think in all genres like you mentioned 1.3, it broke records. This is brand new game. I do believe one of the major reasons that I was saying that hey, it hasn’t really done much better is their servers are just overloaded, people are just sitting, waiting to get into the game. I wonder if more servers were available, how much more growth? I wonder if that stalemate of people waiting is cutting off the growth for this at the moment.
I know Amazon earlier announced today that well, not Amazon itself but the studio that’s partnering with Amazon games, they’re opening up new servers to fix this issue, so more people are able to play the game. This is also one of those free-to-play games where you don’t have to pay anything to enter it. This is starting to become a big normal in the gaming market, but I was just looking at it and there’s numerous of ways that Amazon has these transactions, micro-transactions that are happening in this game that I’m pretty sure that’s where most of the revenue is going to be coming from.
Jon Quast: The thing that I was thinking about when I was reading this news is that we talk a lot about the Metaverse in our articles on We talk about it here on the gaming show a lot. We talk about it in a lot of places. One of the things about the metaverse and the reason why we say it’s not really here and not in the way that it is intended to be someday. One of the components of the metaverse is that it’s going to be able to be accessed by a whole lot more people than 1.3 million. We see already 1.3 million already straining a little. We’re going to talk about this more here in a moment, but already straining networks as it is. This is one of those things that you’re going to see developed more and more over the next 5-10 years. Platforms that are going to be able to support hundreds of millions of people concurrently. For these futuristic visions of the metaverse to truly take the form that they’re projecting right now. Just something that I was thinking about as I was reading this news from Amazon.
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