22 Best PC Horse Riding Games – Gameranx


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Giddy up.
Horses! They’re awesome…at times. You know, when they don’t kick you or anything, they have a mean streak people!!! But when it comes to video games, they’re often put into the games to help you get around, allow you to do special things in combat, and so on. And on PC, you’ll find quite a few games with horses, such as with these best PC horse riding games!
Let’s start with a game that honestly doesn’t let you OFF of your horse. A rare thing in games believe it or not.
Kingdom Two Crowns is a minimalist kind of enterprise where you play as a monarch who is trying to both build up your kingdom, and help it survive. While on top of your royal steed, you’ll go and recruit subjects, have them build up your kingdom, and then fight off those who would wish to topple it. All in this side-scrolling pixel art adventure game.
Though it may be “minimalist” there are a bunch of challenges within it, and you’ll even be able to visit other lands and periods in order to have new experiences. So see how far your will and horse can take you here.
The Mount & Blade series is one that has gotten a lot of legs by going beyond its main story, and Mount & Blade: Warband is a great example of that. For this is a standalone expansion that prizes itself on combat and giving you a unique experience with you and your horse.
Because in this particular expansion, the lands you are a part of have been ravaged by war, and you must lead a group of warriors into the fray in order to try and stop it. And that includes mounted combat that’ll truly test what you can do on a horse.
And that doesn’t even talk about the 64-player multiplayer battles you can have, and the grand campaign that has you becoming a true ruler where you can improve your companions in order to make sure you can win the day!
Many of the games you’ll see here are ones that just so happen to HAVE horses in them, we’ll admit that. But Secrets of the Magic Crystals is one that actually lets you BREED horses both regular…and magical.
Oh yes, you indeed have a horse-breeding ranch that puts you in charge of breeding horses in a fantasy setting, which includes Pegasus, Unicorns, and more.
But it’s not just about getting the horses, it’s about taking care of them, and building up your farm to better support them and assist their needs.
If you do well, then your horses will prosper, and isn’t that what everyone wants? That’s what we thought.
Riding Club Championships is for those who have always wanted to be in a riding competition but never got the chance or had the ability.
Because this is a title that is all about making sure you have what it takes to not just ride horses, but win competitions in them. You’ll learn various kinds of horse sports then take your skills to competitions to see how you do! You can even go online and put yourselves against other horse racers to see how you stack up.
And if you want an even greater challenge, you can go create your own courses and obstacles to see how creative you can get as you ride! There’s a lot of variety in here, so saddle up and ride for glory!
And…here’s another standalone expansion for you. But fear not, Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword challenges you in fresh and exciting ways beyond the difficult combat systems. Because this time around, there are firearms that you can wield in battle!
But that only scratches the surface of what you can do here. As the game allows you to pick who you want to be, what allies and enemies you want to have or go up against, what castle to raid, and so on and so forth.
The game is robust, and has not only three different storylines, but multiple endings that’ll have you doing it again just to see what you can change.
Will you be able to rise to the challenge?
We’d be remiss if we didn’t do a game that was truly all about horse racing, and that’s what Rival Stars Horse Racing: Desktop Edition is all about. A graphically stunning take on being a jockey, as well as having a whole stable of horses to raise.
You are given the keys to a homestead and tasked with restoring your family’s horse racing honor (isn’t that always the case?), and you have to do it, and do it well. So, raise the right kinds of horses, make sure you work with your staff to keep the horses strong and healthy, then, get onto the track and take on other jockeys as you fight for supremacy on the track!
Every horse you have is unique, remember that as you raise them, and expand your homestead so that you can be the racing dynasty you were always meant to be.
If you’re looking for less of a sim and more of a management game, then Starters Order 6 is the one for you. Because this is the game that boils everything down into its finest and most detailed elements in order to ensure you have an accurate account of what it really means to be bother jockey, and a horse owner in general.
You’ll need to perfectly select not just the horses you try and raise, but the jockeys that rides them, the people that take care of them, and so on.
Everything in here is as accurate as can be, including how races can go, the penalties and ways you can fail during the race, and more. This is a title for those who want to see if they can beat the system, is that you?
Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is the final Mount & Blade title you’ll see here, and yet, it might be the most expansive of the lot. Set 200 years before Warblade, the game puts you in the lands of Calradia, and has you choosing your own path as you try and “make a new world on the ashes of the old”.
Because yet again you are in a war-torn land, and must lead armies to try and make your own kind of peace. But how you do so is up to you. Create the character you want, then roam the land in search of battle, economics, treasure, or to build a secret criminal empire.
The battle system is one that tests your skills and how you direct them, and once again, multiplayer modes allow you to delve deeper into the combat than ever before and test your skills on foot and on horses against other players!
A deep experience awaits!
Black Desert Online is an MMORPG that truly wants you to experience the game’s life not just by battling, but by exploring and being your “true self”. Whether that be on horseback or on foot, you’re going to find a lot to enjoy here.
Not the least of which is the rich and expansive landscapes full of characters to interact with, and monsters to go and fight.
The title encourages you to customize your character both in looks and in skills to your heart’s content, and you’ll find plenty of content to keep you fulfilled as you see what you can be.
Prepare to be thrust into a conflict that will change your life in various ways. For Kingdom Come Deliverance puts you into the realistic time of Bohemia during a time of civil war and strife. You play as Henry, son of a blacksmith who watches as his family and friends are killed by an invading horde.
Now, you must travel the land as part of a resistance movement and defeat your enemies, and possibly restore peace to Bohemia. Or, allow it to burn in order to satiate your revenge, it’s up to you.
The game gives you a lot of options (not the least of which is horse options) and lets you carve out your own path and destiny. The only question is, what path will you take? Build yourself up, explore a realistic and dynamic world, and see all that it has to offer as you choose what kind of person you want to be.
What is there to say about The Sims? It’s a simulation game where you can literally go and have a life within a life, and then do with it what you will. The Sims 3 Pets just narrows your focus down so you can do various things with your pets aside from just having them.
In this case, you can raise them and then guide them so that they can do various activities or have certain personalities depending on how you treat them. And yes, one of these pets that you can have is indeed a horse. So go and raise the horse of your dreams and then see what you can do with them in this expansion.
Odyssey is widely regarded as one of the best Assassin’s Creed games, and for good reason. Because it takes what was learned from Origins and puts them to work in a fun and expansive story and land. One that once again allows you to be one of two characters. In this case, the Spartan mercenaries Alexios or Kassandra.
With a set of weapons at your beck and call and a horse to take you around the Greek isles, you’ll learn about your mysterious past and figure out how to make yourself into the Greek hero you were always meant to be.
There is a TON of content here, as well as a vast set of lands and islands to explore. Not to mention the DLC which features “crossover stories” and more. You and your horse will be on quite an…Odyssey…we assure you.
Conan Exiles is an MMORPG, and you know those games are full of horses, and indeed, this one is no exception.
In the game you’re saved by Conan himself, but that’s just the beginning. You must learn to survive in a land that is full of harsh conditions, vicious entities, and vengeful gods. How long you last is entirely up to you, and how much you thrive is something you’ll have to work towards.
The game boasts not just mounts like horses for you to ride, but mounted combat as well! Ensuring that your experience is truly special and unique. So hop in and see how long you last in these exiled lands!
The Assassin’s Creed franchise very much got a rebirth via Origins, and with the latest entry in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, fans got to go on an adventure that was not just worthy of the game, but worthy of horses! Why? Because you’re getting to play as a Viking! Duh!
You’ll be the one known as Eivor, a Viking raider who lands on the English shores before a certain time period, and are given the chance to build a new home for your Viking kin! The lands are lush and full of other people and possibilities, so you’ll need to mount your horse and ride across it all to see what’s there!
Fight, raid, ravage fortresses and their guardians, and more! All so that you (and your horse!) can get into Valhalla!
Ok, we’ll be honest here, we kind of forgot you could ride horses in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Which isn’t really that much of a surprise as this was the final game in the Kojima-run of Metal Gear Solid, and as a result, we were usually rather blinded and overwhelmed by the story in multiple ways that things were forgotten, so our bad.
We won’t try and give you an overview of the game as it’s a bit complicated. But this title is meant to fill in the pieces of all that came before it and truly answer what happened in the Metal Gear saga. So if there are horses as a part of that answer? Then sure, let’s put it on this list!
In the island nation of Yara, a man named Anton Castillo is the one in charge. But just as dangerous is the fact that he’s grooming his son to try and take his place one day.
You are part of a group of guerrilla forces who are trying to overthrow him, but it won’t be easy. Anton has never been afraid to use all sorts of tactics to try and get his way, and so you must be just as smart. So ride your horse, or use various vehicles with horsepower (see what we did there?) in order to help bring down his regime. Just know that some of the choices you make will indeed affect the game and its ending.
How far will you go for peace? Whatever you do though, please don’t sacrifice your horse.
Darksiders is a hack-an-slash RPG that puts you in the very unfamiliar position (or at least we hope it’s unfamiliar to you…) of War, one of the legendary for horsemen of the apocalypse!
So that right there already makes this a perfect game for this list as you’re playing a horseman! And you indeed will ride your apocalyptic horse into battle as you try and figure out who tricked you into starting the end times. But be wary, you won’t just be fighting monsters, you’ll be fighting angels and other creatures that are determined to ensure the truth doesn’t get out.
So ride your horse across the ruined land and see what the true origins of the end times are!
What’s better than a war horse? A death horse! That’s what!
The sequel to the original game, Darksiders II puts you in the role that all fear…the Horsemen of Death. Death is alive and trying to redeem the name of his brother War, but whether he can do that without destroying all of creation is something you’ll have to figure out.
Seriously though, you’re riding a skeletal death horse in the game, what can be better than that? You know, besides using Death’s powers to utterly destroy your enemies? Just saying!
Either way, you can get this game and see if this horseman horse-game is up to your liking, or whether all these horse puns will make you a little hoarse.
Skyrim is one of those games that keeps on giving, especially on PC. Why? Because we could very easily tell you about how the game is about the Dragonborn that you play, and how you’re trying to save Skyrim from monsters, and to defeat dragons so you can get more powers. But for PC gamers, the true fun here is the mods.
Mods that can also apply to your horse! So if you’re really wanting to do something fun with horses in a game, go into some Skyrim mod sites and figure out what people modded in so you can something that is “more than a horse”.
Just be careful, it can get…pretty weird if you let it.
We acknowledge that many of these games just have horses as a feature and aren’t really “horse games” in the overall. But when it comes to Red Dead Redemption 2, you are absolutely going to be needing your horse.
A prequel to the original title, this game puts you in a band of outlaws who are struggling to adapt to a west that’s being “tamed”, and you’ll need to be quick on the draw and fast on your horse in order to make it through…if that’s even an option.
This game is fun, large, cinematic, and beautiful, and that’s not even talking about Red Dead Online where you can do even MORE with the game, and your horse.
We almost gave this one the top spot because quite frankly, every Witcher needs his Roach, and Roach is the bestest of horses on this list, we can’t deny that. And sure enough, The Witcher 3 makes great use of your horse as you’ll need them to get around a vast land and fight monsters at times.
Wild Hunt is still regarded as one of the best RPGs ever made just because of its looks, narrative and gameplay feel. Plus, with its DLC, there is even MORE to do should you want to do it. And who will be there to take you from one spot to the next? Roach the Epic, that’s who.
We can’t forgive the Netflix series for killing Roach, we just can’t.
Ok, we’ll admit, we’re a little bias here just because of how grand Elden Ring is as a whole. But, we also must admit that the horses in Elden Ring aren’t just for window dressing or “just to get around”. Elden Ring made a huge leap from the previous titles of From Software by making it so that you could not just ride a horse, but you could get to certain places only through a horse, AND, you get to fight on horseback! And it’s honestly really fun!
Sometimes it’s the little things that matter here, and being as you can summon your horse on a dime or make them vanish in a ball of light, you’ll never have to worry about misplacing them, or needing them so you can do something yet they’re not nearby.
And then there’s the rest of the game to play…without the horse…it’s a big game, we’re just saying.
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