Review: FlexiSpot X-Frame Gaming Desk GD1B – KnowTechie


This desk feels like it’s trying desperately hard to appeal to a specific audience. An audience that I’m not a part of anymore
I’ve never seen the need for a ‘proper’ gaming desk. They all do the same thing, and it’s not like you can’t adjust computer chairs to your ideal height.
My IKEA LINNMON hasn’t failed me yet. I’m trying to say that if it fits your monitor, mouse, and other essentials, there shouldn’t be any real reason to have a specific desk.
However, I’m open to changing my mind, so I was more than happy to take the FlexiSpot X-Frame Gaming Desk GD1B Desk for a test drive and review it here. Annoyingly, what I discovered is a mess of conflicting feelings. Let me explain why.
So, the important things first. This desk comes in at a decently sized 120 x 60 cm. It has a clever monitor shelf and comes complete with a cup holder, headset bracket, and a controller rack.
If you have a mechanical keyboard, a steering wheel, and a mouse with 8000 functions built-in, it might feel a little cramped, but my modest collection of a mouse, keyboard, and Xbox 360 pad fit beautifully.
Build quality is outstanding. Rather than traditional designs, which have a leg in each corner, the GD1B uses a gamer-friendly X-frame, as well as a series of supports running from one side to the other.
These supports make the desk incredibly sturdy, so when shoving myself away after getting whipped in Warzone by a teen who wants to do unsavory things to my mother, the desk doesn’t even wobble.
If your floor isn’t quite flat, you’ll love the caps to the base of each leg, as they can all be adjusted by screwing them in or out. It’s not a major thing, but it shows the level of thought FlexiSpot has given to some aspects.
The shape is very sleek, featuring lots of curved edges, including a section to the front that lets you scoot in really close and lean forward when you need to. This is incredibly clever, and I love the fact my ever-expanding waistline has been catered for.
The second, slightly higher shelf is something that’s been seen on a lot of desks, and it’s easy to see why it’s been used here. I’m 5’10” (178 cm), so it puts my monitor at an ideal height for me to use it for long periods without getting uncomfortable.
Above all, this is the feature that convinced me of the need for a dedicated computer desk. The monitor draws my attention, and my eyes don’t feel strained after looking down for long periods. I’ve written this review sitting at the GD1B, and it really feels like it’s the perfect height for me.
Anyone with dual-screen setups should also have no issues using this shelf. My monitor is big with a 56 x 13 cm footprint, and I can easily fit my laptop next to it with room to spare. A second monitor should easily fit.
On the flip side, though, there’s no space for my desktop’s tower that won’t ruin the look. My IKEA desk doesn’t have that issue – after all, that looks cheap whether I’ve got the tower next to the monitor or not.
What I’ve had to do is put the tower on the floor behind the rear support beam. It’s not a huge compromise, but it’s something I was very aware of, especially now that I need to climb under the desk to turn the PC on. On the plus side, that rear support beam now makes for a comfortable footrest.
FlexiSpot does seem to have covered for this with a little hole towards the rear corner for your mouse, keyboard, and cable management. It’s another small addition, but a very welcome, thoughtful one.
The all-black design has plenty of appeal at first glance, but it’s slightly ruined by the carbon fiber-inspired textured pattern that combines satin and matt finishes.
I like the idea in principle, and the fact it’s waterproof shows another level to the thought put into it. It just would have been nice to see something a little less contrasting.
Likewise, each side of the desk features red plastic brackets that have been thrown on for nothing other than to create a pop of color. If these had a use, I’d have no issue, but they just seem to be added on for absolutely no reason.
And they’re ridiculously flimsy, too. Make sure you build the desk exactly where you want to put it, otherwise you’ll be terrified of snapping them as you move it into another position.
I appreciate the look for what it is. I completely understand what FlexiSpot is trying to achieve here. But unless you’re a full-fledged streamer, trying to get into e-sports, or spend a serious amount of time gaming, it’s just a little bit overwhelming.
The patterns running throughout, and the red plastic edging, create a visual that won’t appeal to those who prefer a more professional-looking office. You definitely couldn’t put it in a minimalist, suburban apartment.
I don’t feel serious when taking Zoom meetings while working from home. I can barely take myself seriously while writing this review, although that might say more about me.
As a desk for online gaming sessions, though, it really comes into its own. Especially when bathed in the LED glow of a Vertagear PL4500, which I reviewed a few months ago.
One other small thing I feel the need to mention is the plastic cup holder and headset bracket. Both are outstanding ideas; however, both are absolute magnets for getting caught by your leg as you stand up, sit down, or just walk past it.
If these were retractable, or even made from a sturdier material, I’d adore them. I’ve managed to crack the cup holder within a couple of weeks, and now I’m terrified of doing further damage to either of them.
Like I said, I’m really conflicted over this desk. The actual shape and design are fantastic, and those who like the style will find a lot to love about this desk.
But I’m 36 now. I want to be able to go from gaming to writing reviews filled with jokes and bad puns, and occasionally my day job. I don’t want pointless red flourishes or a carbon fiber pattern.
Give me something sleek and simple, especially when dealing with such a space-hogging size.
If I’d had this desk in my early 20s, or if I wanted to be the next Markiplier, I’d be giving it a solid 8 out of 10. It really does have some great ideas.
But this desk feels like it’s trying desperately hard to appeal to a specific audience. An audience that I’m not a part of anymore. And if that doesn’t make me feel depressingly old, I don’t know what will.
If you’re looking for something a little different than what FlexiSpot has to offer, the $102 Amazon Basics Gaming Desk is a solid option. Other notable mentions include the $110 CubiCubi L-shaped Gaming Desk, and the $109 Desino Gaming desk.
The FlexiSpot GD1B Gaming Desk sells for $189.99 and can be purchased exclusively from the company’s website.
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Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. But remember, it’s one of the ways we keep the lights on here. Click here for more. A sample unit was also provided for this review.

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