
Quest Parental Controls to Include Locks on Apps, PC VR Linking & More – Road to VR

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Now the company says it&#8217;s bringing a number of new platform-level tools to its Quest platform soon so parents will know precisely what their kid are up to in VR.<br>Meta says that starting in April it will be expanding its headset pattern unlock system on Quest to go beyond the current one-and-done method it currently uses for headset unlocks. Soon parents will be able to put a pattern unlock on specific apps, something that will allow for tighter control on precisely what teens can access.<br>A month later, Meta will be introducing to teen accounts an automatic block on downloading or purchasing IARC rated age-inappropriate apps in the Quest Store. This is slated to come alongside a new suite of parental supervision tools, which Meta says will include the ability to allow apps through on a case-by-case basis. Teens will also be able to link a parent to their account so they can directly send and receive override requests for individual apps.<br>It seems Meta has thought of nearly everything too. In the near future, parents will also be able to block <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Link and Air Link</a> to thwart teens from bypassing content locks by using Quest to play PC VR content through Steam or the Rift Store.<br>&#8220;Our initial suite of parental supervision tools, which include a Parent Dashboard accessible from the Oculus mobile app, will allow parents to link to their teen’s account,&#8221; Meta says in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a blog post</a>. &#8220;The process is initiated by the teen, and both the parent and teen have to agree to the experience. This is just a starting point, informed by careful collaboration with industry experts, and we’ll continue to grow and evolve our parental supervision tools over time.&#8221;<br>This comes on the back of some fairly unflattering news pieces to hit the mainstream lately, such as the <em>BBC&#8217;s </em>piece in late February claiming <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">a Metaverse app allows kids into virtual strip clubs</a>, which has no doubt spurred the company to make good on its commitment to providing a safe and welcoming metaverse for all of its users.<br>Here&#8217;s a list of upcoming tools to expect in the coming months:<br><i>This article may contain affiliate links. If you click an affiliate link and buy a product we may receive a small commission which helps support the publication. <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">See here for more information.</a></i><br>You what I want, almost none of the crap that&#8217;s on my f&#8217;n Quest 2 headset. I want the headset, the games I&#8217;ve purchased and apps I&#8217;ve specifically downloaded, the store to buy more games and download more apps that I want, and that&#8217;s about it. The rest is all convoluted garbage fluff and all the insidious &#8220;social&#8221; crap that everyone believes is essential but is completely and utterly not. If only you modern gamers knew what it was like to have a gaming device that&#8217;s just simple and pure, and the genuine satisfaction and joy that comes from that.<br>all i hear you saying is me me me I want&#8230;. The quest isnt made catered to you, its for an industry crapbook believes is there and that group might not be 100% modern gamers. They could not be gamers at all, they could be young kids whoa re future gamers require these systems, just like an elderly person might need magnification or aided movement, just because you dont need or want it doesnt mean a large chunk of the demographic wont need or want it. <br>When developing or designing stop thinking just about &#8220;what do I want&#8221; and understand they aiming for what does the majority, or even a large group of users want. Like from what you&#8217;ve said clearly some users want this as a core gaming machine and nothing else, if they felt that made up the majority and is whats going to sell, then it would very easily just be that.<br>yes i am mostly interested in gaming in VR, all other crap i dont care.<br /> All this social and Horizon shit take to much focus imo.<br>8/16-bit was and will always be the best era of video games.<br>Will it also use AI to spy on them and report to parents if they have any gay tendencies (or other depending on laws in some countries) like Apple proudly announced, or is Facebook&#8217;s AI and on-device spying tech not as advanced yet?<br>Silicon valley &#8211; every day battling to be the no 1 Orwellian dark lord ruling humanity.<br>In other words &#8211; F&#8230; off and give me Valve&#8217;s HMD running Linux.<br>I&#8217;m so glad they&#8217;re finally putting these features in!!!<br>No way that&#8217;s her daughter.  Wonder what Facebook was thinking when they made this image to represent parental controls.<br><br><a href="">source</a>
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